Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Looks like trolls have injected some life in this thread.

Unnecessary, yes, but almost as bad as the circle jerking that constantly goes on. Sorry, Toms are garbage are a fad and can't go away fast enough.

Dressing in a suit/tux with a proper fit, amazing shoes and proper accessories is timeless and a great look to strive for.

KSteez has some nice fits but I see why his friends clown him.

If you have to defend your masculinity your pushing the envelope in the wrong direction. Trust, this dude "Adrian's yamb meter" isn't on high. No hate on him, and he has a gf to boot, but girls in undergrad don't pay attention to that ****.

At the end of the day, don't forget you are gentlemen :wink:. Dress accordingly...

I don't know man, it's as much, if not more of a reflection on the people that are clowning others or questioning their sexuality based on clothes. I see very little posted in this thread that is pushing the envelope of masculinity.
Eh. You guys just keep doing what you have been doing. I dont have anything to contribute but I lurk and take notes from basically everyone in this thread KSteezy in particular. I like the way he dresses the most and appreciate all the pics and suggestions he drops. 
Looks like trolls have injected some life in this thread.
Unnecessary, yes, but almost as bad as the circle jerking that constantly goes on. Sorry, Toms are garbage are a fad and can't go away fast enough.
Dressing in a suit/tux with a proper fit, amazing shoes and proper accessories is timeless and a great look to strive for.
KSteez has some nice fits but I see why his friends clown him.
If you have to defend your masculinity your pushing the envelope in the wrong direction. Trust, this dude "Adrian's yamb meter" isn't on high. No hate on him, and he has a gf to boot, but girls in undergrad don't pay attention to that ****.
At the end of the day, don't forget you are gentlemen :wink:. Dress accordingly...
I doubt Toms will go away soon. I believe he jumped into the sunglasses sector now with the same mission statement.

Funny you mention girls in undergrad. Girls who don't really know about fashion, age 19-23 or so are the ones that compliment me the most when I wear suits and some really preppy outfits. They're the line workers at my firm. Conversely, I know the dudes around the same age bracket are probably joking on me, but don't dare say anything because I'm about 2 or 3 levels above them.

I've been saying this all along, you need to dress for yourself. My style is just a reflection of who I am as a whole, it aligns with how I speak, and act.
I doubt Toms will go away soon. I believe he jumped into the sunglasses sector now with the same mission statement.
Funny you mention girls in undergrad. Girls who don't really know about fashion, age 19-23 or so are the ones that compliment me the most when I wear suits and some really preppy outfits. They're the line workers at my firm. Conversely, I know the dudes around the same age bracket are probably joking on me, but don't dare say anything because I'm about 2 or 3 levels above them.
I've been saying this all along, you need to dress for yourself. My style is just a reflection of who I am as a whole, it aligns with how I speak, and act.

I think he meant that confidence is probably the main factor when getting most girls that age. ive seen guys who wear dirty sweatpants pull dimes and guys who dress nice do the same, but they all had confidence
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Think I posted this already, maybe the last thread. Not exactly wine colored, but a faded red.

Fam, do you know how lame you look never coming in here only to do so to clown and get some Lulz??...do you think comparing me to Khloe is affecting me somehow?...confidence is something sweet and that's what makes the difference.

Funny thing is this is what I learned over time and not that it makes a difference since I'm married, but women will compliment you and give you more attention when you are dressed this way (patterns, mixing textures, low profile shoes, yes TOMS) yet you place my masculinity in question....clown.

Btw bruhs my boys don't bully me :lol: they simply don't understand my style, wr have very different taste when it comes to clothes, one of them thinks a loose polo, Girbaud jeans and foams is a fly fit, the other one literally dresses like a school teacher, nice expensive clothes, just the fit he goes for makes him look 15 years older....I'm comfortable in anything I wear, these trolls can clown all they want, I'll say this, post a tagged pic and lets see what you working with....I'LL WAIT.
I think he meant that confidence is probably the main factor when getting most girls that age. ive seen guys who wear dirty sweatpants pull dimes and guys who dress nice do the same, but they all had confidence
Yes. Confidence is the best thing a man can wear. If you lack it, it will blatantly show through.

Reminds me of earlier today. I was at Chase getting some cash out. The set up requires you to scan your Chase card to open the door that leads into an isolated indoor area for the ATM machines. This European guy didn't know what to do and I showed him. He spoke no English. He was wearing a suit with an eccentric clutch. He went in, and I did as well. There were these two juveniles smirking at him because he was using the clutch, pretty obvious...but he gave no care. After he exited, they were bursting in laughter. Like 10-15 seconds passed, there was a sound of an engine roaring, the kids turned around, and so did I...the European cat pulled away in a Murci. Kids stopped laughing and gave him props :lol:

I had no idea why I posted the story up, perhaps the juveniles reminded me of some of the new posters in the thread.
Fam, do you know how lame you look never coming in here only to do so to clown and get some Lulz??...do you think comparing me to Khloe is affecting me somehow?...confidence is something sweet and that's what makes the difference.
Funny thing is this is what I learned over time and not that it makes a difference since I'm married, but women will compliment you and give you more attention when you are dressed this way (patterns, mixing textures, low profile shoes, yes TOMS) yet you place my masculinity in question....clown.
Btw bruhs my boys don't bully me :lol: they simply don't understand my style, wr have very different taste when it comes to clothes, one of them thinks a loose polo, Girbaud jeans and foams is a fly fit, the other one literally dresses like a school teacher, nice expensive clothes, just the fit he goes for makes him look 15 years older....I'm comfortable in anything I wear, these trolls can clown all they want, I'll say this, post a tagged pic and lets see what you working with....I'LL WAIT.
K, just be the bigger man, and let it die, man.
Think I posted this already, maybe the last thread. Not exactly wine colored, but a faded red.
See thats an actual clean fit. I'd actually wear that.

Steezy, let it go bro. Although I must say women that compliment that fit with the toms either think your really confident or your wearing soemthing they'd wear(See Khole) or they think your gay. All three are fine, nothing negative at all. Just keep dressing the way you want. Howeever if you post your personal pics on here, expect likes and dislikes. And my bad, I thought you said your friends bully you,
Steezy, let it go bro. Although I must say women that compliment that fit with the toms either think your really confident or your wearing soemthing they'd wear(See Khole) or they think your gay. All three are fine, nothing negative at all. Just keep dressing the way you want. Howeever if you post your personal pics on here, expect likes and dislikes. And my bad, I thought you said your friends bully you,

btw, clean fit J, I'd actually rock that, with socks of course.
Yes CONFIDENCE is the single most important thing a man has to throw on before he walks out the door, with that on, you can literally pull off almost anything and your confidence will carry you, besides that being versatile is the second most important thing to me, beig able to go from kicks and cargos, to jeans and DB's, to a well fitted suit, that my friends is just as important as being confident.

Anyways, on to the fits, some old one with the Jack Purcells posted on the last page

Cole Haan is also a great Alternative for lowkey sneakers...very comfortable too.

Let me regain my "masculinity"

Can't always be in a suit, as you get older, YOU CAN'T always be in jays and foams though..as they say there is always a time and a place, it works on your favor when you are well prepared.
Yeah I'm cool with it bruhs, I welcome criticism with open arms, we all learn from each other, it just irks me that there are dudes that lurk this thread, NEVER EVER contribute a damb positive thing to it, yet they feel their reach for Lulz in here is nessesary...can't let that slide, just like that....anyways movinng on bros.
I think when you keep it simple & organic, you feel the most comfortable.

Cool fits bro. Just don't like the fadoras. Maybe because Im a hair person. Thats partial looks of DB imo, way more than a lot of the borderline Ru Paul stuff that gets posted here.
Cool fits bro. Just don't like the fadoras. Maybe because Im a hair person. Thats partial looks of DB imo, way more than a lot of the borderline Ru Paul stuff that gets posted here.

steezy, thats your sister? shes hot
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I absolutely love the play on patterns here:

It was brought up that a lot of the members in the thread look good because they're slim. Here's Mike, co-owner of Epaulet. He's far from slim, and pulls off the men's wear style nicely.

Nacho: glad to see you're still posting, my man!
I don't know man, it's as much, if not more of a reflection on the people that are clowning others or questioning their sexuality based on clothes. I see very little posted in this thread that is pushing the envelope of masculinity.

Nah, Steez for example mentioned his boys. With your boys, everything is fair game. It is what it is.

I doubt Toms will go away soon. I believe he jumped into the sunglasses sector now with the same mission statement.
Funny you mention girls in undergrad. Girls who don't really know about fashion, age 19-23 or so are the ones that compliment me the most when I wear suits and some really preppy outfits. They're the line workers at my firm. Conversely, I know the dudes around the same age bracket are probably joking on me, but don't dare say anything because I'm about 2 or 3 levels above them.
I've been saying this all along, you need to dress for yourself. My style is just a reflection of who I am as a whole, it aligns with how I speak, and act.

You're focusing on one factor when in fact they are captivated by multiple factors. Your outfits is one, your position is another, the size of your bank account (Always an assumption on their part, but it's clearly in your favor.), your age (mid to late 20's male in their eyes is mature and above the immature BS) and of course confidence.

College co-eds are impressed easily, but their taste is constantly changing and very fickle.

Nacho - Awesome fits as always, personally always wished I could pull off hats but my face is round and they just look funny on me so I don't.

Steez - The fits where you keep it simple always outshine the fits that are a bit more flamboyant. Don't take it personal, I just think that the fit where you add the leopard print Toms is a bit tasteless. You are already making a splash by wearing red chino's (which I'll never pull off, but I really dig the look). Just think the Toms take away from the outfit, let the red chino's pop and stand on their own.

wj4- Bad example, while he may not be rail-thin, he still looks fit.
I absolutely love the play on patterns here:

It was brought up that a lot of the members in the thread look good because they're slim. Here's Mike, co-owner of Epaulet. He's far from slim, and pulls off the men's wear style nicely.

Nacho: glad to see you're still posting, my man!

*ahem* I'm not slim but still sexy :wink:

And seriously can we move on with this? Some of the posts lately are nothing but childish antics. Lets continue with this thread for its intention, to provide ideas, inspiration and answer questions for those who have questions about DB.
Quick question: I could incorporate these into dressing better right. Just want to get your guys' opinions on these. Which would you guys wear? What's more versatile or are they both pretty versatile?


sorry for laughing at your costume. 

if it was compliments you were fishing for... i think you look very chic.
so do all these women who have pulled off that stunning look:

Clown, anyways...moving on.

Ironman - I understand...for the most part I'm in jeans and a pair of flyknits or Lunars...jut once in a while I decide to errar sometime bolder, may ir may not work...u personally like the look and always liked Toms...but I understand many may not and I respect that....btw I've literally only worn those red chinos 3 times and the Toms only 2 times :lol:

Just need a break from the norm from time to time.
*ahem* I'm not slim but still sexy :wink:
And seriously can we move on with this? Some of the posts lately are nothing but childish antics. Lets continue with this thread for its intention, to provide ideas, inspiration and answer questions for those who have questions about DB.
Haha. The storm will pass, Serg. It happens every now and then. We'll be good to go.
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