Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

The Tmz dude should’ve gave Kanye the 50/Steve Stoute finger in the face joint, when Kanye walked up to him on the “I’m sorry” tip. :smh:

I saw clips from that. He was sounding like a old white racist with that "what about black on black crime" talk. Dude done gone full house slave. He is obviously drugged up and popping pills and admitted it but that still ain't no excuse.
Rappers also rapped about Pablo Escobar because he's a symbol of financial success and power. But if it came out that he was a pedophile and a racist, they'd stop. How do these fools not understand this? Is it really that difficult of a concept?
Dawg, that was beautiful how bro broke that down. Kanye’s wealth has completely voided him from the truth about how blacks are treated in his mind. Kanye doesn’t see himself as black but as all of us (everyone in the world). Kanye gotta get traded in the race draft 2018.
It is ok for people to disagree. It is ok that all black people don't feel the same way about every issue. Love
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When someone calls you out on some bull****
Wish I could debate this **** boy. I'd rip him to shreds

He'd have to be receptive to whatever you're saying.

There's a quote by Jean Paul Sartre about anti-Semites that applies very well to Trumpists. What it says is that they love going into discussions and say things they know are absurd just to see you try to change their minds, but their minds can't be changed; Trumpists are not trying to convince anyone; their goal is to intimidate and subjugate anyone they think is inferior to them.

This why it is foolish to entertain their attempts at "debate." The only language they understand is force.
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