Do you think roided up bodybuilders can fight?

You guys may be trolling right? I mean even if they don't know how to fight, what makes you so sure you can take them?you're just in the same position as them except they're like thrice your size.
Bron wouldn't win in a boxing match against Floyd. Bron wouldn't win if he tried to throw any punches. Bron's only shot is to rush him and grab him and choke the crap out of him. Also, any skilled MMA fighter beats Floyd.

But also, Floyd didn't even want it with Rick Ross

Floyd still had a better shot in an MMA match vs. a mixed martial artist than a mixed martial artist has against Floyd in a boxing match.
Are you really throwing 8'9 500 lbs dudes at me now?

You reek of desperation right now :lol:

Because you fail to glean the underlying logic behind the hyperbole, it's that at a certain point, Floyd's boxing ability becomes less significant. I think Lebron's size and strength may pose an issue for Floyd so long as Lebron doesn't get wrapped up in a boxing match with Floyd. If someone of Lebron's size bullrushes Floyd, tucks his head, absorbs a couple of hits and then immediately starts strangling Floyd, what's to be done? I don't know whether such a person would be able to do that to put Floyd in that position, but maybe. I certainly don't think it's an automatic W for Floyd.
You think Lebron can just absorb a couple of hits from Floyd without gloves on and still be conscious?


Definitely not to the chin. But if Lebron is charging you with the intention of grabbing you, is it automatic that Floyd can come up with the two piece to put him down before he does? I don't think so
You think Lebron can just absorb a couple of hits from Floyd without gloves on and still be conscious?


Definitely not to the chin. But if Lebron is charging you with the intention of grabbing you, is it automatic that Floyd can come up with the two piece to put him down before he does? I don't think so

It's a fight son. Nothing is automatic.

Rational thinking though would suggest that the likelihood of what I believe would outweight the likelihood of what you believe.

Just because I've heard Floyd has pretty good reflexes and pretty fast hands.
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Boxers can't fight and bodybuilder are weak LOL y'all are the best (or worst) LOL
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Definitely not to the chin. But if Lebron is charging you with the intention of grabbing you, is it automatic that Floyd can come up with the two piece to put him down before he does? I don't think so

It's more likely than Lebron being able to rush and clutch Floyd without getting hit in my opinion.
Do you not realize how physically strong boxers are? Even if he clinched him he'd just break out and kick his ***.

Floyd aint breaking from Bron lol. Bron is as equally if not more strong for his size and he's damn near twice Mays size.
This is funny to me. Dudes act like boxers never had an opponent try to rush and clinch them in the ring.

Right. And then the ref breaks it up.

To add, these guys also act like boxers don't know that dirty stuff, behind the head punches, elbows, low blows, etc.

Lebron probably has a 1-5% chance of getting a lucky punch on Floyd but in all likelihood, an ambulance and stretcher will be called to carry Lebron away.
To add, these guys also act like boxers don't know that dirty stuff, behind the head punches, elbows, low blows, etc.

Lebron probably has a 1-5% chance of getting a lucky punch on Floyd but in all likelihood, an ambulance and stretcher will be called to carry Lebron away.

Why would Lebron be punching anyone? That's a losing game against a boxer. Lebron only stands a chance if he's choking the life out of him or is throwing him to the ground and slamming his head into the pavement or something
To add, these guys also act like boxers don't know that dirty stuff, behind the head punches, elbows, low blows, etc.

Lebron probably has a 1-5% chance of getting a lucky punch on Floyd but in all likelihood, an ambulance and stretcher will be called to carry Lebron away.

Lebron only stands a chance if he's choking the life out of him.

Are you aware of some jiu-jitsu training Lebron has undergone that the rest of us aren't aware of?

Do you not realize how physically strong boxers are? Even if he clinched him he'd just break out and kick his ***.

Floyd aint breaking from Bron lol. Bron is as equally if not more strong for his size and he's damn near twice Mays size.

What hold is it you believe Lebron has applied here? Dude doesn't have some Anderson Silva clinch.

So he's grabbing Mayweather's shirt in this ridiculous scenario you've developed in your mind? Pretty easy to break free of.
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Are you aware of some jiu-jitsu training Lebron has undergone that the rest of us aren't aware of?

Hah, I just meant straight up two hands on the neck, attempting to crush his windpipe

Where do you think Floyd hands are when this is happening?

Which is still more than Lebron James knows of elite level combat.

But lebron has basic boxing experience.


Stop it son.

You have basic reasoning and argumentative ability and look how far that's getting you in here.

Congrats. You are both Shrek level trolls.

I'm not sure what pleasure you receive from just saying stupid **** for the hell of it, but I hope you've both reached that pinnacle of ignorant bliss.
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Floyd would want no parts of LeBron in a real streetfight... Come on now.

LeBron is 6'8, 260?

Floyd is 5'8, 145.

In a boxing match, Floyd would murk him. But once LeBron grabs Floyd its over. Floyd doesn't have straight up knockout power either so dude would be in trouble.
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