Do you think roided up bodybuilders can fight?

The basis of your whole argument is all Lebron has to do is rush at May and grab him and it'll be over.

And you have the audacity to question my validity?

I'll ask it again, do you think May or Pac are just going to stand there waiting for Lebron to grab them? Lebron would be on the ground before he even gets a hand on them.

Have you ever been in a fight?

Seen a street fight in person?

It's not 12 rounds! More like 90 sec! Floyd's shots won't stop Bron from grabbing him, or choking that ***** out. I'm basing this all of Bron having previous fighting experience as most urban youth have. I don't see them squaring up and throwing left hooks and right hands. If Bron wanted cuz down, he'd get cuz down!

By far the dumbest **** you've said yet.

Born is gonna eat Mays punches like he's agent Smith? And then your basing Brons ability to take May, a guy who has fought his whole life, on the possibility that Bron might've had a couple fights as an urban youth?


Floyd lands clean on Lebron and you think Lebron is just going to shrug that off?

Are you the latest delusional human being in here?

Bron has previous fighting experience? Slapboxing for a few years means you can hang with Floyd?


Like I said before, it took 2 clean shots to put down Victor Ortiz. And that's after previous rounds! Lebron looks to have a strong chin and steady neck. It's amazing how I can tell who knows and who doesn't! As great as he is in the ring May isn't landing more then 2 shots before Bron gets him.

Right. The 2 shots to Ortiz were with gloves.

This **** is now officially corny as hell. You're coming up with these fantasy land situations. "May isn't landing more then 2 shots before Bron gets him."

You know this how? Exactly. You know nothing. And you have the nerve to talk about "who knows and who doesn't". HA!

What I do know if one guy has proven himself in the arena we're discussing right now (combat. Street fight, boxing, whatever. It's combat) and has never been beaten and has walked away from most of his fights with little to no damage.

But you want to talk to me about how a basketball player will put hands on him.

**** atta here....
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Like I said before, it took 2 clean shots to put down Victor Ortiz. And that's after previous rounds! Lebron looks to have a strong chin and steady neck. It's amazing how I can tell who knows and who doesn't! As great as he is in the ring May isn't landing more then 2 shots before Bron gets him.
Here's a streetfight with a boxer.

Ok, dude was the same size and looks to be intoxicated. Not to mention he looks fairly out of shape, terrible example. How bout you look up Lewis vs Tyson.

I'm not saying May Aint the coldest. Bron is a freak of nature and in no way is May seeing him. You can't counter size and strength.

That boxer was like 60 years old!

:lol: at you taking that video seriously.

You can't counter size and strength.

If I needed 100% proof that you have no idea what you're talking about, this is it.
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And Pac and May are just gonna stand there and wait for him to grab them with their hands at their sides?


Nvm, my sarcasm meter is off.
its not all that far fetched tho. . . .

I mean, Lebron is legit fast and has a crazy wingspan, even if Pac and May were to evade they couldnt escape that even in a street fight, i mean, unless you think Pac and May have faster/quicker legs than Lebron

Why do you think they'd run away or try to evade?

They're going to unload on him before he even gets close.
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By far the dumbest **** you've said yet.

Born is gonna eat Mays punches like he's agent Smith? And then your basing Brons ability to take May, a guy who has fought his whole life, on the possibility that Bron might've had a couple fights as an urban youth?


Height, reach, strength, stamina, muscle mass >>>>>>>>>> skill. It's not an argument I'm done. Bron would hurt May in a street fight!
Here's a streetfight with a boxer.

Ok, dude was the same size and looks to be intoxicated. Not to mention he looks fairly out of shape, terrible example. How bout you look up Lewis vs Tyson.

I'm not saying May Aint the coldest. Bron is a freak of nature and in no way is May seeing him. You can't counter size and strength.

That boxer was like 60 years old!

:lol: at you taking that video seriously.

That reminds me of the old dude in Baby Billionaire or whatever the movie was called. The guy in the video is supposed to be Rocky Lockridge, he walks with a cane and was or still is a drug addict. Come to think of it Floyd Mayweather Sr. would probably beat Wade.
We on Bron's fighting background as an "urban youth" now. :rofl: :rofl:

It don't take much. Y'all acting like a street fight = playing chess, if your not afraid to get hit, and you have basic boxing skills, you can win majority of your street fights. I don't think y'all know what a random fight is like. 90% of the time heart > skill.

I didn't wanna claim Bron as something I don't know. He's from the hood, I'm assuming he's had fights. His size strength and athletisim would bet may.
We on Bron's fighting background as an "urban youth" now. :rofl: :rofl:

It don't take much. Y'all acting like a street fight = playing chess, if your not afraid to get hit, and you have basic boxing skills, you can win majority of your street fights. I don't think y'all know what a random fight is like. 90% of the time heart > skill.

I didn't wanna claim Bron as something I don't know. He's from the hood, I'm assuming he's had fights. His size strength and athletisim would bet may.

I'll go back to the fact that you somehow seem oblivious to the fact that you're discussing the best boxer in the world in a street fight.

His street fight just ain't going to look like whatever street fights you've seen or think you've seen. Some street fights end with a 2 piece.

Floyd would do just that. You're talking about Floyd like he's not strong or athletic. Dude is ELITE in every sense much like Lebron.

Lebron has the size. Floyd has the skill. Floyd will floor him. Floyd is the one of them that fights for living.

But Lebron got Floyd in the post though.

It's not that complicated. You sure you don't want to take some time to actually think about this before you reply again?
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Right that's Foreman though. This dude is saying his friend who's an aspiring pro probably a middleweight would knockout Mayweather.
Reminds me of the dudes that say they'd drop an avg of 10 points in an NBA given the right situation LOL
I could easy drop 15 if all defenders couldnt walk outside the arch, i had the full summer training sessions to whip me in shape, the new KDVIs with the matching gear, shin pads, and a shooting sleeve for my left arm
We on Bron's fighting background as an "urban youth" now.
It don't take much. Y'all acting like a street fight = playing chess, if your not afraid to get hit, and you have basic boxing skills, you can win majority of your street fights. I don't think y'all know what a random fight is like. 90% of the time heart > skill.

I didn't wanna claim Bron as something I don't know. He's from the hood, I'm assuming he's had fights. His size strength and athletisim would bet may.
Once Bron hit middle school he was already a basketball prospect.  He wouldn't have been getting in any street fights after the age of 13.

And in a "stree fight" with Mayweather, 1 of the 2 people wouldn't be panicking and scrambling throwing wild haymakers.  And thats Mayweather.

I dont care what NBA player you put in front of may that man is getting set up for the okie-doke as soon as its on.  May could easily slip a jab or any other punch from Wade or Bron and land AT WILL.  That's what you're not getting.  A boxing legend like mayweather isn't gonna just start swinging wild.  Bron might be the best athlete on earth right now but once he gets touched by a pro boxer i dont care if he is 145 lbs hes not lasting long.

Sidenote:  I LOVE how people come out the woodwork talking about how Wade and Bron are SOFT but all the sudden they could both handle Floyd Mayweather cause they got 10-12 inches in height and 80 lbs on him.
Once Bron hit middle school he was already a basketball prospect.  He wouldn't have been getting in any street fights after the age of 13.

And in a "stree fight" with Mayweather, 1 of the 2 people wouldn't be panicking and scrambling throwing wild haymakers.  And thats Mayweather.

I dont care what NBA player you put in front of may that man is getting set up for the okie-doke as soon as its on.  May could easily slip a jab or any other punch from Wade or Bron and land AT WILL.  That's what you're not getting.  A boxing legend like mayweather isn't gonna just start swinging wild.  Bron might be the best athlete on earth right now but once he gets touched by a pro boxer i dont care if he is 145 lbs hes not lasting long.

Sidenote:  I LOVE how people come out the woodwork talking about how Wade and Bron are SOFT but all the sudden they could both handle Floyd Mayweather cause they got 10-12 inches in height and 80 lbs on him.
All that flopping and ****...
I'll go back to the fact that you somehow seem oblivious to the fact that you're discussing the best boxer in the world in a street fight.

His street fight just ain't going to look like whatever street fights you've seen or think you've seen. Some street fights end with a 2 piece.

Floyd would do just that. You're talking about Floyd like he's not strong or athletic. Dude is ELITE in every sense much like Lebron.

Lebron has the size. Floyd has the skill. Floyd will floor him. Floyd is the one of them that fights for living.

But Lebron got Floyd in the post though.

It's not that complicated. You sure you don't want to take some time to actually think about this before you reply again?

We'll agree to disagree. I'm not knocking your opinion I just don't see it.

I'm 6'2 210. I'm not gonna lose to someone 5'2 110 unless he on some Bruce Lee ****. It just Aint gonna happen.
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