Earthquake in CA?

a projected bigger earthquake to happen in the next 72 hours.

**** man. I was at a concert on sunset and didnt feel it but moms who normally doesn't get shook, was flat out scared as hell on the phone.

Another one bigger than this 5.3 and **** could get serious. Its obvious there is some extreme seismic activity going on right now.

hold me bros.
t me n the homie were getting lifted while it happened. Crazy . Pretty small but haven't felt one in a minute
I ain't feel it 

My kuzn came in my room asking about it, but all I saw was the chain to my ceiling fan swaying n the stick to my blinds moving. Guess I missed out. Ya'll see that CalTech press event on KCAL? Very informative 
These aftershocks...just waiting for one not to be an aftershock, but something bigger 
Man, I was at work putting a pallet away in the freezer (It's like -45 degrees in there) and I started to rock side to side. I ran the **** outta there lol :x
In my 22 years on earth, I have lived in socal.

I have never been witnessed this much seismic activity in this short amount of time. In the last month it has been at least 7, 8 noticeable quakes man.

Bruh, 4 plus magnitude in back to back days? **** may be serious bros. Hold me
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