IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

people again taking what they learn in religion and treating it as the absolute truth...
I am a muslim, and in islam homosexuality is a sin.
I believe everything the quran says and accept it as 100% truth.

So why then am I arguing for gay marriage and rights??
Because we are living in a multi-cultural society w/ a secular government. And it is unfair for the government to mix politics an religion, unless it has to dowith values/ethics/rules that are universal such as
-no killing
-no stealing
-rights to life/liberty/pursuit of happiness

Please don't bring up religion.
I don't agree with homosexuality, but my discontent towards discrimination is much much stronger.
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

I don't think a child is born gay either...a child don't know nothing but feed me and change me when its first born

So when did you choose to be straight?

the same age you chose to be gay

I'm not gay but you're wrong if you think gay people aren't born that way. You're rebuttal is evidence that you don't know what you'retalking about.
Originally Posted by M16

Nobody is born gay. That's the most ******ed thing I've ever heard. Save yourself the time and don't post "brain scans" either.

I have to remember I am on NT sometimes.
Gay guy: being gay is so hard "pause"
Black guy: being black is harder "pause"
GG: blah blah blah
BG: blah blah blah
BG: people follow me around stores and think I am going to steal
GG: People run away from me and look at me and make comments
BG: white people call me names
GG: everyone calls me names
BG: my people are socioeconomically held down by "the man"
GG: I just hold down men.."ppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
BG: up to 50 years ago people like me were beaten for no reason other than being a different color
GG: people like me still get beaten for no reason other than be attracted to the same sex

same argument every time....we all know we should except everyone all the time, we still dont.....who cares about who has it worse, concentrate on making itbetter...
There isn't a "choice"... you are born straight. That's all there is. Even labeling it something like "straight" is stupid becauseacknowledge there are different "orientations" that just happen. Call it being born "normal" - because that is what it is intended to be.The variations come into play later for a number of reasons, but no one is born with the desire to have penis in their rectum. It defies all logic, commonsense, our own anatomies, evolution, reproduction, biology, morality etc. The fact that they are now trying to equate this variation with something like thestruggle for human rights is disgusting.
Originally Posted by M16

There isn't a "choice"... you are born straight. That's all there is. Even labeling it something like "straight" is stupid because acknowledge there are different "orientations" that just happen. Call it being born "normal" - because that is what it is intended to be. The variations come into play later for a number of reasons, but no one is born with the desire to have penis in their rectum. It defies all logic, common sense, our own anatomies, evolution, reproduction, biology, morality etc. The fact that they are now trying to equate this variation with something like the struggle for human rights is disgusting.
I'm not going to waste time debating with you so ill just leave this here.

Edit** nevermind M16 is mideastbeast. Forget it fam
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by M16

Nobody is born gay. That's the most ******ed thing I've ever heard. Save yourself the time and don't post "brain scans" either.

I have to remember I am on NT sometimes.
It doesn't make sense to be arguing with a majority of the dudes on here.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

Gay guy: being gay is so hard "pause"
Black guy: being black is harder "pause"
GG: blah blah blah
BG: blah blah blah
BG: people follow me around stores and think I am going to steal
GG: People run away from me and look at me and make comments
BG: white people call me names
GG: everyone calls me names
BG: my people are socioeconomically held down by "the man"
GG: I just hold down men.."ppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
BG: up to 50 years ago people like me were beaten for no reason other than being a different color
GG: people like me still get beaten for no reason other than be attracted to the same sex

same argument every time....we all know we should except everyone all the time, we still dont.....who cares about who has it worse, concentrate on making it better...

Originally Posted by DublBagn

same argument every time....we all know we should except everyone all the time, we still dont.....who cares about who has it worse, concentrate on making it better...

Ho-lee *!%+. When I say stuff like this, people call me a hippie!

Props fam.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

I don't think a child is born gay either...a child don't know nothing but feed me and change me when its first born

So when did you choose to be straight?

the same age you chose to be gay

I'm not gay but you're wrong if you think gay people aren't born that way. You're rebuttal is evidence that you don't know what you're talking about.

sarcasm...pull your skirt down.......I don't think a child is born gay or straight, like I said when they are born all they know is feed me or the time they know the difference between boys and girls I'm sure thats when they know what they are attractive to, I don't think for oneminute that a child is born gay like its some type of syndrome or disease
Originally Posted by M16

There isn't a "choice"... you are born straight. That's all there is. Even labeling it something like "straight" is stupid because acknowledge there are different "orientations" that just happen. Call it being born "normal" - because that is what it is intended to be. The variations come into play later for a number of reasons, but no one is born with the desire to have penis in their rectum. It defies all logic, common sense, our own anatomies, evolution, reproduction, biology, morality etc. The fact that they are now trying to equate this variation with something like the struggle for human rights is disgusting.
ive found myself agreeing with your posts n numerous threads now... "MY MANNN"

i do however agree that some men are genteically predisposed to not being attracted to women... however unlike in past generations when these men would haveaged...alone, and died this generation has taken to a new, more flamboyant approach...

the thought of penis' in rectums tho... male rectums that is
Originally Posted by M16

There isn't a "choice"... you are born straight. That's all there is. Even labeling it something like "straight" is stupid because acknowledge there are different "orientations" that just happen. Call it being born "normal" - because that is what it is intended to be. The variations come into play later for a number of reasons, but no one is born with the desire to have penis in their rectum. It defies all logic, common sense, our own anatomies, evolution, reproduction, biology, morality etc. The fact that they are now trying to equate this variation with something like the struggle for human rights is disgusting.
no one is born with the desire to have their male genitalia in a %$$+@.

There is nothing wrong with being gay in islam mideastbeast, it is however, a sin to PRACTICE HOMOSEXUALITY.
The same way it is not a sin to be attracted to women you are not married to, but it is a sin to fornicate or commit adultery.
I'm not watching some video as if it will change the fundamental moral and natural laws that have been set in place since the dawn of humanity.

It's really amazing where society is going with this. First people are "born" gay... now rejecting gays marriage is the equivalence of rejectingblacks human rights. What's next ?
Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by M16

There isn't a "choice"... you are born straight. That's all there is. Even labeling it something like "straight" is stupid because
acknowledge there are different "orientations" that just happen. Call it being born "normal" - because that is what it is intended to be.
The variations come into play later for a number of reasons, but no one is born with the desire to have penis in their rectum. It defies all logic, common
sense, our own anatomies, evolution, reproduction, biology, morality etc. The fact that they are now trying to equate this variation with something like the
struggle for human rights is disgusting.
no one is born with the desire to have their male genitalia in a *!%+%.

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.
Were you born straight or did you choose to be straight?

i'm going to be real with you. the minute i saw boobies and big bootys on tv and something in my pants started to grow hard and i was wondering why itwould grow whenever i would see boobies and big bootys is when i choose to be straight.

also my main problem is with the loud obnixous flamboyant attention seeking dudes who give gays a bad name. you know the guys who od on it and have anattitude like, " i'm gay and i can be as loud and obnixous and flamboyant as i want."

kinda like that perez hilton tool. if you were to judge all gays off of him you probably wouldn't have a positive opinion of them

i will say though that i can't stand loud obnxious people though straight or gay.

i will say this i know some dudes choose to be gay or experiment in their teenage years. when i worked at a rec center and when i was in high school therewere some dudes who were questionable, some of them only acted that way because they wanted attention regardless of it was good or bad attention. someacted that way because thats who they really are.

seasoned vet. i saw little minor signs when we were growing up but i didn't think nothing of it. he never acted flamboyant or talked with the type ofvoice that the stereotypical gay person talks with.
Originally Posted by M16

I'm not watching some video as if it will change the fundamental moral and natural laws that have been set in place since the dawn of humanity.

It's really amazing where society is going with this. First people are "born" gay... now rejecting gays marriage is the equivalence of rejecting blacks human rights. What's next ?

- i honestly dont think anyone in this thread expected you to.....
-God hates gays, and there's a special place reserved for them in hell.

-Being gay is a choice....some people are just bored so when they get tired of their PS3s they reach for a real joystick.

-Gay people are the reason for slavery, katrina, the holocaust and the crack epidemic
animals all over the world are gay, there are gay bees, for chrissake...(look it up before you dismiss) People are as natural as anything else homosexuality isas natural as anything else, straight people like anal sex too. just because you're grossed out by something dosent make it wrong. Maybe it means you needto grow up, and realize there are more important issues. You shouldn't care if someone loves someone else, you should care if someone kills someone else,or if some one is starving to death. Gay's are important to society and if you want to think about 'God's Plan', maybe you all should cosiderthe fact that half the world is starving to death due to over population. maybe a few million gays adopting orpans, and designing fantastic clothes might bebeneficial. Versace was gay, James Baldwin was gay, Leonardo Da Vinci was gay. Gay is nothing new. gay will always be around, you can deny marriage but gaynesswill still be there. just because gays get married doesnt mean you have to gay marry or have butt sex. And i think there is hypocrisy in some of thesearguments because we're all talking about men. Aint nobody in this forum has a problem with gay women sex.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.
Were you born straight or did you choose to be straight?

i'm going to be real with you. the minute i saw boobies and big bootys on tv and something in my pants started to grow hard and i was wondering why it would grow whenever i would see boobies and big bootys is when i choose to be straight.

also my main problem is with the loud obnixous flamboyant attention seeking dudes who give gays a bad name. you know the guys who od on it and have an attitude like, " i'm gay and i can be as loud and obnixous and flamboyant as i want."

kinda like that perez hilton tool. if you were to judge all gays off of him you probably wouldn't have a positive opinion of them

i will say though that i can't stand loud obnxious people though straight or gay.

i will say this i know some dudes choose to be gay or experiment in their teenage years. when i worked at a rec center and when i was in high school there were some dudes who were questionable, some of them only acted that way because they wanted attention regardless of it was good or bad attention. some acted that way because thats who they really are.

seasoned vet. i saw little minor signs when we were growing up but i didn't think nothing of it. he never acted flamboyant or talked with the type of voice that the stereotypical gay person talks with.

....and again, listen to yourself my man.

- ask your homeboy when he knew. ask your homeboy what was going through his head when he was young. tell him to explain to your his frustrations with hissexuality and what he wishes he could change.....
what would he wish to change?, thats the life he chooses to live and if he's happy with it then he's happy with it. i disagree with him on it but toeach their own. i probably will ask him one day on some serious stuff those questions though. i doubt he's sexually frustrated though. he does what hedoes, i rather not think about that though.
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