Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

But for you to use the murder and holocaust of slavery for your own self aggrandizement is at the core of your vile appeasement of white supremacists

This is the part of it all that is extremely disappointing and low. Money really doesn't buy class.

Thoughts from columnist Damon Young from his FB page...
it has attempted to convince us to regard the men and women who came before us as something other than the ****ing miracles that they were. We ain’t all come from kings and queens, and that’s fine. We mostly came from people who fought and clawed and scratched to etch space to be human when the economy of the entire **#king country was predicated on preventing that from happening, and that’s enough. That will always be enough.

This. All of this.
Yep. And I'm sure they had an ironclad prenup so I doubt she stands to gain or lose anything regardless.

Black folks subscribe to the bootstrap nonsense too, especially Caribbean and African folks.

I love pointing out the similarities between examples of poor African governance (the endless scandals and the corruption) and the Trump administration, especially when I'm around African folks who are partial to him. Then, I ask them why they left their countries in the first place to come here and support the same crap. The discussion usually shifts to something else after that. :lol:
Nope, actually voted for Hillary.

Kanye sees the vision.

I’m with his vision.

I don’t care about politics, I care about character and influence and Kanye is an influencer. One of the greatest people in this country.
Honestly you have to give props to the conservatives who got into Ye's ear. They found a mentally unstable man on multiple meds with one of the largest platforms in America and indoctrinated him into the party like a lost mind into a cult. If Tom Cruise was just a little bit quicker, Ye would be preaching scientology right now.
It can be both. Can't put aside the effects of his mental struggles when he's open about it and all the pills etc, but i'm not going to use that to dismiss what he says completely. Having mental issues doesn't invalidate responsibility for your opinions, it's not like son has extreme versions of mental illness.
Also folks needs to call Kanye on his ********. He claims not to know politics or anything Trump is doing, but he's going to run for President on Bernie's politics? that's complete horse**** and people are letting him get away with that lie.
Honestly you have to give props to the conservatives who got into Ye's ear. They found a mentally unstable man on multiple meds with one of the largest platforms in America and indoctrinated him into the party like a lost mind into a cult. If Tom Cruise was just a little bit quicker, Ye would be preaching scientology right now.

The conservatives are already infighting about Ye and Candace Owens :rofl:

This dude is one of the leading alt-right guys on the web...and this is what he said.

Basically, Ben Shapiro (a star in the alt-right community) tried to tell Kanye and shorty not to go on Alex Jones show. It caused a Lil stir in their community and they playing tug of war on how best to weaponize black celebrity influence into politics.
I love pointing out the similarities between examples of poor African governance (the endless scandals and the corruption) and the Trump administration, especially when I'm around African folks who are partial to him. Then, I ask them why they left their countries in the first place to come here and support the same crap. The discussion usually shifts to something else after that. :lol:

It's the same with my relatives that live in developing countries in Asia. They treat corrupt, illiterate, disgraceful politicians like Trump as jokes and funny topics of conversations because they're not the ones being personally affected. As long as they have their money, they couldn't give a @#$@ about the rest of their country going to @#$@ (which is how the US basically is as well).

"Did you hear about how (insert politician here) stole millions from public school funds? wow our government is so corrupt, LOL! Anyway, when are our maids and drivers getting in today?"
The conservatives are already infighting about Ye and Candace Owens :rofl:

This dude is one of the leading alt-right guys on the web...and this is what he said.

Basically, Ben Shapiro (a star in the alt-right community) tried to tell Kanye and shorty not to go on Alex Jones show. It caused a Lil stir in their community and they playing tug of war on how best to weaponize black celebrity influence into politics.

In a few weeks they'll still be debating this fool on Hot 97, but you'll be able to tune into Froggy Country 101.5 and hear "That was Toby Keith and 'Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue' - now here's another American patriot, Kanye West, with 'MAGA, MAGA, MAGA, My ******'"
The problem is black (all folks really) folks who live in a bubble, have college degrees and make 18$ an hour think so highly of themselves, and like to separate themselves from the lowly poor folks down there.

Black folks subscribe to the bootstrap nonsense too, especially Caribbean and African folks.

As a black person I check all of those boxes. Luckily my family and I don’t subscribe to Uncle Tom politics
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