Girlfriends who are OBSESSED with designer purses UNappreciation vol. I hate Coach

My girl wants a $360 Coach Bag. Gonna have to get it for her for Christmas. Ebay live cashback FTW.
Tell me about it. But trust me as much as i spend on these damn speedy bags and %++@, i make sure WE get our money's worth
. Big *%@ speedy bags, andya'll don't carry much %++@ in it. I sit there and look at my girl like 'put some more %++@ in there' and she got the nerve to look at me likei'm trippin.

But a college student? Should have bought that broad a Jansport and called it a day.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by CarlMonday


you dating a 7th grader?
WTH you talking bout! Have you ever been in a Coach store? Coach has been a godsend to me...I can shower the wife with 5-6 purses for under a G going to the Coach Outlet.
I never knew 7th graders carried $500 bags

Anyways I have one...I DIDN'T ask for it..and my boyfriend bought it for my bday 2 years ago.
I like it though..but it's my first and last less somebody else buys me another..cause I sure as hell am not.

they aren't 500 dollars in outlets. and since coach pretty much recycles their purses/wallets not like anybody can tell a difference if it's from thisor last season.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I am so
right now I just bought my girl a Coach purse for Christmas. Why? I dunno. She has 40 milion purses....and she only TRULY uses 2 of them. I seriously did not want any gifts this year, I told her, "times are rough there is no need for the both of us to go out and spend all our money on nonsense. We are both college students, there are more important things to use that money for." Naturally like a broad she responds, "thats fine! I am cool with that. You dont have to get me anything, thats cool with me. I am still going to get you a little something though." Translation: If you DON'T get me a gift I will NOT be giving up the buns, and I WILL pout and complain, and you will NEVER hear the end of it.
So of course like most NTers with a relationship I was killing myself trying to figure out what the hell she wanted, naturally she gave NO hints what so ever. But we went to Macy's one day and she was gushing over this purse like she totally was transformed by this stupid purse. And I have been talking to her best friend and she told me that my girl bought me like OVER 15 items (I told this broad I didn't want a DAMN thing.
). So now I have to go big or never get buns. The purse was $360. So I went on and saw that they had free shipping, I figured cool I spend 360 + tax (thinking tax was going to be like 8 bucks or something). No. I went to check out, and the damn tax was $32 = $390 (for a $$$%@+* bag that she will NEVER use). So I went to the total of the bag was $402 even higher than Coach's site. I have no problem spending a G on my girl on practical stuff like, new computer, phone, clothes, lingerie, or a new puppy, but 400 on a stupid purse is WHACK!

mad? yes.

Coach = Whack and is not a "designer" brand.

-The Juice

My girl loves Coach..i have bought her at least 3-4 bags since we've been together in the last 2 and a half years..and i like 'em n whatever..

However, the last few things she has received from coach has been from a Coach saves you a buncha money me..

I feel ur pain..
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by jay zoe2

Expensive purses? Try wallets! Last year, for my wife's birthday I got a her a Chanel wallet, and the thing ran me $850. I was looking like
when they rang it up. It's all good though, the wife is worth it; plus it was her birthday.

I don't get !!** like this. Why be enamored with things you honestly can't afford. Being able to purchase is different than being able to afford. I'm not saying you particularly are going to go broke cause you bought a wallet but it seems like recent epidemic in America of people buying luxury goods who can't really afford them. I mean end of the day spend your money how you want, just seems stupid to me. If $850 for a wallet doesn't faze you then shopping at Chanel makes sense and more power to you, but if it doesn't… then I don't get why you don't just find something still nice but more within your "lifestyle".
See the problem is I DO have the money to buy luxury goods. BUT I do not buy them on the regular because I work hard and understand the value of a dollar. I would have much rather spent that $400 on something else, but I was stuck. I did not know what to get and like I said, she saw the purse and loved it. That purse IMO makes no sense to me, and thats why I was upset.

-The Juice

Ehh. I hear ya. Just when you make a whole thread about complaining which you were. Just about being stuck not the $400 but end of the day if you got $400 tospend on your girl, who cares what it's on if it makes her happy/thats what she wants. Maybe your girl could want to go to Charlie Trotters and spend astack on ill meal. If you got a stack to spend on her to make her happy… Then do it, but don't cry about it. Cause then it makes it seem like you eitherdon't want to spend X amount on your girl or you don't really have X amount to spend.
Originally Posted by airkeung88

hate to tell you this, your girl is "high maintenance" for you. Or she's just a shopaholic which is NOT good at all for you.
yeah your screwed b, i hope you ain't a sneaker head or and any hobbies whatsoever cuz if thats the case ya gonna crash and bump headsforever.
Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by airkeung88

hate to tell you this, your girl is "high maintenance" for you. Or she's just a shopaholic which is NOT good at all for you.
yeah your screwed b, i hope you ain't a sneaker head or and any hobbies whatsoever cuz if thats the case ya gonna crash and bump heads forever.

suck to be you homie.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Late80s

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I guess some of you believe Coach is a Target brand. By all means since it seems some of you are balling, they got a a purse that is about 2Gs. Purchase it and ship it this way, I will paypal you shipping.

Thanks in advance.

-The Juice
paying 2gs for coach is like paying 2gs for pigeon dunks. no matter how much they justify the price its still a mall brand.

and ur buying a 340 bag. homie thats like ipod and good headphones money.....
I am sorry. Not all of us can trick out with the creator of American Apparel...or who ever that dude was, I cant keep up with your WhoreTales. Like I said it's not the money that is the upsetting part. It's what I am spending it on is the upsetting part.

Hows Dom by the way? or Ben? Been a while since he put you in the Camel Clutch ::cue pic::

-The Juice
Why didn't you just go get her a puppy then?

When i was with my ex broad she never asked for anything, which i liked. Then a month into the relationship.. She asked for some new shoes, i told her"This just isn't working out, because you already know i want the 13/10 countdown pack as well. I don't have an extra $250 to go get you one,sorry".
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(153, 0, 0)]i see why teachers prefer double spaced papers... but you a good dude, i can't even just spend a g on myself...[/color]
Teachers also prefer people with good grammar.
ebayologist wrote:
Originally Posted by jay zoe2

Expensive purses? Try wallets! Last year, for my wife's birthday I got a her a Chanel wallet, and the thing ran me $850. I was looking like
when they rang it up. It's all good though, the wife is worth it; plus it was her birthday.

I don't get !!** like this. Why be enamored with things you honestly can't afford. Being able to purchase is different than being able to afford. I'm not saying you particularly are going to go broke cause you bought a wallet but it seems like recent epidemic in America of people buying luxury goods who can't really afford them. I mean end of the day spend your money how you want, just seems stupid to me. If $850 for a wallet doesn't faze you then shopping at Chanel makes sense and more power to you, but if it doesn't… then I don't get why you don't just find something still nice but more within your "lifestyle".

I see what you are saying. In our situation, we both work and have good savings/investments, so splurging on someones each othersBirthdays/Christmas/Anniversary isn't that big of a deal. I may not have liked the price of the wallet, but through GOD's blessing, we are able toafford stuff like that without having to worry about where the money is coming from. For my birthday, I wanted an Omega, and she got me an Omega. It's nobig deal.
What a waste.
I gve up material things right after high school.
Saving up for my future (house, kids, college) ftw.
so two things..
1. I thought the title said obesse
(not being able toread FTL)
2. My girl may have some coupons for coach, pm me about them
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by CarlMonday


you dating a 7th grader?
WTH you talking bout! Have you ever been in a Coach store? Coach has been a godsend to me...I can shower the wife with 5-6 purses for under a G going to the Coach Outlet.
I never knew 7th graders carried $500 bags

Anyways I have one...I DIDN'T ask for it..and my boyfriend bought it for my bday 2 years ago.
I like it though..but it's my first and last less somebody else buys me another..cause I sure as hell am not.

they aren't 500 dollars in outlets. [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]and since coach pretty much recycles their purses/wallets not like anybody can tell a difference[/color] if it's from this or last season.
This is what i had in mind when i read that.
yo that is so lame when dudes get their chicks one designer purse just cause its a holiday or items only look tight when you livethat lifestyle you can't have one designer purse or item and over wear it .......or wear it one day than a target handbag the next not that anything iswrong with target(target is my fav store) but that just doesn't add up. Credit card ballers ftl!!!! Work hard and value where you are in life and how yougot there.
Originally Posted by rocman23

so two things..
1. I thought the title said obesse
(not being able to read FTL)
2. My girl may have some coupons for coach, pm me about them
And not being able to spell FTL.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by CarlMonday


you dating a 7th grader?
WTH you talking bout! Have you ever been in a Coach store? Coach has been a godsend to me...I can shower the wife with 5-6 purses for under a G going to the Coach Outlet.
I never knew 7th graders carried $500 bags.
The ones in New York City do.
now she knows
Originally Posted by Yimoney23

Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by airkeung88

hate to tell you this, your girl is "high maintenance" for you. Or she's just a shopaholic which is NOT good at all for you.
yeah your screwed b, i hope you ain't a sneaker head or and any hobbies whatsoever cuz if thats the case ya gonna crash and bump heads forever.
suck to be you homie.
I actually don't mind "high maintenance" girls, as long as I was making serious $$$..... or especially wouldn'tmind if she had a good job & was making some good $ (I know several girls who are about to graduate college & get $80,000+ starting off)

I can't say I hate them because that'd be hypocritical.... I like to spend $$$ on stuff & I like nice stuff. I'm a really good shopper &always find sales, but I still buy lots of stuff.

I mean I can see the other side of hating "high maintenance" girls if they're just spending YOUR $ all the time... and spending way too much ofit.
But in many of those cases.... the girl is
if you're making serious money yourself. So it can be a tough call.

The best way to go is to find a "high maintenance" girl who has some of her own $$$ and spends it, instead of yours all the time
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

get a new source of release, your present box costs too much.


this will never end gonna spend $$ from now until youre done with her...

find a more reasonable chick...

me? im spending about $50 on a chick this christmas....thats it
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