do you dispose of the condom after having sex?

I'm not saying all women are trying to trap men fam, there are plenty of good women in the world and yeah, you gotta do your best to screen them

All I'm saying is a lot of these chicks are not the angels that dudes make them out to be, and don't think it's that easy to tell. Highly educated women with good careers are not exempt from craziness :lol: .

I'm sure you can find plenty of dudes that never saw it coming from the woman they were with. "No way, she's not like that" >D
Well I agree with you for the most part that screening is important and women aren't perfect. Sure unpredictable things happen and women do irrational things, but I don't think it's too difficult to get a good sense of a woman's motives and ambitions prior to sleeping with her. Do you not have conversations with women prior to sleeping with them re: birth control etc? Sure, lying happens (a lot) but do you think that women are perfect liars? Can you not tell when they are lying?
I guess the paranoia is necessary if you aren't screening properly, but my main point is out of principle I avoid sleeping with women that I haven't established some level of trust and connection with. I don't see the appeal of sleeping with an unmotivated, manipulative girl who would actually benefit their own life by "trapping a guy."

I'm not naive enough to believe that highly educated women with good careers are exempt from craziness; however, in my experience, that craziness doesn't manifest itself in them tricking a man into impregnating them. I appreciate the counterpoint though; I wasn't expecting this thread to result in any actual conversation beyond the delusional posts re: taking condoms home with you.

this guy gets it.
I understand the sentiment you have, but, with all due respect, based on many of the stories you post on your "yamb" exploits, you put yourself in situations where this sort of paranoia about getting trapped etc. is necessary. My point is I avoid putting myself in those situations.

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Get trapped if you want to. Not me, too much to lose.
If you have too much to lose, why do you associate yourself with the women who would be likely to trap you though? Doesn't make much sense...

For those of you with such a deep-seeded lack of trust in the women you sleep with: who are you sleeping with? And what sorts of efforts are you putting into a) "screening women" prior to sleeping with them and b) actually establishing a connection and some level of trust prior to sleeping with a girl. I don't see how having such a delusional impression of sex would be fulfilling at all.
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Do I dispose of it? What kinda question is this? Am I supposed to keep it? Should I hang it on a wall or something? Maybe I should put it in my trophy case and display it to the world like it was some sort of accomplishment.

Do I dispose it, he'll yea I do dirty ************.
Do I dispose of it? What kinda question is this? Am I supposed to keep it? Should I hang it on a wall or something? Maybe I should put it in my trophy case and display it to the world like it was some sort of accomplishment.

Do I dispose it, he'll yea I do dirty ************.
For those of you with such a deep-seeded lack of trust in the women you sleep with: who are you sleeping with? And what sorts of efforts are you putting into a) "screening women" prior to sleeping with them and b) actually establishing a connection and some level of trust prior to sleeping with a girl. I don't see how having such a delusional impression of sex would be fulfilling at all.
Screening women? Nah man. 2 drinks and one dance in the club and we're taking it to the crib. Gettin *** and (maybe) taking names. Dudes on here talking bout screening and  keeping binders full of women.
not srs
I just say brb and bury it deep in the trash or flush it if its not my house.
I honestly lost sleep a couple times due to me passing out drunk after smashin. Gave the chick a planB the next day and told her to lift up her tongue to make sure she took it.

**** ain't cool. I pull out even if I'm strapped and flush it down the toilet or make sure i dispose of it completely.
Exactly this.

No games can be played. Im not becoming a father b.. Even if I gotta vulcan punch her below the belt.
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