Drugs and the current generation...

didn't realize this was so old. but yeah snorting twice a year is different than everyday. snorting molly and white is different than banging dope. idk anything in excess is bad though.
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I know successful doctors, lawyers, businessmen, realtors etc. who use weed and/or molly and/or coke socially. With regards to molly and coke these folks are doing it like 1-2x a month or less AFAIK.

Not condoning it as even social/recreational use has long-term negative affects but all of them have successful careers.

Never heard of anyone using meth or heroin socially though. IJS
Im down to try easy to do/fun drugs.. Cocaine, Weed, Molly.. No needles or anything that will have me completely lost.. Don't see the big deal.. Maybe its just because I don't have an addictive personality.

But if you're not down to smoke a little weed or something.. Like to the point where you've never even tried it.. Thats lame imo.. Think for the most part everyone should try some drugs/alcohol once.

Just can't see a legit reason for not wanting to try weed at least once.. Like why not?
Im down to try easy to do/fun drugs.. Cocaine, Weed, Molly.. No needles or anything that will have me completely lost.. Don't see the big deal.. Maybe its just because I don't have an addictive personality.

But if you're not down to smoke a little weed or something.. Like to the point where you've never even tried it.. Thats lame imo.. Think for the most part everyone should try some drugs/alcohol once.

Just can't see a legit reason for not wanting to try weed at least once.. Like why not?

that's how powder drugs start

these drugs look "easy to do/fun drugs" cocaine molly
especially coke but there is not fun getting addicted

you say you will do nothing harder
with powder your more willing to experiment when your not getting the same rush after doing the coke or molly and not getting the same buzz as before so you want to try something harder

but i know people who started on the fun drugs and went on to the hard drugs

me i dont do coke or molly
never have never will and i had plenty of times to try blow

but i am the equivalent to a marijuana crackhead

i just stick with weed and nothing else
since i know with my personality i would be a hard core junkie on other drugs
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U guys are a bunch of wankers

I'm only 17

I smoke weed, drink beer/liquor , did x , did white , smoke meth and err thang and I'm still out here doing mah thang?
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These are the few threads I read every response. Been bumped a couple times
 jet life $hmop life
whos Molly?

Molly = Ecstasy

Mary Jane = Marijuana

Snow White = Cocaine


nah brah, molly is pure mdma. the active ingredient in ex. ex will get you all the way turnt up molly is more mellow.

and in regards to doing coke leading to harder drugs i don't buy it. you'll do whatever you want to do. if you like coke you're not going to start shooting up down the road.
Ecstasy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Molly

Combined I've done the two 6-7 times over a span of 7 years and Ive learned that if I'm tryin to roll, I'm trying to ROLL
well yeah, but ex is getting so wack now. you might get some fake *** argentinian pills.
people do them because they are fun. ive tried a couple of the mentioned in here and everytime i have a good time. Granted i dont NEED them to have a good time but it enhances the experience; especially at big concerts and such
I'm 19 and me and my roommate were chatting it up with one of the dudes on our floor. When we told him we don't smoke weed or drink this dude was just floored :lol:

He kept on saying that we were messing with him. He couldnt even believe it.

The look of genuine shock on his face was so priceless :lol:
some of you dudes make me sick with your condescending attitude towards people who DON'T use drugs....**** your high horse.

Ya'll mofos think your all clandestine with taking E or coke or pig farts....like the reason your taking that **** is because your realities aren't as good as people who don't find the need to take it.

You think your gonna find something out there that your not getting now. You ain't gonna find ****.

Nothing is worse that a person just getting on drugs and thinking they've found something special :lol:

sheeps. real talk.

no matter how much drugs you use....whatever reality your running away from isn't gonna go anywhere.

I smoke weed but it's not to run away from my reality, cuz when that high wears off I gotta deal with it eventually....it's actually why I don't smoke as frequently now.
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