Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Why do we need graphs. You can tell me straight up that a white man working at your job doing the act same thing as you makes more then you because you’re black? If this is the case, then I would hire all black men to work for me because the labor is so cheap.
I’m not bringing women into this, I’m just reading what was posted. But if you would like to bring in the fake women’s wage gap then I would hold it to the same standard I said. If you can get all of this cheap labor legally then why aren’t all these money hungry racist people doing it then? Keep some minorities under the boot and make a few extra dollars on the side. Seems like it would be a win win.
No I’m not saying any single thing is to blame for poverty. There are multiple factors that contribute to it. The advantage that I think white people have is that they have had people in the race long enough to learn the ins and outs so they are able to pass the knowledge down. Black people don’t have that advantage.
It’s not the governments job to take care of anyone. Stop waiting for it to happen. The government is just here to make sure we stay civil. If someone is racist, *** just avoid them.
If black people have it so bad then why am I seeing so many black people and other people of color on TV? Not on their own networks like the Hispanics have created, they are on the “Masa’s” network stations and movies. The same people who are working hard and making it are telling other they can’t.
Man just stop talking!
Did you really just say they've been in the race longer?
White people dont have to pass knowledge down. They created the system and continue to rewrite the rules to maintain an advantage. There's no interest in fairness of opportunity.

Did you really say just avoid racist people?
How simple minded can you really be? I'm going out on a limb and guessing you have no extensive education or regularly read books. You can't avoid racist people they are everywhere! These are the exact people black people have to go through to make it. You burying your head in the sand isn't going to work.

Do you even understand what systematic racisms even is?
Let me give you an example that relates directly to your dumb*** statement about blacks being on television but not having their own networks.

Lotta those seem very familiar


Sounds like some dungeons and dragons ****

Sleeve of wizard
The very first thing I read in all of those graphs you posted is that the gap is large between men but not women. But if race is the issue here, then what point are you really showing me? Racism only applies to black men? That’s pretty silly.
Income is often a personal negotiation between an individual and an employer. So how does this not come down to personal choices?
This study was also done with a couple thousand people. Dude.... Seriously?

OK I agree 10000% that bad things have happened and do continue to happen to black people. I believe that racism still exists, but only on an individual level. If you really believe what you believe then you should be able to handle a challenge to your stance. Listen to the opposite side. Research the opposite side. People are people. Most people don’t like inequality regardless of race or gender. The people in her pulling these race cards encounter white people everyday, but I bet you wouldn’t be able to put most of the white people you know into the racist box.

“The very first thing I read in all of those graphs you posted is that the gap is large between men but not women. But if race is the issue here, then what point are you really showing me? Racism only applies to black men?”

Easily answered by the fact that gender supercedes race when it comes to social mobility. But even then, when white slave owners raped their slave women, does that make them any less racist for not raping the men?

You’re saying that even even at top, when the education is there, the money is there, the family structure is there, the disparity is there because “black men inherently make bad personal choices”. That makes more sense to you? that is literally the sweeping generalization I asked you to avoid. Put simply you can’t account for the fact the disparity exists in every single setting (including your perfect case scenario) without making a racist a** generalization.
Also for clarification “Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds, according to a sweeping new study that traced the lives of MILLIONS OF CHILDREN.” Literally the first line of the article.

I’ve been listening to the opposite side this whole time from you. All you brought to the discussion were generalizations and anecdotes that don’t hold any weight. Considering the data doesn’t support your claims.
Dude is an obvious racist hiding behind code words. Meth is good at seeing through that ****, reported so we can move on.

Dude I’m mixed. My mom is white and my dad is black. I know both of them. Im close to both sides of my family. So tell me how it’s even possible for me to be racist.
I saw “welfare queens” with my own two eyes. Don’t work, live off welfare, have 8 kids, section 8, boosters. These are just the women that I saw. They are out there. Don’t pretend they don’t exist. And not all of them are black.
There aren't as many =/= they don't exist.

Furthermore, your personal experience doesn't supplant stats.
Have you ever fixed anything before? You don’t fix stuff by standing around pointing out all of the stuff that is broke
Oh! And how do you know what needs to be fixed if you don't point out the stuff that is broken? Do you even logic?
dawgs account is boutta get sent to the nether realm, You can show a bigot numbers but they’ll always find a lie to get around the reality that they’ll always be in the wrong
You can tell me straight up that a white man working at your job doing the act same thing as you makes more then you because you’re black? If this is the case, then I would hire all black men to work for me because the labor is so cheap.

Dude just explained and agreed with the wage gap. Of course racism doesn't exist to someone that thinks it's the norm and just business as usual.
He’s cleaning himself up cause he know he goofed. Should have said this originally instead of basically looking like you firmly support Trump

People falling on the sword and losing coins for Kanye makes no sense.....
The only people who need to stick up for him are his wife and dad.
I love how when these arguments happen the dumbass side always claims some type of “I can’t be wrong because....” loophole in a weak attempt to not be stupid

Loopholes include:

“Yo I’m _______ so I cant be ______”

“I actually work as a _______ so I’m right”

“My mom/dad is _______ so ______”

“I used to _______ so that validates everything”

Lol EVERY time
I love how when these arguments happen the dumbass side always claims some type of “I can’t be wrong because....” loophole in a weak attempt to not be stupid

Loopholes include:

“Yo I’m _______ so I cant be ______”

“I actually work as a _______ so I’m right”

“My mom/dad is _______ so ______”

“I used to _______ so that validates everything”

Lol EVERY time
crazy **** is that is the world’s longest used argumentative point. Mf’s always said “well my dad is ____” since the kindergarten days lol
“The very first thing I read in all of those graphs you posted is that the gap is large between men but not women. But if race is the issue here, then what point are you really showing me? Racism only applies to black men?”

Easily answered by the fact that gender supercedes race when it comes to social mobility. But even then, when white slave owners raped their slave women, does that make them any less racist for not raping the men?

You’re saying that even even at top, when the education is there, the money is there, the family structure is there, the disparity is there because “black men inherently make bad personal choices”. That makes more sense to you? that is literally the sweeping generalization I asked you to avoid. Put simply you can’t account for the fact the disparity exists in every single setting (including your perfect case scenario) without making a racist a** generalization.
Also for clarification “Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds, according to a sweeping new study that traced the lives of MILLIONS OF CHILDREN.” Literally the first line of the article.

I’ve been listening to the opposite side this whole time from you. All you brought to the discussion were generalizations and anecdotes that don’t hold any weight. Considering the data doesn’t support your claims.

OK but on the graphs you posted it says there were only a couple thousand people accounted for. Article might have said something else but I’m not going to read that. I’m sure you wouldn’t read an article posted by the KKK and that’s how I feel about the liberal companies you are posting articles from.
I haven’t given any “anecdotes” at all actually. Not once have I said “Well Jerome makes more then Steve at my job”. And what more is a graph if not a generalized sweep? The reason graphs like that are dumb is because they don’t take into account personal decisions. Personal decisions like education, choice of field, position is said field. Should the white custodian be complaining that he doesn’t make as much as the president of the company? After all they work for the same company!
As for your rediculous first point. If your arguing for racism then it should just be that. That means that white people should be coming out on top in every way. That means that not just black men should be down there making less, but every other man and woman of color. But that’s not the case.

Everybody else. You seem to be hung up on little stupid ****. If I’m “dumb” then educate me. Give me your valid point for me to consider. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe you are. But your reactions are really telling. Weather they appreciate it or not can respect frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds for him at least trying t be civil and have a conversation with me.
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