Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

But if the spouse keeps cheating, pretending like it’s not an issue doesn’t make sense.

slavery is over, let's nip that in the bud.

if a spouse cheated, and got forgave.. constantly bringing it up when there's a flare up in da relationship detrimental and makes any sort of real long lasting progress unrealistic.

what sucks about da whole thing is it sullies da future immigrants who ain't got a dog in da fight and many of em genuinely have had a positive outlook on this Country and yet their experiences are discounted because it either runs counter to a long runnin narrative or is deemed anecdotal or a outliar and summarily disregarded.
slavery is over, let's nip that in the bud.

if a spouse cheated, and got forgave.. constantly bringing it up when there's a flare up in da relationship detrimental and makes any sort of real long lasting progress unrealistic.

what sucks about da whole thing is it sullies da future immigrants who ain't got a dog in da fight and many of em genuinely have had a positive outlook on this Country and yet their experiences are discounted because it either runs counter to a long runnin narrative or is deemed anecdotal or a outliar and summarily disregarded.
Are you purposely ignoring the FACT that while institutionalized slavery is in fact over that the remnants of it is still in full force?

That is why you, Spouse/Cheating" argument doesn't work

he's about to drop some Candace Owens bars isnt he? "lift yourself" is what all those idiots say to oppressed people working to make the system more equal.
yea because Slavery and all of the trinkle down effects are COMPLETELY wiped away. You are essentially using the, "It is over, move on" logic to tell people to "stop crying."

im just lookin at da end goal...where is it?

when you boil it down, lets it a buck...idc either way cuz im not in da black VS white war in this country, but it seems to me folks want slavery to be da perpetual "moral hammer" to clobber white folks with to excuse any short comings and justify less that acceptable results in various lanes of life.

if that's what it is, so be it :lol: but they'll never been true healing if that's da case IMO.

not saying some clobbering and expression of that shouldn't be vented, but when does it end? when do people stop grieving? when does da funeral end, da casket is buried, and da grass in permitted to grow over da plot? that's why there's a tombstone...u note da history, and life goes on.

That fall back
I love how when these arguments happen the dumbass side always claims some type of “I can’t be wrong because....” loophole in a weak attempt to not be stupid

Loopholes include:

“Yo I’m _______ so I cant be ______”

“I actually work as a _______ so I’m right”

“My mom/dad is _______ so ______”

“I used to _______ so that validates everything”

Lol EVERY time

You are one of thee most ignorant people I have encountered on here. Saying that I’m racist means that I look down on black people or see them as inferior to me. Like I said, my Dad is black, also stated my Wife is black. I have 3 boys by her and so guess what, my kids are black. There is no loophole. Just you trying to make this dum *** title you put on me sticks. It’s not going to work. I won’t raid my children like how you were raised. I won’t tell them “Oh you didn’t get that job because of racism”, although it might be the case sometime. I will them “Someone was better qualified than you. It’s OK opportunities come and go”. I will tell them “You can be anything you want in this world. You just have to work harder than everyone else to get it.”
Sorry if I think black people need to hold themselves accountable for somethings. I think they can do better. And since I’m the only one focused on solutions that aren’t based on someone else doing something for them, let’s hear them.
Grand Wizard Theodore, Grand Master Flash, Grand Master Caz Gotta be careful or some people might think this means hip hop embraced the Klan so how could they be racist...
OK but on the graphs you posted it says there were only a couple thousand people accounted for. Article might have said something else but I’m not going to read that. I’m sure you wouldn’t read an article posted by the KKK and that’s how I feel about the liberal companies you are posting articles from.
I haven’t given any “anecdotes” at all actually. Not once have I said “Well Jerome makes more then Steve at my job”. And what more is a graph if not a generalized sweep? The reason graphs like that are dumb is because they don’t take into account personal decisions. Personal decisions like education, choice of field, position is said field. Should the white custodian be complaining that he doesn’t make as much as the president of the company? After all they work for the same company!
As for your rediculous first point. If your arguing for racism then it should just be that. That means that white people should be coming out on top in every way. That means that not just black men should be down there making less, but every other man and woman of color. But that’s not the case.

Everybody else. You seem to be hung up on little stupid ****. If I’m “dumb” then educate me. Give me your valid point for me to consider. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe you are. But your reactions are really telling. Weather they appreciate it or not can respect frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds for him at least trying t be civil and have a conversation with me.

bro youre addressing everything but the damn data. read the article, look at the graphs in context of the information because obviously snapshots dont work. if you cant provide a counter argument to the information without your own data to disprove it, im done with this conversation. theres no substance to your arguments besides how you FEEL about what black people are doing. im not here to discuss feelings.
institutionalized slavery is in fact over that the remnants of it is still in full force?

not for everyone, and that's not everyone person of color's experience in Modern United States Of America in 2018... that's da whole gist of that whole Kanye biggin up that Candice Broad...

can we at least agree on that?
You are one of thee most ignorant people I have encountered on here. Saying that I’m racist means that I look down on black people or see them as inferior to me. Like I said, my Dad is black, also stated my Wife is black. I have 3 boys by her and so guess what, my kids are black. There is no loophole. Just you trying to make this dum *** title you put on me sticks. It’s not going to work. I won’t raid my children like how you were raised. I won’t tell them “Oh you didn’t get that job because of racism”, although it might be the case sometime. I will them “Someone was better qualified than you. It’s OK opportunities come and go”. I will tell them “You can be anything you want in this world. You just have to work harder than everyone else to get it.”
Sorry if I think black people need to hold themselves accountable for somethings. I think they can do better. And since I’m the only one focused on solutions that aren’t based on someone else doing something for them, let’s hear them.
This BS is your take away from everything said? LOL

The one guy who has your back is a black man that still loves with his mom at 36 that denies he’s black but for some reason has all the black answers. Think about THAT.

I never called you a racist btw. “Why do we need graphs??” LoL is that serious question?
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not for everyone, and that's not everyone person of color's experience in Modern United States Of America in 2018... that's da whole gist of that whole Kanye biggin up that Candice Broad...

can we at least agree on that?
The point is it shouldnt be ANY person of color experienve..
Sorry if I think black people need to hold themselves accountable for somethings. I think they can do better. And since I’m the only one focused on solutions that aren’t based on someone else doing something for them, let’s hear them.

Man **** are you talking about seriously?
im just lookin at da end goal...where is it?

when you boil it down, lets it a buck...idc either way cuz im not in da black VS white war in this country, but it seems to me folks want slavery to be da perpetual "moral hammer" to clobber white folks with to excuse any short comings and justify less that acceptable results in various lanes of life.

if that's what it is, so be it :lol: but they'll never been true healing if that's da case IMO.

not saying some clobbering and expression of that shouldn't be vented, but when does it end? when do people stop grieving? when does da funeral end, da casket is buried, and da grass in permitted to grow over da plot? that's why there's a tombstone...u note da history, and life goes on.
It never ends as long as white ppl keep doing da some old bs time after time....2018 and its STILL some of the same actions and rhetoric from 50+ years ago, if you wanna have "life goes on" they gotta have legit attempts to make things right n better...human nature doesn't allow too much of forgive and forget like you talking bout if one side stays wildin

Grass should grow over the plot of the holocaust too right?
You are one of thee most ignorant people I have encountered on here. Saying that I’m racist means that I look down on black people or see them as inferior to me. Like I said, my Dad is black, also stated my Wife is black. I have 3 boys by her and so guess what, my kids are black. There is no loophole. Just you trying to make this dum *** title you put on me sticks. It’s not going to work. I won’t raid my children like how you were raised. I won’t tell them “Oh you didn’t get that job because of racism”, although it might be the case sometime. I will them “Someone was better qualified than you. It’s OK opportunities come and go”. I will tell them “You can be anything you want in this world. You just have to work harder than everyone else to get it.”
Sorry if I think black people need to hold themselves accountable for somethings. I think they can do better. And since I’m the only one focused on solutions that aren’t based on someone else doing something for them, let’s hear them.

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