Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

This is just the opening Ye stans been waiting for.

They can claim that they don't support what he has been doing, but look how unfairly he is being treated by being order to pay that much child support.
cragmatic cragmatic can't be throwing stones and hide your hands fam. Stand on it

I was working and then as soon as I get home I’m taking care of my daughter until she goes to bed. Single dad life.

So yes, Jameson’s and my child’s mom aren’t together anymore, I didn’t say he’s passed, but he isn’t my cat like at all anymore.

Rusty, as far as me making it personal, all I asked was if you work because you seem to have an awful lot of free time. I didn’t make any assumptions about a career or lack of. I know you’re intelligent man, you are well spoken and very articulated with your posts. I’m sure you have a great career.

I have voted in both presidential elections and midterms since 2016 and have voted all Democrat each time. You don’t have to convince me to vote or even to vote democrat.

I don’t take offense to your comments and I see yoy make similar comments and call other NTers who disagree with you names as well. You call them pathetic, etc, I repeat, I am not your enemy.

However, The way you responded seemed like I accused you of “being a stupid liberal who lives off the government and posts on the internet all day.” I myself have been called a “libtard,” “stupid liberal,” etc etc. I am not as dedicated as you are nor am I as far left on the political spectrum as you. I consider myself pretty left, I just question the authenticity of some things and some people I see. When I feel a certain way about a topic, having someone who votes the same way I do, who also is considered “liberal” not attempt to understand my point of view nor try to educate without being condescending, it doesn’t make one self want to align anymore with the left. And I sometimes find myself agreeing with some of the things and beliefs you make.

I have always been for equal rights, for everybody, and yes you called out me being white, I don’t see how that matters in this topic of conversation that we’ve had, but yes, I do agree that there are systems in place that disproportionately effect black people and if Warnock or any other politician is truly fighting against these systems, than it is something that I support. I apologize if my comments offended you or if they came from a place of ignorance as far as donations to politicians go. I have said before I am jaded from the current state of politics but I still do believe there are genuine ones out there.

Lastly, I see you openly calling different posters on here racist, and I’m sure some of them are. You called me a “fragile white man.” Now I don’t think you meant anything by it other than calling me fragile, but we both know if I said that and inserted whatever race in place of white, it wouldn’t just get brushed over.

To sum it up, I am not your enemy, but your approach toward anyone that has a slightly different opinion than you do is wild.
This is just the opening Ye stans been waiting for.

They can claim that they don't support what he has been doing, but look how unfairly he is being treated by being order to pay that much child support.
I’m sure he’ll continue blaming “them.” Somehow they’ve infiltrated the legal system and are making an example of him. He’s a modern day Fred Hampton, Marcus Garvey, Toussaint Louveture, Nelson Mandela, etc.
The end of that song is so ironic and prophetic.

It really is sad that his Late Graduation was the death of the Old Ye.

no matter. still his kids and he has a financial responsibility for his children 🤷🏻‍♂️
I wholeheartedly agree. He should provide support in the rearing of the children.

I didn’t look to see if the article had custody info, etc. And not sure what the calculation of that support is….especially when his fortune took a wild turn recently.
There’s need to be a cap on child support honestly. Shouldn’t be used to punish someone.

Also men have to be smart and start filing for custody of the child first and stop reacting to the mother’s moves.
I don't disagree, but 200k/month is INSANE.
Given his net worth, for 4 kids, giving him joint custody and it guaranteeing him access to the children, might not be that insane

Blake Giffin having to pay more than that for one kid, now that I consider unreasonable

Given they live in Cali, Kim could have probably extracted a bigger payment outta dude, and restricted his access to them if she took it to family court

Probably the wise move for Ye to agree to that number all things considered
There’s need to be a cap on child support honestly. Shouldn’t be used to punish someone.

Also men have to be smart and start filing for custody of the child first and stop reacting to the mother’s moves.
In ordinary circumstances, maybe. The $2.2 million annual Ye is paying compounded over 18 years (most likely less) is probably about $40 million. Given his behavior over the years and recently, a strong argument he’s an unfit parent, and it’s unsafe for the kids to be around him. Again, don’t know the custody judgment from the court.

Despite the stigma, there are good black fathers out there.

But…inherently, the woman is given the preference for custody and the burden is on the man to convince the court otherwise. Child support, divorce are due to misogyny inherently made to protect women.
In ordinary circumstances, maybe. The $2.2 million annual Ye is paying compounded over 18 years (most likely less) is probably about $40 million. Given his behavior over the years and recently, a strong argument he’s an unfit parent and it’s unsafe for the kids to be around him. Again, don’t know the custody judgment from the court.

Despite the stigma, there are good black fathers out there.

But…inherently, the woman is given the preference for custody and the burden is on the man to convince the court otherwise. Child support, divorce are due to misogyny inherently made to protect women.
From what I read, the kids stay with Kim. They have legal joint custody, and he is guaranteed access to them.
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