Drugs and the current generation...


A lot of you guys have absolutely no idea what your are talking about...almost all these "hardcore drugs" you talk about are both less addictive and less lethal then Alcohol
Two things.

1. People have always been doing lots of drugs, 60/70a LSD wave, 80s Cocaine, 90s Ecstasy and marijuana has has been used extensively for thousands of years.

2. People are more aware and educated about the truth of drugs. Yes, with increased user base more deaths and injuries will occur merely because the number of users have increased. But the real dangers of drugs have only recently become public knowledge. And the effects of government propaganda regarding drugs have increasingly worn out.

With more and more countries calling for the prohibition of drugs to be lifted, with some government actually acting on it and seeing success come from it, people are starting to realize that these drugs are not the evil that they are made out to be, and in fact most of the legal drugs the pharmaceutics produce are much more addictive and harsher on your body that these "Street" drugs.

One thing that governments need to realize now is that with more people doing these illegal drugs, the more people are going to be hurt and killed from them merely because they are illegal and control and health standards cannot be applied to them like they would if they were legal. So more people are dying from impurity or laced drugs than the drug itself.
This kind of alludes to a theory that i've been playing with (I'm 20 btw)

I honestly feel like we are going back towards the hippy free love movement again. Everything from the tattoo's, to how open sexual conduct is, to how common it is now to freely smoke and do other drugs, the way we dress, everything is pointing towards this.

As for what is the cause of it? Still don't know. Maybe it's the music? Not sure, but it definitely feels as though were in the midst of a free love hippy movement again. Take drugs, get blasted, get wasted, have sex with whoever you want, all of that.
Originally Posted by Sir Smash a Lot

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Sir Smash a Lot

How does it feel to "roll" in reference to green and alcohol

Yeah, like what does it feel like? I only drink and smoke so I wouldn't know 
You wording wasn't great but i'll translate. "What does it feel like to pop Ecstasy? How do the feelings differ from that of marijuana or alcohol?"
How are drugs more popular and accepted now? Drugs have always been around acid was HUGE in the 60s and then cocaine etc.. You make it sound like your life is ruined if you do drugs. me and my friend have smoked weed since senior year and he's the smartest person I know he's goin into calc 3 next year and Im not doin bad either. I would say alcohol is worse

edit: i don't really smoke much anymore and the most I did was like a once a week basis
Originally Posted by bkroc915


A lot of you guys have absolutely no idea what your are talking about...almost all these "hardcore drugs" you talk about are both less addictive and less lethal then Alcohol
oh you mean Meth, Crack and Heroin? naw im good...and im a very light drinker.  I used to drink and smoke weed heavy until I realized all the damage i was doing to my lungs and liver

Misadventures with psychedelic drugs.
Yes, this is a very personal post.

you have been warned

Nothing like almost having to take one of your best friends to the hospital to make you realize that you’re doing something wrong in your life and you have to get your %##! straight, right?

I decided that John is someone I don’t want to associated with after tonight.


Yes, psychedelic drugs have always peaked my interest, so when the opportunity came along to try them I said “@@!! it, yolo *+$%+
Yeah but that persons experiences are subjective to his own life....that doesn't apply to everybody at all.
Oh noooo. Hell naw... did life jus did this.

Chillin at my parents crib all day helpin around the house. Get n whip to go home... figure ill pack a bowl right quick

Parents church freind pulls up righttt behind me unnoticed... (bumpin kirko bangz :/)

See her creepin up rightttt by my door... at this point im thinkin dont panic maybe she aint notice.

Look up and sunroof is cracked.. *she def smells it*

As she walks by she distinctly mklakes passing glance n hits me w/ -__- face.

nothing wrong with occasional drug use IMO but it becomes a problem when you depend on drugs to have fun. i'd rather smoke a blunt then have a drink any day of the week.

last year in college my friends were popping/blowing lines of molly 2-3x a week, shrooming like 1-2x a week, blazed all day every day, xanax all the time, etc.

it can be fun but you don't want to get caught up in it and lose perspective on things.
Originally Posted by Slaptastic

Tried extacy a good amount of times (definitely opened up my mind to new ideas), molly once (was kinda lame & weak), 

That's backwards. That molly must have been super stepped on.
Straight uncut MDMA which is what molly is supposed to be...is definitely more intense than typical ex.

As for that article up there...he had a bad trip. That's not a typical psych experience. You aren't supposed to be %+$*%%* with that anyway if you aren't in the right state of mind or aren't prepared.
Originally Posted by smellyginger

this DMT stuff...any dangers, risks, concerns? I only heard joe rogan talk about it..

do not make it your first psychadelic. its quite powerful. watch The Spirit Molecule on netflix, do your research, read some experiences, and decide if that's for you. do not go into this lightly. its not something you can just do when you feel like it, you need a comfortable place to do it as well as sitters whom you trust.

@solarius that's called a bad trip. they happen to some people. I've always likened it to an "allergy". definitely doesn't happen to everyone, hell the person who it happened to could have a completely different reaction with a different dose on a different day in a different setting.

people curious about psychs and chems, www.erowid.org is a good spot to read from. my inbox is also always open, I can reply to PMs after work.

@DIOR PAINT 2C family
4AcO-DMT bro. I swear its "the red pill".
so my gf's father just died from ODing. Today.
I don't know what else to say other than that. leave the drug #!%+ alone.
Originally Posted by debs 168

so my gf's father just died from ODing. Today.
I don't know what else to say other than that. leave the drug #!%+ alone.

sorry to hear that. I've lost 2 friends to hard drugs, can only imagine what shes going through. what was his poison?
Originally Posted by KingZarus

Weed seems to do something different for everyone. Certain cultures believed that sativa was a tool to speak to spirits and while I can't say I've done that...when I get high my brain thinks on a higher level. I'm able to plan, strategize, and analyze things on a much more productive scale. Very rarely do I smoke and just do nothing these days. I smoke and put in work.

Off topic but playing basketball high is 

YES!! When I smoke, I get energized and really put in work. When I started college, I chilled out because I didn't want to mess myself up. Shiiid, until I got baked and tried to study. I've never studied better. It just gets your creative juices flowing. Right then and there, at that moment in time, I was all for legalizing weed. I've made the dean's list twice in my years in college (I'm graduating next month) and they've come AFTER being baked 
... Oh and btw, just in case people think I'm ******ed for graduating "late", I started at LSU, stayed for 2 years and then transferred. Lost all my credits and changed majors. 

Never done any type of drugs, but I swear I be wanting to call b.s. on some of y'all stories 

I've been around and lived with plenty of people who've smoked weed in my lifetime and I've NEVER seen weed make people more productive or intelligent.  Cats either get extremely goofy/stupid or go to sleep.

So I still don't buy this whole weed makes you smart shhh 

But respect, to each his own.
Originally Posted by MJ All Day45

Originally Posted by Sir Smash a Lot

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Yeah, like what does it feel like? I only drink and smoke so I wouldn't know 
You wording wasn't great but i'll translate. "What does it feel like to pop Ecstasy? How do the feelings differ from that of marijuana or alcohol?"
Lol yeah that's what I was saying.
I'm sorry why would you mess with stuff you have no clue what it will do to you.How is playing Russian roulette with your psyche and brain chemistry cool. Like how is this a good idea.Yall no the gvt made LSD right for MkUltra this stuff was never meant for good use
Slaptastic wrote:

Tried extacy a good amount of times (definitely opened up my mind to new ideas), molly once (was kinda lame & weak), 

That's backwards. That molly must have been super stepped on.

Straight uncut MDMA which is what molly is supposed to be...is definitely more intense than typical ex.

As for that article up there...he had a bad trip. That's not a typical psych experience. You aren't supposed to be %+$*%%* with that anyway if you aren't in the right state of mind or aren't prepared.

MDMA sucks. I used to have joog on pure MDMA in powder and in capsules and I prefer an X pill cut with an upper over that any day. I used to have a pill tester and a go on pill reports and ive had pills cut with MDMA and MDA with everything from caffeine to heroin. I much rather have my pills cut with an upper any day than pure MDMA. My rolls were cool when they were pure but they didnt last as long cus of my tolerance and I didnt geek as hard with them cut.
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