Drugs and the current generation...

I been smoking since 07. Started in college when it wasn't **** to do.. I still smoke a lot despite it being very expensive. For what some people pay for rent I'll spend on sour diesel. Not the best choice possible but hey it's my money and I enjoy smoking. I have slowed down considerably but still smoke often. Its all about moderation.
Altering one's consciousness is an integral part of expanding our perspective and exploring our existence. There are many methods we use to do it, sex, exercise, meditation, extreme sports...and some people use substances like the ones discussed in this thread. Not only has the practice only even been regulated for the past couple hundred years (and thus it being unacceptable in any way is REALLY the new thing), we're not even the only species that does it.

I just never really saw what the big deal was as long as people were responsible about their use. I figure people should be able to do what the **** they want as long as they don't negatively impact anybody else (drunk/intoxicated driving, robbing people to support a habit, bragging on social networks every time you touch a lighter, etc.) and furthermore, I think embracing that attitude in more facets of life might improve our world a little.
Altering one's consciousness is an integral part of expanding our perspective and exploring our existence. There are many methods we use to do it, sex, exercise, meditation, extreme sports...and some people use substances like the ones discussed in this thread. Not only has the practice only even been regulated for the past couple hundred years (and thus it being unacceptable in any way is REALLY the new thing), we're not even the only species that does it.

I just never really saw what the big deal was as long as people were responsible about their use. I figure people should be able to do what the **** they want as long as they don't negatively impact anybody else (drunk/intoxicated driving, robbing people to support a habit, bragging on social networks every time you touch a lighter, etc.) and furthermore, I think embracing that attitude in more facets of life might improve our world a little.
Great post :smokin

so much real life was in the skit though....

I think the issue now is kids are not doing it to expand their mind... they are doing it cuz they think it's cool. Prescription drugs are becoming more of a problem (IMO) than the "bad" drugs that are out on the streets.
Bruh, do you know how many people in the world there is getting high that don't know what the **** a tumblr is????

I know.
I said people have been getting high before the internet even existed.

Tumblr's in the top 50 most visited sites in the world.
To have a world-wide audience of frequent, loyal visitors, and no influence just doesn't make sense.
Also it's the current generation and social media plays a role in the lives of the average teen.
The only thing I don't understand is why alcohol is legal but the herb is illegal.
The only thing I don't understand is why alcohol is legal but the herb is illegal.
They can't profit off of herb . . .

Although tax on it and workers for the farms and distilleries would be great for the economy

Then again, why would I buy from the gas station at a higher price when I can buy from the dude on the block who's been doing it for years
Nothing wrong with a little experimentation. I've 19 and have tried coke 1x, molly 2x, xanax 3x, shrooms 1x, and a regular weed smoker. It's all about being responsible and doing things in safe environments where things are unlikely to go wrong.

Coke is nothing worth trying, at least in my experience. Nothing went wrong but after it wore off I just felt like a dark cloud was following me around lol and I just wanted more.

Molly is just a blast, period. Mine were spread out between around 2 months and I dont plan on doing it for another few months when the right occasion comes up. As for friends I know doing it weekly, I know that **** cannot be good :smh:

Xanax just makes you a thoughtless zombie, I enjoy the creativeness that weed gives you and all the thoughts running thru your head.

And shrooms is just a great experience that I will definitely do again in time.

My point here is Moderation. Im not saying that trying coke is a good idea at all but if you are in the right place to experience a certain drug (South Beach, MIA for my first coke and molly experiences) it may be a good time.

Now for the idiots on twitter constantly tweeting about how they're going to the next house music festival to roll and how they always keep one rolled and ****, there's no hope for those idiots.
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so much real life was in the skit though....

I think the issue now is kids are not doing it to expand their mind... they are doing it cuz they think it's cool. Prescription drugs are becoming more of a problem (IMO) than the "bad" drugs that are out on the streets.

Dead *** it is ..

Youngin's goin crazy for them "percs" and "xannies" in Bmore now :smh:
i prefer to ask how "drugs" became taboo. they're simply mind altering chemicals that also can have bad health effects....like alcohol.
some of you dudes make me sick with your condescending attitude towards people who DON'T use drugs....**** your high horse.
Ya'll mofos think your all clandestine with taking E or coke or pig farts....like the reason your taking that **** is because your realities aren't as good as people who don't find the need to take it.
You think your gonna find something out there that your not getting now. You ain't gonna find ****.
Nothing is worse that a person just getting on drugs and thinking they've found something special :lol:
sheeps. real talk.
no matter how much drugs you use....whatever reality your running away from isn't gonna go anywhere.
I smoke weed but it's not to run away from my reality, cuz when that high wears off I gotta deal with it eventually....it's actually why I don't smoke as frequently now.

Look at this fun boy. Pot meet kettle.

How you gonna ***** about people being condescending then try and shut **** down with the most condescending post in the thread.
The only thing I don't understand is why alcohol is legal but the herb is illegal.

They can't profit off of herb . . .​

Although tax on it and workers for the farms and distilleries would be great for the economy​

Then again, why would I buy from the gas station at a higher price when I can buy from the dude on the block who's been doing it for years​

you must not live in a medical marijuana state.

with so much competition amongst dispensaries, it really is a buyers market for weed in LA. Average street price for weed has been fairly stable since atleast the late 90's ($20 for a dub, $50-60 for an 8th). Some 15 years later when the price of everything else in the world has increased due to inflation, weed prices have actually decreased. I can walk into my local dispensary, have a choice of two dozen different strains of buds (some of it lab tested so you know exactly how much THC, CBD, CBN content is in it) and walk out paying $35-45 for an 8th.

aside from price theres other benefits as well like convenience. you never have to worry bout dude not pickin up his phone or being dry. weed store always has weed for sale. hell, they even have weed delivery service so you dont have to leave the house if you dont want to.

most important to me is access to other weed based products. I dont really eat edibles that often, but if im in the mood I can go buy a buddy bar, some weed butter, or a myriad of other goodies. I havent even messed with flowers in the last few months ever since I made the switch to the trippy stick. Nowadays, I just smoke/vape hash wax with the trippy stick. That thing is a gamechanger. Its a much cleaner inhalation (rather than burning a blunt, bong, pipe, whatever) and its virtually odorless. I can burn in public, around large groups of people, and not be bothered at all. Laker game? no problem. At the movies? no problem.
mostly i think its the kool thing to do (smoking weed) in folks minds. when i was gettin faded, i did it for myself, helped me be a lil less anxious, a lot more calm and comfortable around a lot of people.

also when i smoked and drank, i didnt need to drink as much to get that drunk feeling. not sure if u kno what i mean unless u do it but when i combined the two, i just felt a certain way without overdoing it wit the liquor
some of you dudes make me sick with your condescending attitude towards people who DON'T use drugs....**** your high horse.
Ya'll mofos think your all clandestine with taking E or coke or pig farts....like the reason your taking that **** is because your realities aren't as good as people who don't find the need to take it.
You think your gonna find something out there that your not getting now. You ain't gonna find ****.
Nothing is worse that a person just getting on drugs and thinking they've found something special :lol:
sheeps. real talk.
no matter how much drugs you use....whatever reality your running away from isn't gonna go anywhere.
I smoke weed but it's not to run away from my reality, cuz when that high wears off I gotta deal with it eventually....it's actually why I don't smoke as frequently now.

Look at this fun boy. Pot meet kettle.

How you gonna ***** about people being condescending then try and shut **** down with the most condescending post in the thread.

eye for an eye sucka.

don't be mad that I'm calling your lifestyle for what it is.
you must not live in a medical marijuana state.
with so much competition amongst dispensaries, it really is a buyers market for weed in LA. Average street price for weed has been fairly stable since atleast the late 90's ($20 for a dub, $50-60 for an 8th). Some 15 years later when the price of everything else in the world has increased due to inflation, weed prices have actually decreased. I can walk into my local dispensary, have a choice of two dozen different strains of buds (some of it lab tested so you know exactly how much THC, CBD, CBN content is in it) and walk out paying $35-45 for an 8th.
aside from price theres other benefits as well like convenience. you never have to worry bout dude not pickin up his phone or being dry. weed store always has weed for sale. hell, they even have weed delivery service so you dont have to leave the house if you dont want to.
most important to me is access to other weed based products. I dont really eat edibles that often, but if im in the mood I can go buy a buddy bar, some weed butter, or a myriad of other goodies. I havent even messed with flowers in the last few months ever since I made the switch to the trippy stick. Nowadays, I just smoke/vape hash wax with the trippy stick. That thing is a gamechanger. Its a much cleaner inhalation (rather than burning a blunt, bong, pipe, whatever) and its virtually odorless. I can burn in public, around large groups of people, and not be bothered at all. Laker game? no problem. At the movies? no problem.

i'm jealous
eye for an eye sucka.
don't be mad that I'm calling your lifestyle for what it is.

Why would I be mad about what some random on the Internet thinks about a lifestyle that doesn't apply to me? You not making sense kido.
Molly = Ecstasy
Mary Jane = Marijuana
Snow White = Cocaine
Molly is pure MDMA that isn't cut by stuff that regular e pills are (speed, K, etc).

Anyways, didn't realize this thread was so old. I have probably done the most drugs on here
It's something I'm not proud of, but it's also something that I know I can share knowledge about if anyone has questions.

Some drugs are pretty harmless when taken infrequently, properly and in a safe environment (weed, molly, acid, shrooms), and some that should never be messed with (coke, heroin, RX pills, meth). I added coke to the list because you can literally have a heart attack any time you use it, no matter how long you've been using it and how much you do.

Prescription pills are now the most commonly abused and most dangerous drugs out there. And they are easy to get because of crooked and/or clueless doctors who write scripts for money or because they're ignorant. RX pills now kill more people than alcohol, meth, coke and heroin... combined. Painkillers and benzos are the most dangerous and addictive IMO and personal experience.

Prescription pain killers are the most dangerous because they are commonly prescribed for injuries and such, and they feel bomb. People get hooked quick, and they are easy to find on the street. OCs (OPs now), Norcos, Vicodins, etc, are fairly cheap, but tolerance goes up quickly as well. This leads to buying more and more, and when people can't afford to buy pills, they will start using heroin so they don't get sick. This is how I started using dope, and a few years later I am slamming dope every day
I am not an uncommon story. I know dozens of people who have similar ones.


Be careful of prescription pills. They're easy to get and you might end up a dope fiend like me.
They can't profit off of herb . . .

Although tax on it and workers for the farms and distilleries would be great for the economy

Then again, why would I buy from the gas station at a higher price when I can buy from the dude on the block who's been doing it for years
Actually, I heard it was because hemp used to be stronger and cheaper to produce than wood, and loggers lobbied for a ban on hemp for fear it would put them out of business.

As for drug use, I think every person should be allowed to make a choice and if warnings are ignored, then that's their decision.
Molly is pure MDMA that isn't cut by stuff that regular e pills are (speed, K, etc).

Anyways, didn't realize this thread was so old. I have probably done the most drugs on here :\ It's something I'm not proud of, but it's also something that I know I can share knowledge about if anyone has questions.

Some drugs are pretty harmless when taken infrequently, properly and in a safe environment (weed, molly, acid, shrooms), and some that should never be messed with (coke, heroin, RX pills, meth). I added coke to the list because you can literally have a heart attack any time you use it, no matter how long you've been using it and how much you do.

Prescription pills are now the most commonly abused and most dangerous drugs out there. And they are easy to get because of crooked and/or clueless doctors who write scripts for money or because they're ignorant. RX pills now kill more people than alcohol, meth, coke and heroin... combined. Painkillers and benzos are the most dangerous and addictive IMO and personal experience.

Prescription pain killers are the most dangerous because they are commonly prescribed for injuries and such, and they feel bomb. People get hooked quick, and they are easy to find on the street. OCs (OPs now), Norcos, Vicodins, etc, are fairly cheap, but tolerance goes up quickly as well. This leads to buying more and more, and when people can't afford to buy pills, they will start using heroin so they don't get sick. This is how I started using dope, and a few years later I am slamming dope every day |I :smh: :frown: I am not an uncommon story. I know dozens of people who have similar ones.


Be careful of prescription pills. They're easy to get and you might end up a dope fiend like me.

go get some help man before its too late.
Actually, I heard it was because hemp used to be stronger and cheaper to produce than wood, and loggers lobbied for a ban on hemp for fear it would put them out of business.

As for drug use, I think every person should be allowed to make a choice and if warnings are ignored, then that's their decision.

In terms of hemp - I believe (if memory serves) that around the 1930s, they created something that could process hemp efficiently - a decorticator - and the effective and efficient processing of hemp would imply that paper and cotton would both be replaced by hemp as it is superior in many ways. Naturally, large companies who made their businesses off of paper and cotton were not about to allow something new to ravage their market, and the propaganda began. Until now, hemp, a plant thats only a cousin of marijuana and contains no psychoactive ingredient, is still illegal on a federal level. Absolutely ridiculous. Even companies that utilize it for products - Colcasac is actually a company that sells hemp laptop sleeves - have to import hemp from Canada. Not only that, but you can only import a certain amount at once, making it even more of a nuisance.

I think its ridiculous that drugs like psilocybin/psilocin are termed schedule 1 drugs implying they have no medical benefits, when its being shown that psilocybin has helped with OCD and depression in studies. John Hopkin's did a study on this recently. Obviously I dont think our country will ever legalize something like that or marijuana when pharm companies are making tons off of antidepressants decade after decades as patents expire. Sure enough, things like benzodiazepines are schedule 4 drugs despite our bodies developing tolerance and addiction to them. Adderall and other stimulants are only schedule 2. Too much money to be made.

LSD was created by the pharm company now known as Novartis. In the 1950s there was an explosion of research being done - both internally by the CIA and by doctors, with acid. The CIA used it unethically to see its effects as a truth serum amongst other things (Look up Operation Midnight Climax, Project MKULTRA) whereas some therapists and psychs were using it and things like psilocybin as part of whats called psychedelic therapy.
Molly is pure MDMA that isn't cut by stuff that regular e pills are (speed, K, etc).

Anyways, didn't realize this thread was so old. I have probably done the most drugs on here :\ It's something I'm not proud of, but it's also something that I know I can share knowledge about if anyone has questions.

Some drugs are pretty harmless when taken infrequently, properly and in a safe environment (weed, molly, acid, shrooms), and some that should never be messed with (coke, heroin, RX pills, meth). I added coke to the list because you can literally have a heart attack any time you use it, no matter how long you've been using it and how much you do.

Prescription pills are now the most commonly abused and most dangerous drugs out there. And they are easy to get because of crooked and/or clueless doctors who write scripts for money or because they're ignorant. RX pills now kill more people than alcohol, meth, coke and heroin... combined. Painkillers and benzos are the most dangerous and addictive IMO and personal experience.

Prescription pain killers are the most dangerous because they are commonly prescribed for injuries and such, and they feel bomb. People get hooked quick, and they are easy to find on the street. OCs (OPs now), Norcos, Vicodins, etc, are fairly cheap, but tolerance goes up quickly as well. This leads to buying more and more, and when people can't afford to buy pills, they will start using heroin so they don't get sick. This is how I started using dope, and a few years later I am slamming dope every day |I :smh: :frown: I am not an uncommon story. I know dozens of people who have similar ones.


Be careful of prescription pills. They're easy to get and you might end up a dope fiend like me.

Help is always out there. Just have to want to get better. Good luck my man.
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