Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I disagree. His comments are very problematic.

And when he is challenge about his views, he can't even give a defense to them besides claiming he is "a free thinkers".

Problematic for who? How is what Kanye’s saying going to make things any worse in America for Black ppl?
Problematic for who? How is what Kanye’s saying going to make things any worse in America for Black ppl?
What kanye said is very troubling, he's an unfit role model to the youth and he is willingly being used as tool of destruction by the alt right. When you get a self hating black man of his power in position it affects all those under. In the words of MLK "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"
Problematic for who? How is what Kanye’s saying going to make things any worse in America for Black ppl?
How is that the criteria we judge his words on? And him consigning a vile bigot without considering what that represents not make his word problematic? Is he trying to place the blame of America's greatest sin on the victims of that plunder not make his words problematic?

He words don't have directly make the life of a black person worst for them to be problematic. They can be that way because they are uninformed, ignorant and inconsiderate to a group of people that have had to deal with worst of what white supremacy has dealt out.

Also Kanye West is endorsing a vile bigot that is using his power to make the lives of many minorities worst. He has already done so in his limited time in office, anyone paying attention to politics knows this. Kanye has the influence of many, if his nonsense is taken seriously and more people adopt this ignorance then less might vote against Trump. Trump only became president by the slimmest of margin too. Then Trump will have more time to negatively affect the lives of people Kanye swears he cares about. And white supremacist will have Kanye's words to use as a rhetorical shield

Kanye West can't demand a free and open platform of ideas that go against the supposed status quo, they have an issue when pushback comes. In that case, he is not demanding freedom, he demanding privilege. At a minimum, he should at least have a defense for his views beyond hand waving, narcissistic deflections
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What kanye said is very troubling, he's an unfit role model to the youth and he is willingly being used as tool of destruction by the alt right. When you get a self hating black man of his power in position it affects all those under. In the words of MLK "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"

Why do y’all think he hate himself though? Because he don’t agree with y’all views on slavery? It’s dangerous to me that y’all putting that on that man just because he has a different view. I don’t think he’s coming from a malicious place with what he’s saying, call me naive I guess. It’s weird to me that a while back, Wayne straight up said **** Black lives matter but this is what y’all choosing to run with.
Those Kardashians gotta be white supremacists to have Kanye out here in the streets like this.
Kanye gotta understand that despite all the white folks he surrounded by, that white privilege doesn't transfer over no matter how many 0's in his bank account.

Kanye wanna speak for Kanye, and I feel him on that I really do, but thats a privilege only white folks have.
Problematic for who? How is what Kanye’s saying going to make things any worse in America for Black ppl?
Problematic for the truth.

What he is saying is false. Straight up. His words are not problematic because he wants to mislead, they are problematic because he speaks ignorantly about blackness and American history with the confidence of an erudite person.

And he has millions of followers. That's dangerous.
Why do y’all think he hate himself though? Because he don’t agree with y’all views on slavery? It’s dangerous to me that y’all putting that on that man just because he has a different view. I don’t think he’s coming from a malicious place with what he’s saying, call me naive I guess. It’s weird to me that a while back, Wayne straight up said **** Black lives matter but this is what y’all choosing to run with.
In the grand scheme of things, whether or not anyone thinks Kanye is irrelevant to the point.

When did anyone imply that our issue is that he doesn’t agree with us? The issue is that he’s more than likely using this type of rhetoric in this climate for promotion, or is it not a promo tool, now?

Were people letting it rock when Wayne said that?
Those Kardashians gotta be white supremacists to have Kanye out here in the streets like this.
The kardashians only care about money and probably aren’t even on the level to spit anything to kanye. He’s been watching too many red pill youtube vids and “free thinkers”. Dude is just extremely easily influenced and surrounded by yes men and enablers(Kim) that don’t tell him no. Only when it hurts her money
Kanye gotta understand that despite all the white folks he surrounded by, that white privilege doesn't transfer over no matter how many 0's in his bank account.

Kanye wanna speak for Kanye, and I feel him on that I really do, but thats a privilege only white folks have.
Kanye straight up say he wants to deprogram and influence folk; so if he wants to enter the marketplace of ideas, his ideas are open for attack .

He can't run behind the I'm just talking for myself shield whenever it suits him.

But you are right, he not only craves acceptance from whites, he wants white privilege.
Why do y’all think he hate himself though? Because he don’t agree with y’all views on slavery? It’s dangerous to me that y’all putting that on that man just because he has a different view. I don’t think he’s coming from a malicious place with what he’s saying, call me naive I guess. It’s weird to me that a while back, Wayne straight up said **** Black lives matter but this is what y’all choosing to run with.
Kanye has said more than enough to show he lacks self esteem and he hates himself. He got lipo because people were calling him fat. He doesn't care to understand the plight of transatlantic slavery. He showed no respect to the oppression of blacks. He said he doesn't want to be minimized to being black when he represents all of us when in actuality he can't be all of us. Wayne has never been an advocate for black youth, he never attempted to set up jobs for impoverished youth. Wayne has been washed, son is an idiot. But saying **** black lives matter does not equal victimizing my ancestors by saying " slavery was a choice". You wouldn't tell a girl that got sexually assaulted " should have worn a longer dress" so why should Kanye get a pass for that dumb **** he said?


All Biscuitye needs to do now is perform for Trump. Hell prob perform at the Republican National Convention.
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