Drugs and the current generation...

Real talk. Anyone in MPLS tryin to match a few tomorrow. Hit me with a PM.
Joined: 9/2012

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Them peoples watching NT . . .

Everyone always agrees that weed is harmless.. to an extent it is, because there's no noticeable effects.. but your never the same after you pick the habit up. Weed makes you think.. whenever I smoked in the beginning it enhanced the music, my thoughts, my answers, the food was great nd just how I saw life in general.. I had all the answers. But then I started noticing something.. u don't think as much when your sober nd u don't enjoy things as much. Your eating pattern changes, nd u start to interact different. U start feeling a sense of normalcy when u smoke, u get comfortable in that 'high state'. That almost becomes your normal.. now addiction is: your normal, drugs are introduced, you get high, you come down from that, now your always high, high is now your normal, normal is that low, and now you want to be high just to feel normal again nd that's where addiction starts.. now for the older people weed has always been more of a social drug so its more acceptable nd we're used to that setting. But I ask myself how the younger generation is going to take weed..? I mean now with wiz, snoop, currensy, wayne and anybody else pushin weed through their music as a normal, how else are these kids going to process it? That mind state where your thoughts are running through your head at crazy speeds is considered normal.. nd that's leaves a generation of kids basically talking to themselves, never really taking the time to bring themselves back to normal, just cause its so cool nd easy to smoke nd fit in. They won't notice the change because its 'normal' to them.. but it leaves some people unstable with a whole different mindset to wats normal.. idk if its a conspiracy from the goverment to distract us from something lol.. but it definitely makes u think how the future is gonna be with a mindstate of no real identity.. I burn, I'm 22.. but I don't think weed is as harmless as people think
Everyone always agrees that weed is harmless.. to an extent it is, because there's no noticeable effects.. but your never the same after you pick the habit up. Weed makes you think.. whenever I smoked in the beginning it enhanced the music, my thoughts, my answers, the food was great nd just how I saw life in general.. I had all the answers. But then I started noticing something.. u don't think as much when your sober nd u don't enjoy things as much. Your eating pattern changes, nd u start to interact different. U start feeling a sense of normalcy when u smoke, u get comfortable in that 'high state'. That almost becomes your normal.. now addiction is: your normal, drugs are introduced, you get high, you come down from that, now your always high, high is now your normal, normal is that low, and now you want to be high just to feel normal again nd that's where addiction starts.. now for the older people weed has always been more of a social drug so its more acceptable nd we're used to that setting. But I ask myself how the younger generation is going to take weed..? I mean now with wiz, snoop, currensy, wayne and anybody else pushin weed through their music as a normal, how else are these kids going to process it? That mind state where your thoughts are running through your head at crazy speeds is considered normal.. nd that's leaves a generation of kids basically talking to themselves, never really taking the time to bring themselves back to normal, just cause its so cool nd easy to smoke nd fit in. They won't notice the change because its 'normal' to them.. but it leaves some people unstable with a whole different mindset to wats normal.. idk if its a conspiracy from the goverment to distract us from something lol.. but it definitely makes u think how the future is gonna be with a mindstate of no real identity.. I burn, I'm 22.. but I don't think weed is as harmless as people think

I know somebody who can't smoke weed--- like he puts him in a bad place. I asked why and he was like cuz it just makes him think TOO much about stuff , and his mind tends to go to a negative place.

Which SUCKS cuz he's fun/funny when he's zooted :smh: :lol: I just made sure we had music going, funny movies/funny-lighthearted stuff to keep his mind from wandering.
Thats cool to know.. Never met anyone that straight up says something negative about weed, except the occasional anxiety attack
Molly = Ecstasy

Mary Jane = Marijuana

Snow White = Cocaine


Molly is pure MDMA that isn't cut by stuff that regular e pills are (speed, K, etc).

Anyways, didn't realize this thread was so old. I have probably done the most drugs on here :\ It's something I'm not proud of, but it's also something that I know I can share knowledge about if anyone has questions.

Some drugs are pretty harmless when taken infrequently, properly and in a safe environment (weed, molly, acid, shrooms), and some that should never be messed with (coke, heroin, RX pills, meth). I added coke to the list because you can literally have a heart attack any time you use it, no matter how long you've been using it and how much you do.

Prescription pills are now the most commonly abused and most dangerous drugs out there. And they are easy to get because of crooked and/or clueless doctors who write scripts for money or because they're ignorant. RX pills now kill more people than alcohol, meth, coke and heroin... combined. Painkillers and benzos are the most dangerous and addictive IMO and personal experience.

Prescription pain killers are the most dangerous because they are commonly prescribed for injuries and such, and they feel bomb. People get hooked quick, and they are easy to find on the street. OCs (OPs now), Norcos, Vicodins, etc, are fairly cheap, but tolerance goes up quickly as well. This leads to buying more and more, and when people can't afford to buy pills, they will start using heroin so they don't get sick. This is how I started using dope, and a few years later I am slamming dope every day |I :smh: :frown: I am not an uncommon story. I know dozens of people who have similar ones.


Be careful of prescription pills. They're easy to get and you might end up a dope fiend like me.

Are you still doping?

Everyone always agrees that weed is harmless.. to an extent it is, because there's no noticeable effects.. but your never the same after you pick the habit up. Weed makes you think.. whenever I smoked in the beginning it enhanced the music, my thoughts, my answers, the food was great nd just how I saw life in general.. I had all the answers. But then I started noticing something.. u don't think as much when your sober nd u don't enjoy things as much. Your eating pattern changes, nd u start to interact different. U start feeling a sense of normalcy when u smoke, u get comfortable in that 'high state'. That almost becomes your normal.. now addiction is: your normal, drugs are introduced, you get high, you come down from that, now your always high, high is now your normal, normal is that low, and now you want to be high just to feel normal again nd that's where addiction starts.. now for the older people weed has always been more of a social drug so its more acceptable nd we're used to that setting. But I ask myself how the younger generation is going to take weed..? I mean now with wiz, snoop, currensy, wayne and anybody else pushin weed through their music as a normal, how else are these kids going to process it? That mind state where your thoughts are running through your head at crazy speeds is considered normal.. nd that's leaves a generation of kids basically talking to themselves, never really taking the time to bring themselves back to normal, just cause its so cool nd easy to smoke nd fit in. They won't notice the change because its 'normal' to them.. but it leaves some people unstable with a whole different mindset to wats normal.. idk if its a conspiracy from the goverment to distract us from something lol.. but it definitely makes u think how the future is gonna be with a mindstate of no real identity.. I burn, I'm 22.. but I don't think weed is as harmless as people think

Excellent post bruh.

This is exactly why I'm of the opinion that, especially, creative types/minds should stay away from marijuana and other drugs.

They can't profit off of herb . .

Although tax on it and workers for the farms and distilleries would be great for the economy

Then again, why would I buy from the gas station at a higher price when I can buy from the dude on the block who's been doing it for years

when you're talking legalization, you're also talking about regulation. so i'll take my chance with weed coming from a licensed dealer than a guy on the street corner. if it's regulated, then you have requirements for potency and you know what you're getting. it's like if you buy a burger from mcdonalds, you know you're getting the same product that's prepared with the same standards. if there's a bad batch, you can find out where in the chain it went bad and pull it off the shelves making it safer for everyone.
when you're talking legalization, you're also talking about regulation. so i'll take my chance with weed coming from a licensed dealer than a guy on the street corner. if it's regulated, then you have requirements for potency and you know what you're getting. it's like if you buy a burger from mcdonalds, you know you're getting the same product that's prepared with the same standards. if there's a bad batch, you can find out where in the chain it went bad and pull it off the shelves making it safer for everyone.

regulation also made cigarettes much more harmful simply for the sake of making them more addictive. im not saying legalization/regulation would be a bad thing, but there's def. two sides to the argument.
It's glorified in media, music, movies etc. For those that need drugs to get thru the day or "be cool," are weak minded. No need for people like that in your life. They only bring you down.
ANDEE hope youre at least cutting back fam. at LEAST.

I agree that talented minds should not become potheads. smoking occasionally, cool, but you will waste your talent being a pothead.

other psychotropics though... I'm always interested in what an artist (musician, painter, sculptor, anything like that) will come up with if theyre sober all their life then experiment with say DMT, or shrooms. something harmless but enhancing.

I also think a lot more research should be done on these kinds of substances.

more links and good reads.


Thanks for the love, guys. Even Truth, I know we had disagreements online and **** but this is real life and I appreciate the fact that you can step back and show some love.  I've just been in a real bad and dark place recently.

James, I'm at the point now where I'm only using to get "well" and not to get high any more. I have definitely cut back but man it's a struggle. I'm about to get my *** in rehab, but it's so hard because I know it's gonna break my parents hearts when I tell them I'm a junkie. But then I think about how much more it would hurt them if I died and then I realize that I gotta get some help and I need to do it soon.

Everyone thinks that it's never gonna be them, but I didn't think it could get this bad. Ever. Sometimes I think back and I don't even remember what life was like before dope.

Thanks again for the love, NT. Getting help is my top priority and it's just really scary.
Thanks for the love, guys. Even Truth, I know we had disagreements online and **** but this is real life and I appreciate the fact that you can step back and show some love.  I've just been in a real bad and dark place recently.

James, I'm at the point now where I'm only using to get "well" and not to get high any more. I have definitely cut back but man it's a struggle. I'm about to get my *** in rehab, but it's so hard because I know it's gonna break my parents hearts when I tell them I'm a junkie. But then I think about how much more it would hurt them if I died and then I realize that I gotta get some help and I need to do it soon.

Everyone thinks that it's never gonna be them, but I didn't think it could get this bad. Ever. Sometimes I think back and I don't even remember what life was like before dope.

Thanks again for the love, NT. Getting help is my top priority and it's just really scary.

wish you all the best bro. great to see youre gonna get the help you need.
Thanks for the love, guys. Even Truth, I know we had disagreements online and **** but this is real life and I appreciate the fact that you can step back and show some love.  I've just been in a real bad and dark place recently.

James, I'm at the point now where I'm only using to get "well" and not to get high any more. I have definitely cut back but man it's a struggle. I'm about to get my *** in rehab, but it's so hard because I know it's gonna break my parents hearts when I tell them I'm a junkie. But then I think about how much more it would hurt them if I died and then I realize that I gotta get some help and I need to do it soon.

Everyone thinks that it's never gonna be them, but I didn't think it could get this bad. Ever. Sometimes I think back and I don't even remember what life was like before dope.

Thanks again for the love, NT. Getting help is my top priority and it's just really scary.

disagreements? whats your past screenname because I don't know you fam :lol:
IDK what repped means, but thanks

And yeah, kicking is terrifying to me. Being dopesick is the worst feeling in the world, I can't imagine it for like a whole week. But I'm gonna have to man up and have a lot of other meds on deck. FUUU
disagreements? whats your past screenname because I don't know you fam
my old username is an dee 51 o
^ Good luck on recovering bruh. Always remember that as hard as it may seem, many people have overcome the same problem you face and there's no reason you cant do it too.
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I dont need drugs(Weed) to survive but i do hit a bowl once in a while with my friends if we go out. Honestly if your responsible in your life and your not lacking with your priorities(school mostly), weed isn't really a problem. I guess theirs just a lot of people that use it cause it makes them forget about problems? But I just do it for the joy and extra laugh i get when i got a bit of THC in my system. (Weed is the only drug I have tried and I plan on keeping it that way)
IDK what repped means, but thanks :lol:

And yeah, kicking is terrifying to me. Being dopesick is the worst feeling in the world, I can't imagine it for like a whole week. But I'm gonna have to man up and have a lot of other meds on deck. FUUU

my old username is an dee 51 o

ok cool I remember. man go get help and change your life. DOPE isn't the business
ok first 3 pages

By current generation, I speak of young adults specifically between the ages of 18-23.

So essentially, what I'm wondering is this: at what point in time did drugs use become so common place/acceptable? 

I've honestly been musing about this for weeks now because it has become so glaringly obvious that almost everyone my age, and almost everyone I know, does drugs. It's even gotten to the point that, I get weird looks--blend of surprise, confusion, and disbelief--when I tell people that I don't do anything as far as "drugs" are concerned. I don't and have never even smoked marijuana. Needless to say, a bunch of my friends have made it their goal to get me "high" before I graduate from college, which is both funny and sad.

I just looked up "molly" in the urb-dictionary because I've been hearing it over and over in sooooo many songs. I wasn't sheltered growing up as a child, and I went to a "'hood" high school, but honestly I feel soooo lost when it comes to this stuff. It's like a memo was sent out to my age group concerning indulgent drug use but I missed it...

Just last weekend, I went to a small party at a friends place (rarely go to parties) and I watched her smoke weed, do mushrooms, and ingest acid all in like 2hrs. Lets not forget that she had been drinking all night as well. She also told me she'd pretty much done everything as far as drugs are concerned with the exception of herion. I think she's an awesome person, but after that revelation, I was just like wow...seriously?

So I guess I'm wondering if anyone else in here feels this sort of exclusion (not that it bothers me)? When and how did I, and others like myself, become the anomaly?  

I am all about being progressive and what not, but I refuse to take a liberal stance as far as drug use is concerned. This generation is self medicating itself into nothingness, I feel...

Not sure why text isnt showing but whatever. yeah this is either a young naive dude, or some old dude trollin. either way, man ya like sum1 said each generation that gets sheltered (really protected), it's like a new thing. nah man it's been here these drugs. dont feel different. sounds like u have a new group of friends u'd be better served to spend ur time with.....and then the madness ensues
ive sat down with my younger brother and told him (hes 17) that if he ever wants to try anything let me know, i rather it be with me him being "safe" then with randoms.
I havent smoked weed in 4 years, and i dont think I will ever do it again, its pretty sad really that people NEED to get high to get through their day
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by BirdsIView

You come off as the type that takes pride in being "above the influence" when in reality you've been brainwashed by the American propaganda machine.

Yes, there are plenty of knocks out there that overuse them but that doesn't make drugs as a whole "bad."

A lot of intelligent people are bored by the sober mindset, and responsible drug use allows them to think in new and profound ways.

so whats some new profound stuff that drugs have helped you think up?  Heroin, Meth, Crack? I used to be a heavy weed smoker, im over that life
he's not talking about heroin, meth, or crack
they don't do anything useful.

there's a difference between using marijuana to medicate or to enhance creativity and being a "heavy weed smoker", aka a pothead, who just sits around getting high and eating children's snacks 14 hours out of the day.

psychs should be in a completely different category from hard drugs like the ones you mentioned. the ones that destroy families and lives, cause murders and robberies, cause car accidents... all that bad $@!!. I deplore them. hell I don't even really agree with pain medication.

but a kid with competent sitters, an understanding of what he's doing, and a passion for exploration of self and the universe around him? maybe enhancement for his art, his music, his life in general? using some naturally occurring chems that just so happen to have some fun effects? let that boy trip..
childrens snacks tho? really?

also, psychs, they do "destory famillies etc" but i know what u mean. u mean as in regards to ur outlook of using psychs for meditative and healing reasons.  and yes its VERY hypocritical of the gov't to banish one medicine but allow another, like really? thats pathetic. its so glaringly obvious too.  unbelievable.
His facial expression looks like he's brain dead, then he wonders why he doesn't have a GF. He'll always be my homie for life and all, but from what I see, he'll never stop smoking. 

.....brain dead ties in perfectly with some huge stoners ive met. its true. like sunken eyes, just a mess. smh lol  its good hes ur" homie for life".  stick by that man.  itll all pan out.
I wouldn't try anything other than weed.

It's strange that weed is demonized yet you see advertisements for alcohol and tobacco all the time.

Don't believe the hype. Weed isn't illegal because it's bad for you. It's illegal because money can't really be made from it by big corporations.

That being said, cocaine, hallucinogens, etc. aren't exactly good for you.
yet is it strange that cocain, hallucinogens get demonized yet more ppl openly push for legalization of another illegal substance, mj?

also, in a way, uve got it twisted mr 1 chainz, hallucinogens are a very deep and beneficial state. so yes, in moderation, they are exactly good for u.

actually, the purest and most righteous way to it is through starvation, more to the point, fasting.  i told my mans yrs ago jesus was trippin on drugs in the desert.

he was like WHAT!?! i said yeah man he was out there trippin off his lengthy fasting, he was like oh (mind blown) type of thing.  somethin to chew on.  only drugs ive done r liquor, haze, lsd 5 times back in high school, shrooms no more than 10 times in high school, no coke, no H, no e, no pills, no meth, no crack, nothin.  weed is not a gateway drug.  if one has an open mind to weed theyre certainly more inclined to be open minded towards say paint thinner.  it's naive, however, to think that one version of getting high is the sole reason for turning urself into an illicit substance factory (on top of already being an ILLICIT SUBSTANCE FACTORY!!!!).  no, that character trait was there to begin with.  

with that being said i want to do peyote and that's it.  no more shrooms acid. havent done those in years.  i want to just toke here and there and do peyote every 9 years or so, if we arent all blown up by then lols
I smoke weed everyday and believe that one day I will eventually stop smoking,
Caffein has more negative effects then weed...

All-in-all no one under the mature 16-18 age group should experiment, simply, because in my opinion drugs most be handled responsibly and with thought.
Still waiting to pop E one good time.
nah. tree is good enuff wit the bunbs
Everyone always agrees that weed is harmless.. to an extent it is, because there's no noticeable effects.. but your never the same after you pick the habit up. Weed makes you think.. whenever I smoked in the beginning it enhanced the music, my thoughts, my answers, the food was great nd just how I saw life in general.. I had all the answers. But then I started noticing something.. u don't think as much when your sober nd u don't enjoy things as much. Your eating pattern changes, nd u start to interact different. U start feeling a sense of normalcy when u smoke, u get comfortable in that 'high state'. That almost becomes your normal.. now addiction is: your normal, drugs are introduced, you get high, you come down from that, now your always high, high is now your normal, normal is that low, and now you want to be high just to feel normal again nd that's where addiction starts.. now for the older people weed has always been more of a social drug so its more acceptable nd we're used to that setting. But I ask myself how the younger generation is going to take weed..? I mean now with wiz, snoop, currensy, wayne and anybody else pushin weed through their music as a normal, how else are these kids going to process it? That mind state where your thoughts are running through your head at crazy speeds is considered normal.. nd that's leaves a generation of kids basically talking to themselves, never really taking the time to bring themselves back to normal, just cause its so cool nd easy to smoke nd fit in. They won't notice the change because its 'normal' to them.. but it leaves some people unstable with a whole different mindset to wats normal.. idk if its a conspiracy from the goverment to distract us from something lol.. but it definitely makes u think how the future is gonna be with a mindstate of no real identity.. I burn, I'm 22.. but I don't think weed is as harmless as people think

Behold, the wall of text :lol: jk I read it all. Well written.

I love marijuana and I am/was an avid smoker and I don't consider it completely harmless. I wanna say that I've smoked a good majority of the past year. And when I smoked too much consecutively, I get this weird woozy, floaty feeling when I'm not high. I hated it. Like I would be out with my family and all of a sudden I feel high and need to sit down. Anyone else get that feeling?

But yeah I noticed that I tend to forget A LOT now. And I always thought I was good at remembering things. I smoked so much that being high was normal to me and being sober was weird. I guess I was getting addicted to it. Also, I smoked to go to sleep and became so dependent on weed to put me to sleep that it made my insomnia worse when I didn't smoke. I've cut down on smoking though. I still love it though.
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