Five teenagers approach you and your daughter, point a gun and tell you to leave, what would you do?

Damn what a hell of a decision he had to make :smh:

Everyone saying they would have died I agree, but would that really would have changed the outcome besides you ending up dead.

I was gung *** and still am that I'm fighting to the death, but if you think about it they had guns and if they do a crime like this then killing wouldn't have been a problem.

Your daughter sill gets raped and now has to grieve with you being killed.

Bad on all fronts.

If he had the gun close to his face and there was only one gun pointed then he should have tried to fight and grab the gun.

Man I hope they filth piece of **** get like without ever getting the possibility of parole.

I talked about this with my friends this morning after hearing about this story.

We can't really judge this guy because we don't know what their home life is like etc.

The dad could easily be the sole support system for his daughter. Who is to say being killed at that moment wouldn't put her in another bad position.

We also have consider the guilt/ depression the daughter would feel after losing her pops.

Either way it's all ****** up. I feel for this family.

I prolly would've taken the bullet too but it's not such a black and white choice.
Dad legit has no balls and needs to reevaluate his life. His number one priority should be to protect his children, and for him to run off and leave his daughter behind like that tells a lot about the kind of character he possesses.
My wife thinks I'm joking when I talk about dusting the hammer off......

This **** is all bad out here.
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well that's definitely a p.... move but I guess he rather be a punk than be dead

I could never leave my kid especially daughter with 5 males :x
I'm not gonna judge this man. It was a lose lose situation. Either you run to get help and your daughter gets raped, or you get shot and your daughter gets raped and/or possibly shot too. And to think that this was done by kids 
^Sure, it's a lose-lose situation...But I'd give my daughter atleast a chance to scream and yell for help, rather than leave her to get raped.

Fake or not, this story makes my blood boil because I have a two-month old daughter.
I'm not gonna judge this man. It was a lose lose situation. Either you run to get help and your daughter gets raped, or you get shot and your daughter gets raped and/or possibly shot too. And to think that this was done by kids :smh:

But my thing is if you know they got a gun, you running away knowing someone with a gun got your kid, he ran knowing they could've of shot his daughter? No way I can do it

This is messed up and I'm sure the daughter will resent her pops for this, he's suppose to be the first line of protection

Definitely a lose lose situation
Honestly, I have no sympathy.

Charge them as adults and lose the key.
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**** that on some real **** I'm dying for mine
I be ready to fight lil kids when my son get tackled in football
Or my daughter get hit to hard playing dodgeball
Ain't no way I'm standing for that
Not to mention ol dude couldn't fend off some 14-5 year olds
Mind u I realize there was s 17 year old involved but
**** I woulda tried to use that old man strength and take the gun
The dad a straight sucka a ***** and all that
and **** that deli owner too
Who the **** lies about **** like that and even so
U coulda had him use a land line
Ain't like he gonna run out with ur cordless phone
Can't he get sued by that Good Samaritan law or something
Like damn as a society we can't help each other in need
and give someone the benefit of the doubt and feel compassion
Would hope to have my gun on me, especially if only 1 of them had one. I'd be shooting all 5. Couldn't imagine actually leaving knowing what's happening.
^Sure, it's a lose-lose situation...But I'd give my daughter atleast a chance to scream and yell for help, rather than leave her to get raped.

Fake or not, this story makes my blood boil because I have a two-month old daughter.

Technically if he was shot the noise alone should attract enough attention that most dudes ain't gonna be trying to rape nothing.

Either way it was lose lose tho
Terrible dad. Would rather die fighting

And how did the dad not even have the cell phone on him
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^Sure, it's a lose-lose situation...But I'd give my daughter atleast a chance to scream and yell for help, rather than leave her to get raped.

Fake or not, this story makes my blood boil because I have a two-month old daughter.

Technically if he was shot the noise alone should attract enough attention that most dudes ain't gonna be trying to rape nothing.

Either way it was lose lose tho
Man once ur kids are brought into this world
Ur main objective in life is to protect and provide for them at all costs
Ain't no way I ain't tryna wrestle a gun outta somebody hands ain't no way I'm leaving my daughter
He gonna have to shoot me and while he shooting me
My daughter be running to safety
This really has me heated
At the ***** *** teenagers and the dad
This made me sick to my stomach. The cowardice of the father, the depravity of the rapists... ******* sick to my stomach. :smh:
pops needs to eat a hollow point like the dad from Man on Fire.

disgusting. flog those kids to death. srs
Damn what a hell of a decision he had to make :smh:

Everyone saying they would have died I agree, but would that really would have changed the outcome besides you ending up dead.

I was gung *** and still am that I'm fighting to the death, but if you think about it they had guns and if they do a crime like this then killing wouldn't have been a problem.

Your daughter sill gets raped and now has to grieve with you being killed.

Bad on all fronts.

If he had the gun close to his face and there was only one gun pointed then he should have tried to fight and grab the gun.

Man I hope they filth piece of **** get like without ever getting the possibility of parole.

I talked about this with my friends this morning after hearing about this story.

We can't really judge this guy because we don't know what their home life is like etc.

The dad could easily be the sole support system for his daughter. Who is to say being killed at that moment wouldn't put her in another bad position.

We also have consider the guilt/ depression the daughter would feel after losing her pops.

Either way it's all ****** up. I feel for this family.

I prolly would've taken the bullet too but it's not such a black and white choice.

Aint no exuse, period.

I doubt anyone would fire a gun in a public park and stay there, plus, any amount of struggle could've gave your child time to run.

Gotta take the big L..

Technically if he was shot the noise alone should attract enough attention that most dudes ain't gonna be trying to rape nothing.

Either way it was lose lose tho
as a father, without hesitation we woulda been scrapping, maybe i die maybe not but ive alrdy accepted id die for mine. dude is terry cloth, will probably commit suicide
Sad sad story all around :smh:

Your father is probably the VERY FIRST person you'd want to have in that situation. To see him leave you behind is something I don't think could ever be forgiven or forgotten. Just rotten :smh:
Honestly I cant sit here and say I would do this and that. I would hope that I would fight off the 5 men and ultimately hope my daughter ran and got help.
^Sure, it's a lose-lose situation...But I'd give my daughter atleast a chance to scream and yell for help, rather than leave her to get raped.

Fake or not, this story makes my blood boil because I have a two-month old daughter.
She screams and runs and they shoot her instead of you. Now what? He took the course of action that he probably thought was the best that would make it so that they both make it out alive.

I'm not gonna judge him for that. I've never been anywhere near a situation like the one he was placed in so I refuse to sit at my keyboard and go "**** this punk. Ima go out like a real one".

I don't agree with his decision but I'm not gonna look down on him for the course of action he took and it astounds me that more people are chastising the father than the perpetrators of this heinous *** crime for making him even have to make such a ****** up decision.
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He made a choice and at least they are both ALIVE. As far as their mental health that is something that will forever be changed.
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