Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

“ better to argue than be in a group of yes men”

When it comes to equality, fairness, etc..... ahhh yes, you SHOULD be surrounded by yes men. Who the **** goes against that for the sake of argument??

As for “the past”, nothing needs to be argued there. If that’s what you’ve got to say you’re dumb as all hell

There's nothing wrong with a difference of opinions, but people using that logic as a crutch for their garbage 100% wrong opinions is hilarious. There shouldn't need to be disagreements when it comes to wanting racial equality and such, it should be something that just happens, but these dopes can't get that through their head.

“Get over it”
“Bury it already”
“Slavery was a long time ago”
“Things are different now”
You are one of thee most ignorant people I have encountered on here. Saying that I’m racist means that I look down on black people or see them as inferior to me. Like I said, my Dad is black, also stated my Wife is black. I have 3 boys by her and so guess what, my kids are black. There is no loophole. Just you trying to make this dum *** title you put on me sticks. It’s not going to work. I won’t raid my children like how you were raised. I won’t tell them “Oh you didn’t get that job because of racism”, although it might be the case sometime. I will them “Someone was better qualified than you. It’s OK opportunities come and go”. I will tell them “You can be anything you want in this world. You just have to work harder than everyone else to get it.”
Sorry if I think black people need to hold themselves accountable for somethings. I think they can do better. And since I’m the only one focused on solutions that aren’t based on someone else doing something for them, let’s hear them.

slavery is over, let's nip that in the bud.

if a spouse cheated, and got forgave.. constantly bringing it up when there's a flare up in da relationship detrimental and makes any sort of real long lasting progress unrealistic.

what sucks about da whole thing is it sullies da future immigrants who ain't got a dog in da fight and many of em genuinely have had a positive outlook on this Country and yet their experiences are discounted because it either runs counter to a long runnin narrative or is deemed anecdotal or a outliar and summarily disregarded.

Dude I’m mixed. My mom is white and my dad is black. I know both of them. Im close to both sides of my family. So tell me how it’s even possible for me to be racist.

That explains why your thought process is skewed.

For your homework you should look up the following terms:
  • House Negro
  • Uncle Tom
  • Anti-Blackness
Read the following:
  • Read Our Kind of People
Whether you like it or not, as a half-breed or Mulatto in your position, you most likely not only have privileges that you may not recognize. Based on your string of post in this thread its very easy for you to take an elitist mentality and not to sympathize with the plights of minorities and you don't identify as black. By being black I wouldn't label you as racist but you are most definitely aligning yourself with anti-blackness when you are victim blaming by calling people cry babies, choosing not to see racism when its clearly in front of everybody and taking a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality". Traditionally, black people will call you a house negro, uncle Tom like most are identifying Koonye as and the formal term that has been coined for the this mentality for black people is being anti-black.

Take the video below with a grain of salt but understand why your triggering everyone.

At some point through the discussion they discuss various topics that I'm sure will correlate to your experience and opinion.

Your post are frankly very ignorant to the understanding of anything outside of your Mulatto experience but is also common to the typical mulatto experience when both parents are present and identify with their native race.

Our Kind of People is a good start for reading to understand the whole concept of modern house negro elitism. There is another book that is slipping my mind right now that also covers the history of mulatto elitism.

All this to say if your interested in learning/understanding why the majority of NTer's in this thread are flaming you then log off and do some research.
If we’re using analogies here it’s like having someone stab you over and over, and then the finally “realize” stabbing you was wrong so they stop. But they won’t pay for your medical care for the stab wounds because they’re no longer stabbing you and it’s in the past so it’s not their problem.
i think it's more like they are stabbing you over and over and then they just leave the knife in you and say, "i stabbed you in the past. you need to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and take responsible for the knife thats still inside of you."
There is nothing “wrong” with this man. The fact that he has merchandise to sell in weeks time is why he’s doing all this. The over analyzation can stop. He’s not the first to pull a stunt to start buzz

This, also let's not forget the family he's married to.

People falling on the sword and losing coins for Kanye makes no sense.....
The only people who need to stick up for him are his wife and dad.
Exactly! Unless you're on his payroll no need to keep his name in your mouth.
That explains why your thought process is skewed.

For your homework you should look up the following terms:
  • House Negro
  • Uncle Tom
  • Anti-Blackness
Read the following:
  • Read Our Kind of People
Whether you like it or not, as a half-breed or Mulatto in your position, you most likely not only have privileges that you may not recognize. Based on your string of post in this thread its very easy for you to take an elitist mentality and not to sympathize with the plights of minorities and you don't identify as black. By being black I wouldn't label you as racist but you are most definitely aligning yourself with anti-blackness when you are victim blaming by calling people cry babies, choosing not to see racism when its clearly in front of everybody and taking a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality". Traditionally, black people will call you a house negro, uncle Tom like most are identifying Koonye as and the formal term that has been coined for the this mentality for black people is being anti-black.

Take the video below with a grain of salt but understand why your triggering everyone.

At some point through the discussion they discuss various topics that I'm sure will correlate to your experience and opinion.

Your post are frankly very ignorant to the understanding of anything outside of your Mulatto experience but is also common to the typical mulatto experience when both parents are present and identify with their native race.

Our Kind of People is a good start for reading to understand the whole concept of modern house negro elitism. There is another book that is slipping my mind right now that also covers the history of mulatto elitism.

All this to say if your interested in learning/understanding why the majority of NTer's in this thread are flaming you then log off and do some research.

Say what you want. Call me names if you want. I don’t care if all these NTers are “flaming me”. I’ve grown up in the hood around mostly black people. You think they were nice to me all the time? You think they didn’t call me racial slurs? I’ve been called N by some of my own family. I don’t care about this pity party you are all throwing in here. I just don’t want you to poison other people’s mind into thinking there is no point in trying because it’s already to late or the game is set and white people win. Go get a job be a man and do right by your family. That’s a W and that’s all that really matters at the end of the day.
I’m not a house N. I’m not taking anyone’s side and that’s what you’re missing. A house N took the white mans side. I won’t argue that my white skin may or may not have gotten me things. I don’t know and never will. And I’m not interested in reading the victim literature your trying to push on me. Once again someone is trying to put labels on me. I’m not anti-black, I’m not anti-white.

And present me with a real study and I will look at it. Show me that all of the black men that work construction make less then all the white men that work construction for the same company. You can’t! You know why? Because it’s illegal!

And John Legend needs to shut his *** up. Prolly wouldn’t even be where he was today if it wasn’t for Ye.
Say what you want. Call me names if you want. I don’t care if all these NTers are “flaming me”. I’ve grown up in the hood around mostly black people. You think they were nice to me all the time? You think they didn’t call me racial slurs? I’ve been called N by some of my own family. I don’t care about this pity party you are all throwing in here. I just don’t want you to poison other people’s mind into thinking there is no point in trying because it’s already to late or the game is set and white people win. Go get a job be a man and do right by your family. That’s a W and that’s all that really matters at the end of the day.
I’m not a house N. I’m not taking anyone’s side and that’s what you’re missing. A house N took the white mans side.
I won’t argue that my white skin may or may not have gotten me things. I don’t know and never will. And I’m not interested in reading the victim literature your trying to push on me. Once again someone is trying to put labels on me. I’m not anti-black, I’m not anti-white.

And present me with a real study and I will look at it. Show me that all of the black men that work construction make less then all the white men that work construction for the same company. You can’t! You know why? Because it’s illegal!

And John Legend needs to shut his *** up. Prolly wouldn’t even be where he was today if it wasn’t for Ye.
you put the label on ya self papi, showed ya true colors in ya post I don't need to put a label you because you already labeled yourself
wrap this up papi, da looming census shall be upon us soon
The next loophole argument

“Show me exactly word for word what I want in the way I want or else I’m right even though I won’t present anything to back my claim!”


“I don’t know if _______really is but ________”

Dude pulled a chance the rapper right before our eyes
The next loophole argument

“Show me exactly word for word what I want in the way I want or else I’m right even though I won’t present anything to back my claim!”


“I don’t know if _______really is but ________”

Dude pulled a chance the rapper right before our eyes

That was an example. It doesn’t have to be construction. You can’t take a general census like all white men make this much and all black men make this much and use it to prove racism or sexism. It’s just dumb. But then again you wouldn’t understand that huh genius.
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