I Know I'm not the Only One.... Vol. Keep it Gully

Originally Posted by MOEree5e

purchasing some dank with the fake 20s at night so homie really wont be able to tell...
That's just low.
And dangerous.
Originally Posted by KL9

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by BallinB

Split the price of two tickets between 3 or more people. 2 people go in, one person comes back out with 2 ticket stubs and brings the next person in..and so on
you've got to be kidding me
You've never done that? I've done it once or twice only though...Early high school years

ppl seriously didn't know about this?
and also we all chip in, buy 1 ticket,
one person goes inside the theatre
go through the exit inside the theatre (make sure to put something in between so the doors wont close)
and run down the stair case to open up a side door and bum rush the movie theatre with mad people
Another old one that rarely ever works anymore because stores finally wised up: Buy something, and then put the tag on something else somewhat similar andreturn that. Marshalls was really easy to hit so I would swap out my beat up old RL polos for new ones. When Marshalls first started getting Mitchell and Nessjerseys, we would buy the real ones from them, and then return fake ones... one time it was really bad--one of those fake Quarterback of the Century jerseys.I'm sure somebody probably thought they found the ultimate steal.
If I buy something in SuperWal-Mart and I leave without them stamping my ticket

I put the tings in the trunk and go right back in, pick up the same items I just paid for but leave through the home+garden exit...

I got duplicates of my Tv, Dvd and stereo (did this bout 3 yrs ago)

I know Im not the only one who figured this out too
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by MOEree5e

purchasing some dank with the fake 20s at night so homie really wont be able to tell...
That's just low.
And dangerous.

lol at saying stiffing the dealer is low. dangerous for sure, but low? homeboy was just talking about sticking up delivery drivers and you chose to statestiffing the dealer is low?

i'll laugh when y'all jump on the wrong delivery dude and he lays you out or fills you with lead. and/or a bystander comes and lays you out.

sounds like keeping it gully on nt = keeping it broke and desperate.
Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by MOEree5e

purchasing some dank with the fake 20s at night so homie really wont be able to tell...
That's just low.
And dangerous.

lol at saying stiffing the dealer is low. dangerous for sure, but low? homeboy was just talking about sticking up delivery drivers and you chose to state stiffing the dealer is low?

i'll laugh when y'all jump on the wrong delivery dude and he lays you out or fills you with lead. and/or a bystander comes and lays you out.

sounds like keeping it gully on nt = keeping it broke and desperate.

im sure delievery men on bikes carry these
Originally Posted by aznjmacan

If I buy something in SuperWal-Mart and I leave without them stamping my ticket

I put the tings in the trunk and go right back in, pick up the same items I just paid for but leave through the home+garden exit...

I got duplicates of my Tv, Dvd and stereo (did this bout 3 yrs ago)

I know Im not the only one who figured this out too

...I'm not the only one to throw something in the bag at the self checkout lanes

...I can't be the only one to slide my money in a strippers thong and then pull it out as she gyrates all over. They be thinking I'm tipping big time,finish and start counting and be mad as hell

....I can't be the only one to ever tear my dollar on half to make it stretch with the strippers

....been to Great America and got my hand stamped and rubbed friends hands so we all got in

...left my 300 level seats at United Center for empties in the 100 level
1st half I'm scouting and second half I'm chilling with great seats

....I can't be the only one that replaced broken PS2 by buying another at walmart, swapping the bar codes and then returning for full refund

Times are tough
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I find a credit card and I'm gassin the hood up for half price

I find a credit card and I'm buying 50 movie tickets and sell em half price
debt card trick >credit card tricks

Do tell my friend...like Fraiser, I'm listening
Split the price of two tickets between 3 or more people. 2 people go in, one person comes back out with 2 ticket stubs and brings the next person in..and so on

Man, we used to stay doin this when I was in highschool... but the employees caught on quick!!!

This dudes had the undercovers lurkin all through each theater... Right after the previews, all you would see is some big silhouettes blockin your view...

If them flashlights hit you, and you aint have that stub... you was done for!!!!...

How you have a task force in a local cinema?!?!?!?...

walk right behind someone acting like you put your metro card in the machine when entering / leaving the DMV metro!!! used to do this all the time when i was younger...

I'ma skinny dude, so i used to just act like I threw my money in and then I would just slide right thruthe barrier...

...and i was 20 years old still using middle school/ high school student bus tickets!!
...... wore a article of clothing , got it dirty and took it right back for a full refund

..... used a marker from a bodega to make a mark on your hand that looks similar to the one the club is stamping

...... that always skips the line ... no matter what ..... 9/10 nobody says anything

....... smoked a clip joint
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

when youre in the shower...you have to take a dump...but your too lazy to get out....so you take a dump in there......but then its too big to go through the strainer thing......so you step/smush on it with your foot till it does......

this is one the craziest responses I ever read on NT.
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

when youre in the shower...you have to take a dump...but your too lazy to get out....so you take a dump in there......but then its too big to go through the strainer thing......so you step/smush on it with your foot till it does......


I know im not the only one that takes # 2's naked
Don't know if its just a common thing now or gully, but i've never purchased the small size garbage bags for the small garbage can in my room. Also notanymore, but to the take the ferry to NYC you gotta park in a lot. They RIP you off on some $20/hour steez. However when the good samaritan in front of yougoes through the exit, the gate's arm stays up for like 30 seconds; FLOOR IT.
this thread is takin it back to the daayyyzzz!!!

well....when me and my boys used to Amtrak chics, we would pick them up...ride around for a while to see where shortees head was at and askin her what shewanted to do........and if she wasnt about the business.......then we'd drop her off and leave her stranded...

this only happened a couple of times, because my boy was a real hot head...and if shortee was faking the least bit, he'd have no remorse! so before i cantry to recover the rendezvous.....its too late, shes upset and out the door!

kids are so mean!
Originally Posted by MOEree5e

this thread is takin it back to the daayyyzzz!!!

well....when me and my boys used to Amtrak chics, we would pick them up...ride around for a while to see where shortees head was at and askin her what she wanted to do........and if she wasnt about the business.......then we'd drop her off and leave her stranded...

this only happened a couple of times, because my boy was a real hot head...and if shortee was faking the least bit, he'd have no remorse! so before i can try to recover the rendezvous.....its too late, shes upset and out the door!

kids are so mean!

This is how I caught an armed roberry case, and wasted 7
days, and G's of my life. I thank God that its over and the
charges were dropped. (chicks never came to court)
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Originally Posted by aznjmacan

If I buy something in SuperWal-Mart and I leave without them stamping my ticket

I put the tings in the trunk and go right back in, pick up the same items I just paid for but leave through the home+garden exit...

I got duplicates of my Tv, Dvd and stereo (did this bout 3 yrs ago)

I know Im not the only one who figured this out too

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