**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Great win tonight. Was only to catch the last couple mins tho :smh:. Is there any reason DLo wasnt in down the stretch?
Luke coaches with feel, like Phil did.

Sometimes Phil would sit Bynum, sometimes he'd play 10 minutes in the 4th.

If Farmar had it going, he'd ride with him.

He went on matchups, how momentum was going, etc.

DLo was cooking in the 3rd, kept the game close. But in the 4th, he had mojo with Lou/Clarkson, he went size/better defense with Young (what the hell is going on?????) instead of DLo late.

Same as he pulled Nance for Mozgov late, but in the final moments went back to Nance so they could switch everything. Feel.

Basically, the exact opposite of every stupid *** thing Byron ever did.

Luke is going to roll 10-11 deep every night, no one is gonna play 32-33 minutes, he'll have wave after wave of energy in the 4th quarter of games while one man teams like Houston-Sac try to survive off 38-39 minutes of Harden, Boogie etc. Our depth could be an asset, in several ways. Health, development for more than 5-6 guys, energy, versatility, O vs D matchups, etc.

It's awesome. This is the stuff we envisioned 2-3 years ago when we begged for tanking. Waves of youth/energy, a smart coach molding it all, cheap labor, and then supplement them with money spent when the time comes.

This is a dream come true right now. :smokin
I'm sorry, but you are speaking completely like someone who has never played/coached basketball at a high level.

eyes as to whether or not a guy has "it" without looking at any stats. Numbers like per 36 and per 48 because it is making an assumption that someone could keep up the exact performance level for an even longer period of time than they actually showed. I'm not saying Dlo can't become great, but to say he is even at this point in time with porzingis or Booker is silly. If you watched any games of all 3 you would see that isn't the case just on the eye test. Dlo shows flashes but the other 2 have done it on a more consistent basis especially this year. Porzingis is killing it right while having to share the ball with melo AND D rose on his team.

Didn't know I was speaking to Tex Winter. I apologize.

Again as you're railing about eye test and this and that. You're missing the point.

All things can be broken down into numbers. Like your precious DLo is lazy on defense, that has a negative impact on the defense, and that is QUANTIFIABLE. What's so hard for you to get about that.

On another note, eye test is worthless without something to back it up. If you make all decisions by eye test, and never take into account past success, then you're doomed to fail. Because law of averages, regression to the mean are real and actual things. (Similar to the hot hand fallacy. Sure someone can have a hot hand, and make everything, but that number eventually come back to where it was always meant to be).

Does that mean numbers are always correct? No. Because someone could buck the trend, and all of a sudden figure out the proper form for a shot, or where to stand on defense in a P&R, whether to attack to ball handler, stick to the roll man, or lay back and force a shot. And even though those typically are fixes you can make optically, there's numbers to find for it.

Sure can you make feel decisions? yes of course. And it's fine too. Because not everything is quantifiable in the moment.

But over stretches of games of games should you make eye test judgement without the data to back it? No. Because the data will show the better decision over time. Eye test is a short term data set, whereas numbers are your long term, standard deviation tool. The later is far more reliable.

Think of the quote from Moneyball...Something along these lines "Look at his girlfriend. He's no good because she's ugly. It means he doesn't have good eyes."

It's similar to the same nonsense of look at Russell, he's dogging it because I don't think he's running fast enough. He LOOKS like he doesn't care.

Again, all the things that you hate about Russell and how he plays or whatever we're talking about defense. He's still at worst the same defender as Booker. That means something. Especially if Russell has no confidence and doesn't care, and Booker does care and is confident.

It's like saying Porzingis & Booker are playing lights out, and are "setting the league on fire." And are more consistent. When you look at how you measure consistency, success, -and skill..... They're not.

DLo has the ball on the team more than anybody. Porzingis 2nd most on his team. Each team has the same Offensive Efficiency 104.2.

BUT hell of course what am I talking about? It feels like it, so it must be true.
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Still not much of a fan of how Randle & Russell are handled in the 4th..

All the rotation kind of bugs me. I'm fine with the 10 guys who play, they all deserve to play, but the minutes need some sorting out

Whats the issue with how Randle is being used?

At first I thought DRuss shoulda been out there but I think Luke is going with whatever is flowing.

I think we wait too far into the 4th with Randle & Russell in general.

Conservation is fine, and if he wants to do that through the game, I'm good with that. But if you're taking them out 5 minutes left in the 3rd, and have the quarter break... You're playing with fire waiting all the way to 5 minutes in the 4th to get Randle back in. Which is what he did for Randle last night, and in the Suns game, and did with Russell in the Suns game as well. Didn't catch the Mavs game (probably should have with what I actually was watching :x )

Russell & Clarkson play 26 mpg each. Randle 28 mpg... I get conservation, I really do, and think it's necessary. You shouldn't be pulling a Thibs and playing Deng for what might have been like 47 mpg a night, even when he might have been dying... But those are your guys you're playing and dealing with going forward.. Should be more minutes carved out for all of them. Because in the future, we'll need more reliance on them to play 32-33-34-35 minutes a night. Clarkson may be a special case because he's coming off the bench. That leads to some flux, but we should be hoping he gets a consistent set of minutes. Ingram gets a pass for the time being because of not having the pace, but that 21.2 right now, needs to start creeping upward as the season goes on.
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I get the D'Lo criticism and am a tad disappointed in his play myself, but he's been solid for the most part and that's without a big breakout game.

Not everybody is going to have a individual start to their careers like Kyrie or Lillard. And he has legit competition for minutes with Clarkson and Lou who have been balling themselves.
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Ingram should definitely be starting over Deng right now.

Eye test and #'s mean something but I'm always gonna go with what I see on the court over looking at stats. Especially in basketball.
great bounce back win after the let down on Tuesday

not just the win, but the way the team fought back, on the road too. 

  wins like this will only help the players buy into what Luke is preaching

LAkers baby!
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Dlo will be fine. Y'all act like the kid can't score whenever he feel like it. He's just trying to run the offense and get the team involved. If dlo were shooting them shots that booker shoots, scoring over 30 but the Lakers have a 2-7 record y'all would be calling him a hog and saying that he should pass more lol
Every player who plays meaningful minutes has an above avg PER (except Deng and Ingram). 5 players score 14 or more a game. If this team finishes anywhere near .500 Luke needs to be seriously considered for COY
lakers weaksauce...

Luol DUNG :x
This will be used going forward. :lol:
Gotta love the way this team fights. Love love love it
Such a difference from the past few seasons. :nthat:
We still shoveling dirt on the young guys, or???
I'm sure they will. :lol:
Randle :lol: :lol:

Tryna get his Draymond on and piss people off :pimp:
:smokin So that's Tyson and Boogie already this year right? :lol:
I was mocked and ridiculed when I said I wanted to wait and see how he looked in Luke's system.
I remember. You had that Pokémon type Foresight. :lol:
Nick Young says the coaching staff is the reason for his good play this year...

Byron at home
View media item 2226875
Unless he is still trying to setup fades via internet. :lol:
Man it's so refreshing to see this lakers squad compared to the last few years!
THIS. :smokin
Also, 3angelo is my PG and I'm proud but I'd trade him for Booker in a heartbeat no hesitation.
I think many of us would based on eye test alone.

Lol Devin Booker is not a better basketball player than dlo

Bro you're a blatant DLo stan, have been since he was in college :lol:
I don't expect you to be objective about the comparison, so no point in even discussing it tbh
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Ok the one thing Booker does is shoot and Dlo has shot better than him since February 2016. What other skillset does Booker have other than being a volume shooter who hasn't shot well in extended minutes (he's shot well in the last week tho)? He can't create like Dlo. He can't pass like Dlo. He can't score from the post like Dlo. So what is it? His shooting is not better. Look at the percentages.

Coach Walton touching on

-giving props to Juju 

-D'Lo's TO's...wants him to hit singes and not always go for the big play

9 games into the season, i have confidence D'lo will let the game come to him
It's very fair to say Booker is not as good as D'Lo.

Booker is a big time scorer, but doesn't do much else right now. Whether that's because he lacks the skill/smarts or isn't asked to by the team, is up for discussion.
Looking like the Lakers main competition for the 8th seed is Memphis. I know it's not even December but I'm really optimistic.
Lets just all agree we have a bright future...growing pains are part of the process its not stuggles anymore its learning opportunities...were talking about making playoffs and this team is being led by 2 and 3 year players...damn i love this
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