Drugs and the current generation...

I've never smoked a day in my life or done a drug. Never appealed to me and I've also been looked at weirdly as if I'm out of the norm. At 27 years of age, I definitely don't see the point now. I don't need it and never will, even if it's leisurely. As Salvador Dali would say "I don't do drugs, I am drugs!"
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

You come off as the type that takes pride in being "above the influence" when in reality you've been brainwashed by the American propaganda machine.

Yes, there are plenty of knocks out there that overuse them but that doesn't make drugs as a whole "bad."

A lot of intelligent people are bored by the sober mindset, and responsible drug use allows them to think in new and profound ways.
 QFT Brilliant post.  Most people don't realize that America is one of the biggest importers of drugs.  You're not going to see people with opium and cocoa plants growing in their backyards! The war on drugs is a travesty since it's so costly to control and some of the drugs, e.g. marijuana, are nearly harmless and safer than the pharmaceuticals that society tries to shove down your throat as "all good."  People doing major time for some weed compared to rapists, embezzlers, etc. How can the law system seriously be just?  
It's so hypocritical how alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs glorified in our society, yet they kill over a half a million people a year! I don't care if people judge me for sparking up 
 because most are ignorant and every time I look around I see other people with drugs in their cup (coffee, beer, red bull etc.) I think drugs should become an increasingly accepted norm and can be beneficial when used safely and responsibly.  For instance, lsd and shrooms have been used in psychoanalytic therapy as well as help with cluster headache syndrome; MDMA was originally used in therapy to foster catharsis and empathy; Coke was used as a local anesthetic.  I don't advocate that everyone should do drugs, but at least they should be informed about them.  Some drugs are life-enhancing since they heighten our perception of reality.  OP, nothing wrong with you being sober, but at least you're hopefully realizing drugs should be an accepted norm and aren't that bad after all.  It all comes down to the manner in which individuals use them.  

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by pricankid9

Not smoking weed + having an stable job > smoking weed + potentially never having a stable job

 I smoke every day and am a Network Administrator for a Fortune 500 company.

So many generalizations in here it's ridiculous. 

I posted this article a while back but some of you need to read it. 


It's all about perception. That's why so many of you keep referencing your lazy stoner friends and rappers...when in reality it's a staple amongst the affluent upper class citizens who hold ranking positions but you wouldn't use them as an example for why "weed is so bad" would you?

The thing that I'm mindblown about is the widespread use of harder drugs like e,molly,lsd,shrooms and even cocaine in our generation. Like there's probably only a handful of people that are actually sober at every party/gathering and people you wouldn't even expect to do drugs are the biggest users. It's become so widespread it's crazy. That's the stuff that can actually cause long term damage to your physical and mental health. I get the whole yolo mindset but damn chill,your older self is gonna be kicking himself when you have all these health problems.
Psychedelics and MDMA aren't "hard" drugs. 
im glad at least one person knows what hes talking about.
OP you clearly don't know many older cool people. I was talking to a few 60's, 70's, and 80's people and they did drugs like it was drinking a beer. Why do you think our generation is full of dead beat parents and crack babies? (I'm 24). Although a lot of older people will act conservative (this is because they want you to be better) they went crazy with drug use, primarily because they didn't know much about the long term effects.
Same OP. I'm a senior in high school and almost everyone I know does drugs, but I don't. It's kind of hard to be social with people when all anyone wants to do is smoke.

I'm not trying to be all high and mighty by being above the influence, I just don't see a reason for me to smoke.
anyone have any insightful stories/ experiences with psychedelics? I've had friends tell me they're mind-expanding but at the same time, it sounds like an intense long experience.  The visuals sound 
Im 25 and have been messing with the green for some time now 
 .. From what I get, it's that people that smoke weed just do it to enhance their happiness. Can't tell you how great it is to smoke weed while you're hungry. That ride to Rallys/Checkers is the best ride EVER!  At the same time, when you're down, it makes you feel better. Not like you have a "weed crash" or anything like that, you're just like... "ok.. im not high anymore". That's about it. You never hear anybody say "Damn, I got so %*$*%@ high last night. I'm never doing that again".. That can't be said for other drugs. 
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

anyone have any insightful stories/ experiences with psychedelics? I've had friends tell me they're mind-expanding but at the same time, it sounds like an intense long experience.  The visuals sound 
I hate to sound like an advocate for anything but...they seemed to have had a lasting effect on me for the better. I first tried shrooms late last year...again early this year. I've also had lsd and 2ci recently. 
Each experience was different but all I can say is that I stress alot less these days and seem to have more of a connection/feeling to something much bigger than my self. 

Im 25 and have been messing with the green for some time now 
 .. From what I get, it's that people that smoke weed just do it to enhance their happiness. Can't tell you how great it is to smoke weed while you're hungry. That ride to Rallys/Checkers is the best ride EVER!  At the same time, when you're down, it makes you feel better. Not like you have a "weed crash" or anything like that, you're just like... "ok.. im not high anymore". That's about it. You never hear anybody say "Damn, I got so %*$*%@ high last night. I'm never doing that again".. That can't be said for other drugs. 

Weed seems to do something different for everyone. Certain cultures believed that sativa was a tool to speak to spirits and while I can't say I've done that...when I get high my brain thinks on a higher level. I'm able to plan, strategize, and analyze things on a much more productive scale. Very rarely do I smoke and just do nothing these days. I smoke and put in work.
Off topic but playing basketball high is 
Celebrities doing drugs influences the youth to do the same.

Never knew what drank, sizzurp, etc was until I heard about it in music.
weed and other drugs are for kids

i moved onto harder things

like cash, long-term investments, super cars and big houses.

i mite need an intervention soon.

nah but seriously...


drugs are bad. mkay?
Originally Posted by heatking

weed and other drugs are for kids

i moved onto harder things

like cash, long-term investments, super cars and big houses.

i mite need an intervention soon.

nah but seriously...


drugs are bad. mkay?
Weed seems to do something different for everyone. Certain cultures believed that sativa was a tool to speak to spirits and while I can't say I've done that...when I get high my brain thinks on a higher level. I'm able to plan, strategize, and analyze things on a much more productive scale. Very rarely do I smoke and just do nothing these days. I smoke and put in work.

Off topic but playing basketball high is 

YES!! When I smoke, I get energized and really put in work. When I started college, I chilled out because I didn't want to mess myself up. Shiiid, until I got baked and tried to study. I've never studied better. It just gets your creative juices flowing. Right then and there, at that moment in time, I was all for legalizing weed. I've made the dean's list twice in my years in college (I'm graduating next month) and they've come AFTER being baked 
... Oh and btw, just in case people think I'm ******ed for graduating "late", I started at LSU, stayed for 2 years and then transferred. Lost all my credits and changed majors. 
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

Originally Posted by heatking

weed and other drugs are for kids

i moved onto harder things

like cash, long-term investments, super cars and big houses.

i mite need an intervention soon.

nah but seriously...


drugs are bad. mkay?

All of my white friends do weed, coke, E, and everything else they can get their hands on.
I've smoked weed casually. Could never be a pothead though.
Originally Posted by smellyginger

this DMT stuff...any dangers, risks, concerns? I only heard joe rogan talk about it..

Actually not really, DMT can be found in the brain, therefore it isn't an alien substance to your body. Therefore it is considered safe. But it's really intense and watch out for the quality!
And yeah weed is a lot less dangerous then coffee, tobacco, not to mention alcohol...

For those interested National Geographic's Durgs Inc. is a very good documentary series on all sorts of drugs, before trying one out I'd suggest watching them (they're up on youtube) the series portrays the ups and the downs of all sorts of drugs.

High on weed is like this:



High on medicinal marijuana is like this:


In my circle of friends and people we associated with we all did drugs. It was way more uncommon to find someone who didnt. The majority in the group had to eventually attend AA, do a DUI program, PC 1000, Prop 36, or a combo of a few. Ive tried almost everything atleast once. Crystal, pain killers, xtc, coke, acid, etc...  Xtc and Coke I was a habitual user from about 16 to 22 on top of being an alcoholic. Id do either or both about 5 days out of the week. I said I did it recreationally but hell id snort a line or 2 or pop a few pills on the job and I work retail. Im 24 now and havent done either in 2 years because of my ex gf. Only positive thing I got out of that relationship was sobriety. Im not going to lie I loved being high, there was nothing like smoking a chewey and popping a few pills. I was addicted and there were a few times I scared myself because I thought I knew my limit but I didnt. Im glad im over it now but almost every day that goes by I think about using. Its been so long now I dont want to go back to that life but the cravings are still there. When I quit popping my pill count was around 500 and I think I was at 32 different types of pills. I still think everybody should try xtc atleast once in their life though. Its amazing.
I'm from Cali, and I have a card, so by default you know I'm 
& eating edibles haha.

But besides that, I don't do anything else, I DO NOT mess with booz at all, that's the worst trip ever, I don't see how people can mess with that. Got too faded one time, didn't end well

Tried extacy a good amount of times (definitely opened up my mind to new ideas), molly once (was kinda lame & weak), seroquil once (knocks you the $@@@ out and the drowsiness lasts all day the next day, like perma lean), tried prometh/codine & robo trippin a hand full of times (along with prometh blunts, j's bowls, ect), cool, but I don't do that anymore, not tryna end up like Pimp C or DJ Screw lol. Tried shrooms a handfull of times, those were amazing, never had a bad trip on them, only do those once or twice a year since they are hard to find & do kinda take a lot out of you. Never done pain killers of any kind or anything super hard core like heroine or shooting up and don't plan on it ever, that's where I draw my personal line.

Yeah, so I've tried a few things here and there, and after all that, I really don't consider pot a "drug". Society for some reason likes to demonize it and compare it to alcohol, when anyone who's tried both will tell you BOOZ AND POT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME OR EQUAL lol. I don't even need to get into the death toll stats or why one is illegal and the other isn't.

I dunno, people just like to get %*$*%% up I guess
To OP, I commend you for not doing any drugs despite the people around you.
This subject really amuses me because I do drink occasionally and seldom smoke. Thats enough for me in terms of what I do it for - to loosen up and relax bc college life is stressful
. The people that're the same age as me in my area drink and smoke on the daily. Not only that, they pop too bc raves are so in now!
 & Recently, I've heard some people my age doing cocaine. I mean, who am I to judge them right? But these same heads that're doing drugs more and more are dropping out of school. So what if drugs may be in right now?

Just think of it this way, the homies outcasting you and seem cool now doing hella drugs won't get too far in life. Give it 10 years, OP and while you're living well, the drugees will be in the same place you left them at.
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