Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Pharrell rarely gives speeches like this and he doesn't claim to be some deep thinker like this other dude but when Pharrell talks he actually has a point and makes sense.

Find it interesting that a lot of the feedback from leftys is telling Kanye to just shut up and stick to rap ...

I seem to recall a recent incident with another famous person where Rightys said shut up and stick to entertainment ... They were called racists, bigots etc.

I think what Kanye is doing is exactly what is needed ... He is forcing people to make a choice of whether you are going to continue to dwell on the past or live in the present ... It might sound insensitive, but the existence of slavery will not change, the broad cascading implications will not change ... And the only way to move forward is to assimilate and conquer from within ... As long as you use an excuse, you'll never make progress ...

It's a messed up approach, but the end game is what is needed ... People need to get mad, appropriately ...

reminds me of that news reporter telling Lebron to shut up and play basketball or something like that.
Who said this though? Sounds like a massive reach.

i've seen it before on instagram (i believe theres a popular meme on it) + kanye said he was told this multiple times when he was trying to break into fashion.

edit* here's the vid

Also dangerous to dismiss opposing views simply as contrarian or invalid.
Nullify the messenger & one doesn't have to deal with the message.
Also dangerous to dismiss opposing views simply as contrarian or invalid.
Nullify the messenger & one doesn't have to deal with the message.
Except nobody's doing this, this whole thread is full of rebuttals to kanye's own opinions. It's strange to see people conflate rebuttals to "shutting down the conversation" or in this case, "nullifying the messenger". Dude's free to talk all he wants and people are free to respond to what he says.
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