Ford unveiling the FORD Bronco on O.J.'s birthday

I hope OJ does a Twitter take on this...

"Hey Twitter world, it's yours truly. Have you seen the new Ford Bronco? Man it's killer"
If not this, then the comments would bring me to a chuckle lol
No fool!

But we know now.


What are you not getting?
Most people don’t know OJs bday....including the execs at Ford. Also, if you’ve been following this SUV, you’d know this ain’t even a “reveal”. Pics been out for weeks. I don’t doubt someone may have moved the date slightly for the laugh, but if we were betting, I’d put my money on funny coincidence.
Would think if they dropped it on the anniversary of him fleeing that'd be a bigger deal of tone deaf...not OJ's bday which no one before this knew of
OJ killed the guy messing with his wife and was known driving the Ferrari he bought Nicole.

All I know is, I don't mess around with another man's wife or gf unless I'm prepared to go to war with the guy. Hahahahahahahaha.
Tone deaf? More like purposeful.
Genius marketing indeed. NO way would they have gotten this much attention on any other day.

This about to be lit 🔥 Especially when they unveil it and OJ steps out the all white on white bronco
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Like it’s bad enough the guy is plugging my wife. But if a guy is driving the car I bought or in the house I pay for then that’s different. I would definitely retaliate. I probably wouldn’t OJ’em but I would definitely have some smoke for him.
It's gonna be associated with OJ regardless.

Every person that buys one of these will be called OJ or juice a billion times. They'll be asked if their gonna kill their SO a billion times.
Imagine if they release a Limited “OJ” Edition? Only available in White with blood splattered interior. People would lose their ****. :lol:
Nobody thought to check if this was Ojs birthday and honestly who the hell cares? There is no statement behind the day and I honestly don’t know if this thread was created to try and give meaning to something random to prove a stupid point......
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