Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Thoughts from columnist Damon Young from his FB page...
Kanye is a cornball with low information and high fructose corn syrup, but what he’s saying about slavery soaks in the same implicit anti-blackness as “They wouldn’t have been able to keep me in chains.” Or “I wasn’t built to be a slave.” Or “Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage.” Because if you would have been born a slave in America when black people were born slaves, you would have done what 99.999% of the Black people born then did, and that’s die a slave.

This is not a mark against you or your ancestors if you happen to descend from slaves. Instead it is proof of their strength and resilience and faith and fight. If you are alive today, and if your life is the eventual product of people who, hundreds of years ago, were born in and died in chains, your very existence is a ******* miracle. That they went through all of that and are still able to, a half millennium later, have a legacy through you is a **#king miracle. That they were able to live long enough, through all of that **#king sh$t, to still produce and continue life is a **#king miracle.

Anti-blackness — the lesson plans for white supremacy’s multi-disciplinary base curriculum — is so relentless and pervasive and nimble and tricky that it has attempted to convince us to regard the men and women who came before us as something other than the ******* miracles that they were. We ain’t all come from kings and queens, and that’s fine. We mostly came from people who fought and clawed and scratched to etch space to be human when the economy of the entire **#king country was predicated on preventing that from happening, and that’s enough. That will always be enough.


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The rudimentary analysis that some of y'all are giving his words is astonishing. Especially considering that I have seen many in here, on other threads, vigorously state how multi-faceted issues are. Kanye explained his statement in the very next sentence when he described mental imprisonment. To ignore that is to not discuss this in good faith.
The slavery is a choice comment nullifies all his other comments, and tangents......Nobody owes his ignorance nuanced analysis.
This has been pretty sad to see.

At the end of the day, I think everything he's saying is COMPLETELY for buzz and shock value and he doesn't care about the impact his words have.
That's the thing in all this, as I stated earlier in this thread, I heard a black guy say to a white girl how what ye said was TRUE. White girl was agreeing with him too, lmao! Kanye giving people a pass to spew ignorance, not in front of me, checked them both.

Ye lost me with this nonsense.
Ooooh they so sensitive.

The 500s are a must cop for me now.

Yeezy 2024!!!

Yeah, what he’s saying is foolish and ignant but the balls to say something like that, like bruh, gotta respect it.
Damn Bunk went in!

Kanye might kill himself, especially if he has all these mental health issues everyone claims.
That's the thing in all this, as I stated earlier in this thread, I heard a black guy say to a white girl how what ye said was TRUE. White girl was agreeing with him too, lmao! Kanye giving people a pass to spew ignorance, not in front of me, checked them both.

Ye lost me with this nonsense.

Dudes flying off the handle with this nonsense on my Facebook feed....is like the ones that were holding back from saying dumb **** through this whole Trump age in fear of getting roasted, feel like they got a pass now because Ye did it...
the fact that voluntary mental enslavement of the african american community makes more sense to some people than hundreds of years of reinforced social and cultural conditioning and a society, laws and economy that stems from it blows my mind. but we're in the age of trump so anything is possible
The problem is black (all folks really) folks who live in a bubble, have college degrees and make 18$ an hour think so highly of themselves, and like to separate themselves from the lowly poor folks down there.

Black folks subscribe to the bootstrap nonsense too, especially Caribbean and African folks.
Dudes want to call suicide "cowardly" all this time, now all of a sudden it's the hero's way out. One cat in here said he'd rather kill himself than watch his family go through it. So what happens to your family after you're dead?

Lmaooooo the IGNORANCE :rofl:
I think a good amount of people’s concern with kanyes beliefs is that it could sway people.

Dude has heavy influence on a lot of people.

Lotta people are just sheep these days with no idea of what an original thought is. Those are the ones he could potentially reel in with this BS.
Did I miss the discussion about this buffoon admitting to having liposuction? :sick::smh:

This was the most ironic part of all this. Playing the victim saying the media forced him into plastic surgery because he didn't wanna be teased all while accusing black people of playing the victim for 400 years of slavery. No one man should be all that ***** made
This **** reflects on the type of person Kim K is too...she doesn’t get to walk off and wash her hands....what a ****ty wife to allow your husband to go out and make a fool of himself like this

For the Kardashian’s, attention is attention is a profit. Right when we think it’s over, they’re gonna flip it to be about them somehow.
This was the most ironic part of all this. Playing the victim saying the media forced him into plastic surgery because he didn't wanna be teased all while accusing black people of playing the victim for 400 years of slavery. No one man should be all that ***** made

Can't fathom how people even value this bum's opinions. Middle-aged, able bodied man with all the time and money in the world admitting to having 'work' done.

A few years from now we'll be hearing about his transition. :smh:
This was the most ironic part of all this. Playing the victim saying the media forced him into plastic surgery because he didn't wanna be teased all while accusing black people of playing the victim for 400 years of slavery. No one man should be all that ***** made

How you that weak minded that as a man you get lipo? :smh: :lol:

Get in the gym. Just more evidence that's he's a f'n dummy.
Already know how it's gonna go. Kim will say she's still in love with Kanye but she had to leave him for the safety of their children.
Nope, actually voted for Hillary.

Kanye sees the vision.

I’m with his vision.

I don’t care about politics, I care about character and influence and Kanye is an influencer. One of the greatest people in this country.
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