u apparently didnt read what he originally said
and then my response
but i guess whatever back and forth u
ur still upset about it

Nah I’m good, nothing bad came of it :lol: I’m just saying that it’s considered a racist thing to say according to meth.
it can be depending on the context
maybe how u used it it was
I used it in the literal sense of pointing out how someone will throw rocks and then hide their hands and act as if they did nothing wrong. meth didn’t see it that way and it didn’t matter if I didn’t know it could be taken as offensive. First I’ve ever heard of it really.
What book was the passage from? The proof reading/editing leaves something to be desired, especially if it's not even a Hitler quote. I had a hard time comprehending it at first.



For some reason Hitler using "Jews" in a positive(?) context?
I used it in the literal sense of pointing out how someone will throw rocks and then hide their hands and act as if they did nothing wrong. meth didn’t see it that way and it didn’t matter if I didn’t know it could be taken as offensive. First I’ve ever heard of it really.
i dont know what to tell u
maybe if he comes in the thread
he can shed some light on it
i dont know what to tell u
maybe if he comes in the thread
he can shed some light on it

Meh, I don’t really care. I know how I used it so I’m not feeling bad about it at all. I just think it’s funny to see it coming from someone else. It’s all good :emoji_thumbsup:
I used it in the literal sense of pointing out how someone will throw rocks and then hide their hands and act as if they did nothing wrong. meth didn’t see it that way and it didn’t matter if I didn’t know it could be taken as offensive. First I’ve ever heard of it really.
But what was the context?

That matters.
I’ve said this before in regard to Hong Kong and their response to LeBron and his perceived misstep. No non Black person will ever influence my opinion of someone, who is indeed Black. Black people are indeed getting the benefit of the doubt from me.
I've noticed this from my interactions, any talk implying Jewish ppl had an advantage when it comes to money and business they take offense and see it as prejudice and discrimination.

I'm Jewish with a very observant family from the Middle East. No one I know takes that as prejudice. Sure it's stereotypical, but a majority of us Sephardic Jews, whether from poor or rich backgrounds, know we are good at making money. It's a compliment and a given in a lot of communities. Legally or illegally it still came from hard work.

Not to derail the thread. My question is, where does it say the original Jews were Black? Is this all based on skin color? I'm legitimately curious to read up on this. I talked to my brother who is very very observant and teaches a lot of young kids (Jews and non-Jews) and a lot of Black families come to him to talk about converting. He mentioned the 12 tribes how one for sure had black skin color. How the Yemenites (in terms of accuracy they are the most traditional Jews with little to no change in prayers from the Temple days who are brown skinned. Moses wife was also Black (Ethiopian).

But I'm curious why a lot of Blacks who claim the original Jews were Black, why dont the majority follow the ten commandments or observe the Torah if that was their original roots? If anyone can point me to scriptures, writings, anything I'm legitimately curious.
But I'm curious why a lot of Blacks who claim the original Jews were Black, why dont the majority follow the ten commandments or observe the Torah if that was their original roots? If anyone can point me to scriptures, writings, anything I'm legitimately curious.
im legitimately curious
why u think the original jews were not black
I don't agree with what DJaxx highlighted on his IG but I can't count on 10 hands how many times I've seen people say "yOu WeReNt a sLaVe sO wHy aRe YoU sO mAd aBoUt SlAvEry?" But there's almost nobody alive who was punished by Hitler for being Jewish so if people are allowed to use that slavery line to deflect the dark truth then Desean should have his freedom of speech
I don't agree with what DJaxx highlighted on his IG but I can't count on 10 hands how many times I've seen people say "yOu WeReNt a sLaVe sO wHy aRe YoU sO mAd aBoUt SlAvEry?" But there's almost nobody alive who was punished by Hitler for being Jewish so if people are allowed to use that slavery line to deflect the dark truth then Desean should have his freedom of speech
stop making so much sense
The original Jews came from east Africa, and they never considered themselves an ethnic group. They were simply believers of Yaweh. However at that time, all that existed on the continent, were Black people.
The original Jews came from east Africa, and they never considered themselves an ethnic group. They were simply believers of Yaweh. However at that time, all that existed on the continent, were Black people.
B- B- B- BUT why dont black folks follow the 10 commandments or observe Torah???
im legitimately curious
why u think the original jews were not black

Outside of a very very small population in Africa, the majority of Blacks in the world are of Islamic or Christian/Catholic faith. There are communities in Africa who wear Tefillin, study the Torah, follow the commandments but the vast majority are not Black. Where else in the world does that happen? In Israel there are Ethiopian jews who immigrated there.

We have a 3000 year old tradition with hundreds of rabbis with commentary who are non-Black. I've personally never seen, read about, or heard any lectures from a Black rabbi. Ofcourse there are Black Jews, no question, but the original Jews? I need to read on that so that's why I was curious and was wondering if anyone can point me to actual scriptures or writing stating that.
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