Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

36 ounces 36 ounces I'm amazed how honest you are on a site full of close minded ppl (especially in regards to sexuality)

Are you just as open in real life? Or are we, as NTers, the "perfect strangers" that are easy to confess to?
Basically- How many people have you told in real life?

I'm candid when I'm around the right audience, with the right people. And NT is my home man, I've been on this site since 04, I grew up on here. I've seen people come and go. And even though y'all are the "perfect strangers" as you say, y'all have been with me through my toughest times. NT has gotten me through some rough times and turbulent moments. But to answer your question I've told a few people i.r.l., then rumors spread, people accepted and even supported me. I've come to terms with it.

Random question, but is it safe to assume that from the fact that you highlighted that one particular instance that you still (at least mainly) smash women?

I ask really just because your comment about not really concerning yourself with labels reminded me of someone once telling me their theory of sexuality falling more within a spectrum than into specific categories per say.
Random question, but is it safe to assume that from the fact that you highlighted that one particular instance that you still (at least mainly) smash women?

I ask really just because your comment about not really concerning yourself with labels reminded me of someone once telling me their theory of sexuality falling more within a spectrum than into specific categories per say.

I'll be truthful, I've been with more men than women, however let me say this, I would rather be gay with the right person as opposed to being straight with the wrong person. Women are funny man, I love women, but I wouldn't put one over my true desires, not before obtaining what I really want out of life, she would hate me if I did. Because she would know I'm not on my path. And a lot of people don't realize the wrong piece of p can ruin your life, or prevent you from reaching your goals. So from my experience, I have become a firm believer in chastity. I know it's really not for everyone, although my lifes pupose is not rooted in carnal desires. A nut is a nut, you can get it anywhere, from anyone, even yourself, but do you feel fulfilled after hakunetsu, or empty. I'm all about enriching my existence, and for me that means being committed to my core values. My mantra each day is I am the prize women desire, so I move about in that fashion. Thats just my perspective.
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1. I often talk to myself when trying to solve a problem, trying to remember something, when I'm contemplating, or out of pure boredom. Ex: While driving..... "I know the building is coming up on the right but I think the parking lot is either on the left side or behind the building"

2. The best time you can hear me curse is when I'm playing online multiplayer games, e.g. Killzone: SF. Example: "How did that mother****** see me!? I'm sniping his *** when I spawn back."
gonna pee down my girl buttcrack tonight. 
Its messy.
If u dont have to dont. Dont go chasing waterfalls.

i hated having to share showers growing up and i still hate it now

hopefuly she dont think some fishy **** goin on
Once u do dat red light special aint no going back dog
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One night I was out posted near this gas station and I see this dude I eyeing me, so I'm like why does this dude keep staring at me? So this encounter lasts a couple of minutes. So I'm like eff it, I flash him my penis, then he drives off. A few moments later he comes back, then drives off again like he knew what he was about to do, but didn't wanna do it. Then he comes back, only to leave again. So I'm like this dude is weird, I'm going home. I walking towards my hood and I see his car approaching so step into the middle of the road to stop his car. He stops and I enter his vehicle, I wio and tell him to hold it. Then he drives behind this shopping plaza and starts doming me up. I release and he drops me off at this drug store across the street, I walk in inside, throw my underwear away, and I freeball my way home.
I gotta say man, you are wildin. Getting random dome from people you just meet sounds great but the STD risk is just HIGH as hell especially with the drug addicts
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Taking a leak with a full bladder feels mad good. Imagine releasing that while you stroking

LOL clearly people here don't understand basic anatomy. Think about the last time you had a full erection and tried to urinate mid intercourse or in the case of most NTers mid-fapage. Think about why you never ejeculate and urinate at the same time.
speaking of which I know I aint the only one who has done the pull out and pinch move before... You know what I mean.... beating the guts up and you about to explode a little to early so you pull out and pinch hold the head down to you reach normal levels and get back in...

I call it the "choke hold"
My turn to share. I have exfoliative cheilitis so I frequently chew the skin off my lips to keep them looking smooth.

Thankfully it's only a minor case and barely noticeable besides the fact that my bottom lip is unusually pink for someone of my color.

Never even had problems with the ladies cuz of it which is all that matters
I've seen pictures of people who have it super bad
My turn to share. I have exfoliative cheilitis so I frequently chew the skin off my lips to keep them looking smooth.
Thankfully it's only a minor case and barely noticeable besides the fact that my bottom lip is unusually pink for someone of my color.
Never even had problems with the ladies cuz of it which is all that matters :lol: I've seen pictures of people who have it super bad :smh:

Why whenever you google a physical disorder they post the WORST possible imAges
My turn to share. I have exfoliative cheilitis so I frequently chew the skin off my lips to keep them looking smooth.

Thankfully it's only a minor case and barely noticeable besides the fact that my bottom lip is unusually pink for someone of my color.

Never even had problems with the ladies cuz of it which is all that matters
I've seen pictures of people who have it super bad
Just google image searched it. Good thing you don't have a bad case of it, some of them look like they just ate a big bag of Cheetos.
Pissed in the sink a few times back in the day cuz the bathroom was always occupied where I used to stay...low key got addicted to it cuz of the convenient tip rinse :smokin Had to stop cold turkey
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