Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

how many equals 'mass shooting'? I'm surprised michigan has so many that i dont remember hearing about
this isnt the political thread, or the where in NY are you from/are you even black thread. this is the mass shooting thread. yall should try to keep that in mind.
What you need to keep in mind is that this is a thread that is a major concern of Black people. This s especially true since white supremacy has been getting away with this since 1619. Perhaps YOU should keep that in mind.

*$#%ing bananas.
  1. 1.
    the action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.

Tyson rationalizing his own rationalization:

“My intent was to offer objectively true information that might help shape conversations and reactions to preventable ways we die,”

“Where I miscalculated was that I genuinely believed the Tweet would be helpful to anyone trying to save lives in America. What I learned from the range of reactions is that for many people, some information — my Tweet in particular — can be true but unhelpful, especially at a time when many people are either still in shock, or trying to heal — or both.”

“So if you are one of those people, I apologize for not knowing in advance what effect my Tweet could have on you.”
Well Mass Shootings are highly political so there is no way to separate the two threads .

mass shootings are definitely not political in nature. we're not talking about terrorism here. there were no politics to columbine, VT, or sandy hook, stoneman douglas, etc etc. not only that, but there already IS a politics thread. so... they're already separated. here and there u have a nutjob saying he did it and referencing a president like with el paso.

other than that the only politics seem to be why wont anything ever get done from a legislative standpoint. they get politiCIZED as talking points until the next big event happens in the news. im pretty sure the only legislation that has passed during trumps presidency in regards to guns is no more bump stocks and mental unfit are now allowed to purchase weapons too.
What you need to keep in mind is that this is a thread that is a major concern of Black people. This s especially true since white supremacy has been getting away with this since 1619. Perhaps YOU should keep that in mind.
bruh wtf are u on. why is it whenever i see your name you saying some dumb ****. you getting banned from threads left and right with ur hotep soapbox preaching. this thread is not a major concern of BLACK people its a major concern of all americans. they shooting up EVERYBODY in these mass shootings. racism definitely is a black problem but racism isnt the motivating factor of most of these mass shootings. quit trying to make EVERYTHING on this site about race.

bruh u were in the fools wildin thread talking about the ratio of black funny videos compared to white funny videos being posted. you got laughed out of that thread to the point you got banned from it. when do u learn? you maaaaaaaaaad annoying g. even earlier u made slick comments talking about "now the people from the nba threads in here cuz they just realized theyre black" bruh we've been in this thread since before u joined the site. just shut up man. good lord.

mass shootings are a black concern? .... tf? white people are shooting up the whole nation. nobody spared. try to not make something about the disenfranchisement of the black nation for ONCE.
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bruh wtf are u on. why is it whenever i see your name you saying some dumb ****. you getting banned from threads left and right with ur hotep soapbox preaching. this thread is not a major concern of BLACK people its a major concern of all americans. they shooting up EVERYBODY in these mass shootings. racism definitely is a black problem but racism isnt the motivating factor of most of these mass shootings. quit trying to make EVERYTHING on this site about race.

bruh u were in the fools wildin thread talking about the ratio of black funny videos compared to white funny videos being posted. you got laughed out of that thread to the point you got banned from it. when do u learn? you maaaaaaaaaad annoying g. even earlier u made slick comments talking about "now the people from the nba threads in here cuz they just realized theyre black" bruh we've been in this thread since before u joined the site. just shut up man. good lord.

mass shootings are a black concern? .... tf? white people are shooting up the whole nation. nobody spared. try to not make something about the disenfranchisement of the black nation for ONCE.
:rofl: :rofl:

the thing that makes the least sense, is that even gun owners by and large support universal background checks.... and the government wont even allow it to come to the floor for a vote. WHY.

i understand some people may be hesitant for a registration, but as we said before... if the govt was gonna come get u...ur little pistols and ARs wouldnt do anything to stop em. you should have to be licensed to get those guns the same way if you wanted something like a supressor or certain types of guns its class 3 and u have to jump thru extra hoops. u should ALWAYS have to jump thru extra hoops for rifles and their kind. u should have to register. you should have to be licensed just to own it. you should have a clean bill of mental health no slip ups. everyone in your house should have no red flags. punishments for negligence need to skyrocket.

these fixes are super simple. and theyll probably never see the light of day
the thing that makes the least sense, is that even gun owners by and large support universal background checks.... and the government wont even allow it to come to the floor for a vote. WHY.

i understand some people may be hesitant for a registration, but as we said before... if the govt was gonna come get u...ur little pistols and ARs wouldnt do anything to stop em. you should have to be licensed to get those guns the same way if you wanted something like a supressor or certain types of guns its class 3 and u have to jump thru extra hoops. u should ALWAYS have to jump thru extra hoops for rifles and their kind. u should have to register. you should have to be licensed just to own it. you should have a clean bill of mental health no slip ups. everyone in your house should have no red flags. punishments for negligence need to skyrocket.

these fixes are super simple. and theyll probably never see the light of day
one person is preventing if from coming to the floor, be clear on that part

yeah it might not pass in the senate, but let the senate vote on it and make the senators show their true colors if they are in favor of or against to show their constituents if they want to vote for those elected officials again
one person is preventing if from coming to the floor, be clear on that part

yeah it might not pass in the senate, but let the senate vote on it and make the senators show their true colors if they are in favor of or against to show their constituents if they want to vote for those elected officials again
one govt official holding up an entire life-altering vote definitely counts as the govt. it shouldnt even fall down to 1 person like this in ANY situation. and from a logical standpoint, why wouldnt it pass in senate? i mean, i know it wont but thats cuz certain people getting their pockets lined. but LOGICALLY why wouldnt they? those changes dont hurt anyone. as for showing their true colors, theyve done that time and time again. people dont even pay attention enough to local govt or secondary appts in govt outside of the presidency. a large % of people cant even name the vice president right now.... not that he does ****. but still.
bruh wtf are u on. why is it whenever i see your name you saying some dumb ****. you getting banned from threads left and right with ur hotep soapbox preaching. this thread is not a major concern of BLACK people its a major concern of all americans. they shooting up EVERYBODY in these mass shootings. racism definitely is a black problem but racism isnt the motivating factor of most of these mass shootings. quit trying to make EVERYTHING on this site about race.

bruh u were in the fools wildin thread talking about the ratio of black funny videos compared to white funny videos being posted. you got laughed out of that thread to the point you got banned from it. when do u learn? you maaaaaaaaaad annoying g. even earlier u made slick comments talking about "now the people from the nba threads in here cuz they just realized theyre black" bruh we've been in this thread since before u joined the site. just shut up man. good lord.

mass shootings are a black concern? .... tf? white people are shooting up the whole nation. nobody spared. try to not make something about the disenfranchisement of the black nation for ONCE.
....your biscuitry is quite profound, amusing as well. Go ahead and drape yourself in a flag that does not give a damn about you, why don’t you?
bruh u were in the fools wildin thread talking about the ratio of black funny videos compared to white funny videos being posted. you got laughed out of that thread to the point you got banned from it. when do u learn? you maaaaaaaaaad annoying g. even earlier u made slick comments talking about "now the people from the nba threads in here cuz they just realized theyre black" bruh we've been in this thread since before u joined the site. just shut up man. good lord.

Hey, go easy on him, he’s quite informative.

For example, I now know that all of the ancient statues were spray painted white and Kobe only likes being photographed with white women.
Hey, go easy on him, he’s quite informative.

For example, I now know that all of the ancient statues were spray painted white and Kobe only likes being photographed with white women.
Here’s something else for you..racism was created in America by white people who have since proven that there is absolutely nothing supreme about their position in this world. You cannot name one place they have supposedly “ discovered”, where they have left the indigenous people of that land better off from whence they came. They have proven themselves to be the lowest of the low, cowardly, resulting in the killing of innocent people as proven by this very thread. This country, america, is headed for conflict that it is not ready for. Many of us are happy to see it coming, knowing that revenge for everything that has been done to native americans, those of us of African descent, is on the horizon. This is why trump wants to close the borders, he, just like putin, knows what is coming. Black people, those who are aware,, will not need to lift a finger. In fact, it is already happening.
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