If asked to join the Freemasons....would you join?

I have zero interest in JOINING.

But acquiring knowledge/secrets isn't something I ever turn down

Thanks for the write ups

Venus is exalted in Libra.

^ In Jake Layman's terms, explain this for me please.

I didn't mean joining masons, just an interest in knowledge, the way/why things work etc. Only reason I would recommend it personally is the social connections. Like I said, most of their stuff is watered down congo mysticism.

Late night, meant to say venus rules libra.(not exalted, there's a difference) To keep it simple, It's like having home court advantage. Libra conceptually represents balance. It's the only zodiac not represented by an animal because it represents a concept. Venus forms a pentagram with earth in it's orbit around the sun. Pentagram is the basis for the vitruvian man aka Allah aka Arm Leg Leg Arm Head. Allah, baphomet, all these terms have to with fining your way back to the peace that was before creation. You can't build with out balance physically or psychologically.

The name “Lucifer” literally means “Light Bearer.” The Statue of Liberty who is holding the torch and painted green, is actually a statue of Lucifer, who was sometimes considered a woman given the Venus connection. Lucifer is called “The Morning Star” which remains a title for the planet Venus. The word “Liberty” in the name “Statue of Liberty” comes from the old Latin “Librare” which means “to free.” The Greek god Prometheus—who like Lucifer, is primarily based on the Ethiopian angel, Shemyaza—came to earth to free Mankind from ignorance by warming his icy soul with the gift of fire (vital knowledge).

From the Latin word “Librare” we also get the name for the zodiac sign “Libra” which is ruled by Venus, who is also known as Lucifer. To extrapolate on the Latin word “Librare” even further, we also discover that it gives us the word “Library.” How so? Well, libraries “free” the human mind from the shackles of ignorance and are both literally, and figuratively, houses of fire (vital knowledge). If a Library is a house of fire, then that would certainly make it a “Light Bearer,” which as I said before, is what the name “Lucifer” translates to mean. So every time you go to the library you are actually going to a Lucifereum.

Lucifer in his fallen state is the embodiment of vanity, arrogance, pride and unfettered ambition. On the rise, Lucifer embodies the godly virtues of altruism, self-sacrifice and self-realization. The cow jumping over the moon in the nursery rhyme is all about the intuitive, imaginative mind (the cow, Heru-Het, Hathor) overcoming the intellectual, rational mind (moon). The moon is symbolic of the intellect because it focuses and “reflects” the sun’s light just as the intellect focuses and “reflects” on the contents of an imaginative, intuitive mind. The dish running away with the spoon is about man (spoon) and woman (dish) escaping this Hell’s Kitchen called earth together by perpetually giving the hungry delectable food for thought. Few can serve a hot plate better than a Butler can.

The Tree of Life

Lucifer’s wings will not mend, and he will not rise, until the appetite for materialism that God planted in his mind ferments into a desire to return home to Mount Zion (Mountain of the Sun), the abode of the spirit, which is the pineal gland in your brain. This is the coming of the sun of man, or rather, the sun in man, whom the Kemau called Ra. When we gaze at Lucifer with our first eye, as opposed to our second and third eyes, then the Lucifer paradox, like all duality,
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Lol I ain't even gonna front like I'm familiar with Wayne and what he would be trying to relay.

Clarence 13x was a memeber of the NOI who saw that the people who could actually influence change were the thugs/delinquents. He took islam and encoded it in a way that would speak to them. Arm leg Leg Arm Head was a clever pnuemonic device he crafted to raise a people in a system they were familiar with. Allah actually comes from a feminine goddess named Allat and can be traced back even further to sumerian mythology.

Something someone passed on to me, if they're talking about money and economics out the gate and you came to learn something spiritual, run!! Nothing is possible without the development of character and integrity. For a building to last it needs integrity. There's a place for money in this world, but what's the use if you don't know how to build a safe to secure it? That's what the concept of masonry is about, albeit elementary. Also patience, I used to look at a video and saw it was 2-3 hrs and it was an instant no for me dog, but as i matured i realized i sacrificed a lot of time killing destroying myself. Even if i disagree with 95% of some of the stuff I've seen, intent overpowered execution and i started finding myself in 6-7 hour lectures where I'd lose track of time
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Albert Pike is amongst the most revered masons in history. You won’t make it past the 3rd degree (master mason) or even close to the that without becoming familiar with the book “Morals and Dogma”.

If you’re a blue lodge mason chances are you’re clueless about the true structure and nature of the lodge. It’s simply a fraternal order that allows you to get a leg up in society.

If you’re black and involved in masonry chances are you’re a prince hall mason which is looked at as a joke by the Scottish rite York rite and Shriners. Reason being because white supremacy rules with an iron first and masonry is no different. At its core it’s a racist, phalic sun cult. A perversion of light masonry in its inception.

I believe what I just stated should be reason enough for anyone with any true morality not to join.

If you’re an atheist, you can’t be a mason. Or you at least have to fein some sort of belief in a religious doctrine.

When initially asked to join one of the requirements is that you MUST be a person of faith and it doesn’t matter what that faith is be it in the Bible, Quaran, Torah, etc.

Reason being is because all of these religions worship a “god” and that god goes by different names which are all synonymous with Lucifer. Jesus = Lucifer. True Christians don’t even use the name Jesus because it’s not historically accurate. Yahweh is the god of the Old Testament. The LORD all caps. This is not what’s taught in bible school or to the “profane” this is what’s taught in what’s know as the “mysteries”.

It’s all about duality with these people. The most powerful people on earth with the most control firmly believe in this. Light, dark, black, white, as above so below etc.

Back to Pike, he clearly states that the god of freemasonry is Lucifer. This is fact! I’ll find the quotes if anyone doesn’t believe that.

All that said, you shouldn’t be ****ing around with masonry. End rant. I’m off the henny and bored.
I'm a Prince hall mason as well..i met tony browder during the Egypt on the Potomac tour fall 2016 he said the same thing as well..where as Scottish rite and York rite didn't pass down everything to Prince hall mason tbh i believe it
I could probably initiate.. put the little Gold Square and Compass decal on my car to match my other decals and never pursue it further.

Not really interested in any luciferian foolishness to get to 32nd or "33rd" degree. Also not interested in paying dues for influence anymore.
C.Magneto C.Magneto How would you compare the fulfillment of being a mason to the fulfillment of being a part of other systems such as Ifa, Vodoo, Orisha(Yoruba) traditions etc.

So I've been initiated and active for most of my life in/around the Yoruba tradition. The odd thing is that every mason that I come across through Traditional Yoruba practices mentions a lack of fulfillment through masonry. I'm not a mason and I didn't want to pry into what they mean because I notice a huge change in tone in the conversation when I typically ask a mason about masonry. Something like they assume that I want to join because of my curiosity. I also assume there is a code or system of tone affiliated with masons talking about masonry as well. Being that I do not know what the tone switch is implying, like I honestly don't know the intent whether it be that they are blessing or cursing the conversation. You know what I mean.

In summary, I am asking to better understand the affiliation among what would motivate a mason to pursue Traditional African spirituality and understand how to better understand how to service the situation.
C.Magneto C.Magneto How would you compare the fulfillment of being a mason to the fulfillment of being a part of other systems such as Ifa, Vodoo, Orisha(Yoruba) traditions etc.

So I've been initiated and active for most of my life in/around the Yoruba tradition. The odd thing is that every mason that I come across through Traditional Yoruba practices mentions a lack of fulfillment through masonry. I'm not a mason and I didn't want to pry into what they mean because I notice a huge change in tone in the conversation when I typically ask a mason about masonry. Something like they assume that I want to join because of my curiosity. I also assume there is a code or system of tone affiliated with masons talking about masonry as well. Being that I do not know what the tone switch is implying, like I honestly don't know the intent whether it be that they are blessing or cursing the conversation. You know what I mean.

In summary, I am asking to better understand the affiliation among what would motivate a mason to pursue Traditional African spirituality and understand how to better understand how to service the situation.

Sorry for the delay. I’ve been out the country. Always go with the African traditional systems over masonry. Masonry is just the traditions watered down which is why I’d suspect they speak on the lack of fulfillment. The only benefit would be the social aspect. There’s masons all over the world. On the other hand, I struggle to find any one dealing with ifa in America that’s not an overnight priest and trying to sell you some baths etc.
Sorry for the delay. I’ve been out the country. Always go with the African traditional systems over masonry. Masonry is just the traditions watered down which is why I’d suspect they speak on the lack of fulfillment. The only benefit would be the social aspect. There’s masons all over the world. On the other hand, I struggle to find any one dealing with ifa in America that’s not an overnight priest and trying to sell you some baths etc.

Thanks. That makes sense now. And yes, it is very difficult to find decent babalawo's in the states these days.
Bumping this thread cuz we got some misinformed clowns on both sides tainting the Kobe thread. Let’s get our FACTS about the craft straight.
I have a frat brother that has made his way up to what is called a cryptic mason. I've also seen him showing off royal arch mason paraphernalia as well. Seeing all of that has led me to doing more research to see if I would want to join.
Got recruited by the NY Scottish rite... i was gonna check it out at the beginning of the year but Bovid put a halt to that......
I can honestly state that if asked, I'd tell them and all like them, to kiss my ***. All I need, of which I do have, are the ancestors that created me.
I can honestly state that if asked, I'd tell them and all like them, to kiss my ***. All I need, of which I do have, are the ancestors that created me.

Two strong Black Leaders were Masons, in JOrdan and Kobe.

What do you have to say about that?
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