Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Respect. But you’re wrong. I have gone through what you are going through. But I talked to the owner of the company. And I also threatened to take my talents elsewhere. Turned around and got more then my white counterpart along with a bunch of apologies.
Next time you have a review, bring up what you’ve done for the company, bring up your reward. Bring up that you could get paid more at Such-nSuch other company. You have experience and context with your company and those things count.
Capitalism is one tool that does not jive with racial inequality. Use it.
Capitalism was founded on racial inequality, who’s mans is this?




im just lookin at da end goal...where is it?

when you boil it down, lets it a buck...idc either way cuz im not in da black VS white war in this country, but it seems to me folks want slavery to be da perpetual "moral hammer" to clobber white folks with to excuse any short comings and justify less that acceptable results in various lanes of life.

if that's what it is, so be it :lol: but they'll never been true healing if that's da case IMO.

not saying some clobbering and expression of that shouldn't be vented, but when does it end? when do people stop grieving? when does da funeral end, da casket is buried, and da grass in permitted to grow over da plot? that's why there's a tombstone...u note da history, and life goes on.


“Get over it”
“Bury it already”
“Slavery was a long time ago”
“Things are different now”

i think it's more like they are stabbing you over and over and then they just leave the knife in you and say, "i stabbed you in the past. you need to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and take responsible for the knife thats still inside of you."
"You don’t stick a knife in a man’s back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you’re making progress.
No matter how much respect, no matter how much recognition, whites show towards me, as far as I’m concerned, as long as it is not shown to every one of our people in this country, it doesn’t exist for me.”

- Malcolm X, 1964.

And present me with a real study and I will look at it. Show me that all of the black men that work construction make less then all the white men that work construction for the same company. You can’t! You know why? Because it’s illegal!
By that logic, there is no crime because crime is illegal.

I don't think I called you names today. Half-breed and Mulatto are actual tradition American Race classifications for people mixed with black and white. You would have actually be documented as that during certain times in this country just as black people would have been classified as Negro.
Just for reference, the word "Mulatto" is widely considered offensive. That it was a "traditional American race classification" like "negro" or "colored" should tip you off.

Without minimizing or reducing the impact of colorism, it's worth remembering that multiracial Americans continue to face hatred for representing the interracial unions that imperil White hegemony in a society with a "one drop" scheme that renders Whiteness recessive. Look at how multiracial characters are portrayed in "Birth of a Nation," for example.


1) Don’t break the law. Follow the rules.

2) Not true, fair and equal pay is happening all around. If not then find another company. But the truth is. Brandon and Jerome will not have the same resume. If they do, there are also factors like GPA, and skill level.

3) Opportunity? Everybody gets opportunities and they come in all shapes, forms, and sizes.

4) Everybody goes from K-12 dude. But now we have this new thing called the internet where you can learn about a lot of new things.

1) The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (2000) found that White teenagers are over 33% more likely to have sold illegal drugs than their Black counterparts.

Usage rates for marijuana are approximately the same regardless of race. However, according to this same survey, White students are SEVEN TIMES more likely to use cocaine and heroin. Before you say "well, that's just self-report survey data," bear in mind that White youth visit hospital emergency rooms due to illegal drug use three times more than Black youth.

Yet, despite this, THREE QUARTERS of those imprisoned for drug crimes are Black or Latino.

2) First, your suggestion that "equal pay is happening all around... and when equal pay isn't happening, find it someplace else" betrays the broad systemic injustices in American society. If fairness can only be found in various companies, situations, and pockets for people of color, then society isn't truly fair, is it? Worth noting: the corollary of your statement, if taken at face value, would be "If White privilege isn't happening, find it someplace else."

Second, if you'd like to see empirical evidence that demonstrates the effects of racial bias in the workplace, you literally need only look. Resume studies abound. Here's a recent one: https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/minorities-who-whiten-job-resumes-get-more-interviews

Other members have already furnished you with articles summarizing wage gaps. Suggesting that institutional/systemic racism doesn't exist because Oprah Winfrey has money is like saying gravity doesn't exist because airplanes can fly.

3) If I inherit a vast fortune from a notorious bank robber and you have a scratch off lottery ticket, we both have a mathematical opportunity to be wealthy. If we played a card game in which I drew from a different deck and you consequently stood a smaller chance of winning, you would almost certainly characterize that game as "unfair" or "rigged."

You appear to be arguing that nobody should give in to despair, strop trying, and blame the system instead of attempting try to better their lot in life. That is a strawman argument.

"Becoming your best self" and opposing systemic inequality are not mutually exclusive goals. In fact, I would argue that you can't truly achieve the former unless you're heavily invested in the latter.

“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1965

4) You've had access to the Internet. You're asking others to perform research about racial inequality for you that you've thus far failed to perform yourself.

“if the word integration means anything, this is what it means: that we, with love, shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing from reality and begin to change it. For this is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things here, and will again, and we can make America what it must become.”

- James Baldwin, writing to his nephew on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the emancipation.
I just don’t want you to poison other people’s mind into thinking there is no point in trying because it’s already to late or the game is set and white people win

You're making too many assumptions about the background of the people on this forum. There are many academically and professionally accomplished people on this forum who are observing the things you are trying to deny.

You want to be educated? How about you listen and read? Articles are posted, resources are shared, and concepts explained. It's up to you to dig into them. If you want to feel safe spitting your ignorance and be applauded for it, you're in the wrong forum.
"You don’t stick a knife in a man’s back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you’re making progress.
No matter how much respect, no matter how much recognition, whites show towards me, as far as I’m concerned, as long as it is not shown to every one of our people in this country, it doesn’t exist for me.”

- Malcolm X, 1964.

By that logic, there is no crime because crime is illegal.

Just for reference, the word "Mulatto" is widely considered offensive. That it was a "traditional American race classification" like "negro" or "colored" should tip you off.

Without minimizing or reducing the impact of colorism, it's worth remembering that multiracial Americans continue to face hatred for representing the interracial unions that imperil White hegemony in a society with a "one drop" scheme that renders Whiteness recessive. Look at how multiracial characters are portrayed in "Birth of a Nation," for example.


1) The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (2000) found that White teenagers are over 33% more likely to have sold illegal drugs than their Black counterparts.

Usage rates for marijuana are approximately the same regardless of race. However, according to this same survey, White students are SEVEN TIMES more likely to use cocaine and heroin. Before you say "well, that's just self-report survey data," bear in mind that White youth visit hospital emergency rooms due to illegal drug use three times more than Black youth.

Yet, despite this, THREE QUARTERS of those imprisoned for drug crimes are Black or Latino.

2) First, your suggestion that "equal pay is happening all around... and when equal pay isn't happening, find it someplace else" betrays the broad systemic injustices in American society. If fairness can only be found in various companies, situations, and pockets for people of color, then society isn't truly fair, is it? Worth noting: the corollary of your statement, if taken at face value, would be "If White privilege isn't happening, find it someplace else."

Second, if you'd like to see empirical evidence that demonstrates the effects of racial bias in the workplace, you literally need only look. Resume studies abound. Here's a recent one: https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/minorities-who-whiten-job-resumes-get-more-interviews

Other members have already furnished you with articles summarizing wage gaps. Suggesting that institutional/systemic racism doesn't exist because Oprah Winfrey has money is like saying gravity doesn't exist because airplanes can fly.

3) If I inherit a vast fortune from a notorious bank robber and you have a scratch off lottery ticket, we both have a mathematical opportunity to be wealthy. If we played a card game in which I drew from a different deck and you consequently stood a smaller chance of winning, you would almost certainly characterize that game as "unfair" or "rigged."

You appear to be arguing that nobody should give in to despair, strop trying, and blame the system instead of attempting try to better their lot in life. That is a strawman argument.

"Becoming your best self" and opposing systemic inequality are not mutually exclusive goals. In fact, I would argue that you can't truly achieve the former unless you're heavily invested in the latter.

“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1965

4) You've had access to the Internet. You're asking others to perform research about racial inequality for you that you've thus far failed to perform yourself.

“if the word integration means anything, this is what it means: that we, with love, shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing from reality and begin to change it. For this is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things here, and will again, and we can make America what it must become.”

- James Baldwin, writing to his nephew on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the emancipation.

Senpai Noticed meeee!!!


And he hit me with the facts.

That book I'm still trying to remember the title of indicated that mixed race people in the south preferred being identified a Mulatto at one time or another(possibly know but I don't know). I was trying to trigger the point across.

I'm definitely going to check out the NPR link though.
Let's look at the success of our community and continue to build off that instead of allowing ourselves to be weighed down in a system that wasn't designed for us. Stop trying to change the system and work the system.

aka play da hand u was delt and play it well, preach.

da irony of this thread is its nothing but minorities telling each other that their world view dont matter :lol:
With this logic my suggestion to be the best you isn't incorrect then.

All these stats, blame, etc. YES, THERE IS RACISM IN AMERICA and it will not go away. Our stats prove that.

So what is the next step? sulk or fight. The argument is that most of our community does not care to fight (i'm sure you have stats on how much engagement actually occurs within these civil rights protests in 2018).

To me, fighting is being the best you can in this unjust society. Overcome roadblocks instead of sitting in front of them and wishing they were gone.

to bring it back to Kanye...People can't even have different opinions or challenge the foundation of thought processes in 2018
Let me first add that I nor anyone else hear has suggested or preach that black people should not try their best to make the most of the opportunities they have. The people you are arguing with are educated, have families, yet still recognize the importance of fighting against injustice. Self-reliance is an important principle for everyone to have, but is plain and simple cruel and unfair to tell people that have beeb disadvantaged and oppressioned by racist systems that they should work twice as hard to get half the reward. Even if that is hyperbolic, asking people to work harder for unequal returns is not just, especially when racism and racist socioeconomic forces are the reason for the unequal returns. Black people, hell everyone, should try to become the best revision of themselves, they should volunteer in their communities, they should try to establish and economic base with their communities. These things help form a firewall against injustice but we must also look to put out the fire itself. That is what dudes like you miss. You guys present it as some false choice that the only way forward it to accept white supremacy and try to survive it as best you can, or sit in a corner and play victim. This is ********, and when presented in an argument, even this one, it is a strawman.

But I will play Mr. Economist and suggest a few things:
-First demand guaranteed universal health insurance for all citizens. We are the only developed country that doesn’t try to achieve this and there is massive equality in care for black citizens. Universal health care will be a major civil rights win.

-Second deregulate some of the healthcare industry, subsidize healthcare training, and import doctors to work in high need areas.

-Demand reforming the nation’s housing codes, they are a major driver of inequality because lack of supply of housing causes rents to go up and that lands hard on poor, urban dwelling individuals.

-Demand no more property taxes funding only neighborhood schools. Either we tax money is share uniformly among schools or all kids get bused around and white parents can’t handle pick what public school their kids got and not care about schools in minority

-Demand reforming of the tax code to make payroll taxes truly progressive, add a negative tax rate at the bottom, tax capital at the same rate as income and an add new millionaire tax. Use all money to fun anti-poverty measures especially a federal job guarantee.

-Demand universal pre-K, and childcare services so poor parents are more free to work. Demand funding of a major expansion of public transportation to allow poor folk to move around more freely.

-Demand that the Federal reserve stop looking after capital and become more labor friendly. Making real wages grow should be their focus

-Ban anti-union laws and establish labor courts.

-Overall though, drop thinking unfettered capitalism is a vehicle for racial equality. Demand more equitable division of economic gains and security. Give us a fair, truly fair, chance to chase prosperity.

I could name dozens more things on the economic front, but let us move onto Civil Rights……

-Demand the DOJ’s civil rights position become independent and hold national elections for Attorney general. Make is run like the Consumer Protection Bureau. A cheap way for people to report civil rights violations and for them to be investigated. This agency should also me in charge of investigating police shootings, and police departments for targeting of minorities. Even add some of the Labor department’s anti-discrimination responsibility in with it.

-Demand bans on harsh juvenile laws, probation laws, ban private prison, demand sentencing reform and bail reform. Demand funding of public defenders to people to fight their cases, cap court fees, and ban the practice of municipal fines and civil forfeiture to fund police departments and city governments.

-Demand recertification of the Voting Rights Act, demand the end of partisan gerrymandering, remove the cap on members of the House, and end voter suppression laws. To go further we need to move to rank voting, and a French style system to elect the president. Black people political power has been under attack for over a century, it is time that it ends. Black people are losing faith in government to help them because the electoral system is rigged against them having the fair amount of power

-Demand that our current laws be enforced. Our current attorney general is intentionally not enforcing them and telling businesses, police forces, and other entities that they can discriminate away, no harm will come to them from the Federal entity whose job is to legally harm the racist actors in your economy and society.

I could go on and on about Civil Rights, but let us turn to grassroots activism….

-Chance is right that black people should not just give their vote to the Democrats. But to keep it #1HUNNA the Democratic Party is the only party that has not lost its damn mind in America, and is open to civil rights and racial justice. Our third parties are trash and our electoral system works against them. The GOP is much turned into a party of white supremacy.

-Black folk should form their own Dem affiliated state parties to field candidates and shape policy that help their communities. These parties will focus on winning local seats, or help progressive or even moderates willing to help their communities. The show up hard at primaries, and local election to make sure their preferred candidates win. Focus on installing people into positions like councilmen, mayor, school board president, district attorney, state attorney, etc.

-Then on the national level mob even hard in primaries so even if your candidate does not win, the Democrat they lose to has to address the issues you need.

-Vote Black progressive, social democrat, progressive, liberal, and if need moderate and purge the racist far right out of political power. Make moderates have to reboot the GOP to save it from irrelevance. Then you can work forcing conservatives to address your positions as well.

-Demand campaign finance reform and lobbyist reform to get as much money out of politics as possible and rollback to at least 1960s policy. That way grassroots activism has more of a chance.

Basically, be the Tea Party of steroids. Use the Democrats in the short and medium run then demand systemic changes to lock in your power so that are not beholden to them. Hell, if all goes well black folk will have many more options coming election day, options that want to help your communities.

-Protest peacefully, but do it in white neighborhoods, let them feel uncomfortable for a couple hours or days, because black folk gotta feel that way all the time

And I could go on and on and on about the political side….

And trust me, I have only scratched the surface on stuff America can do to do right by black people, I could do on for days, and still miss stuff, I don’t know everything. Other folk got different ideas but it all come back to this, DEMAND AMERICA DO BETTER BY BLACK PEOPLE. And one of the fundamental reasons they should, besides the history of plunder, terrorism, exploitation, or moral responsibility, is that America as a nation claims that it for justice for all. We as a nation must decide to live up to the goals and values we claim to be about. All black people are asking for is that America (*cough* the entire white community) treat them like they claim they treat them, with fairness.

I didn’t even mention the big one…………. reparations. But I have already washed enough keystrokes to go down this road with you.

If you have gotten to this point I am sure you have disregard my suggestions (that is fine on one level because I don’t expect everyone to agree with me) but at least know this, before you act condescending and think that all black people that disagree with you is complaining and playing victim just know that is ********, and most give deep thought about how to better their lives, their families lives, and the lives of people that look like them

Thought that takes longer to explain than one flippant answer of “just be the best version of yourself”
It never ends as long as white ppl keep doing da some old bs time after time....2018 and its STILL some of the same actions and rhetoric from 50+ years ago

even Obama said in that speech to Howard or some other historically black college that da conditions minorities live in now are da best ever...

hence why my question remains da same...when does da casket of sin allowed to get buried and da grieving stop?

me being politically savy, i think in da identity politics of white & black, black wants that hammer to forever clobber white wit it in terms of slavery..convince me otherwise.
You're fighting systemic inequality by becoming the best you, by any means necessary.

*nods in approval*

Life a giant highway...just make sure you concentrate on your destination, nevermind da random crashed cars on da side of da road, or folks allowed to enter da express lane.
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