Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

I used to fap into my shorts and just go to sleep after

Who hasn't done that?... I mean, it's just my own jizz... No specific memory pops up, but I'm sure I've layed down to go to bed high or drunk, felt the need to fap, and passed out without wiping...

Before I started living wit wifey, 9 times outta 10 the socks I had on are crusty fap socks. Id buss in one, get up 2 hours later and hit the town.

Yall dudes really some clean freaks. The type thatvwash ya hands after everything. I don't even wash my hands after I fap, but I can't let the nut touch my hands. Ill fap, grab something clean it up, and go make sammich and a bag of chips. Then go put on said item I cleaned up with, whether it a shirt or socks or whatever, and head out.

I spent the night at my sister friend crib and the room me and my cousin slept in was her friends sister. At like 4 am I couldn't sleep and was hard as ****. Waved my hands pass my cousin eyes… yes he's sleep. TIME TO FAP. I see a pic of the girl who room it is and she fine as hell and thick too. Thighs juicy, *** probably was fat, chesticles hanging out. So I'm holding the pic and fapping and finish on the damn pic. Wipe the glass of the frame off and go right to sleep. Next day we talking and little did I know earlier that year the girl who room I slept in got hit by a car and died earlier that year. Man the guilt I had was unbearable, I nutted on a dead chick, granted I was 16 but still **** was foul.

This thread is just wild

-After I take a poop and flush, I use the toilet water to clean my crack, scoop the water up with my hand and splash my crack with it :smh: :x

-After the Gym/hooping, I like to put my hands between my thighs and just get a wiff



He's on the list for something that small?

Is that enough proof for you my g?

NT Savage List *revised*

2. shoelyesses shoelyesses
3. @Comparison Ford
4. celticspride34 celticspride34
10. @Freeze
11. F furiousstylez23
12. @yankeesking92's friend who got the herpes in his throat.
13. @cs02132
14. @thekillerj23

Reading all of this reminded me of a story that this one guy told me back in high school.
He said he was going down on a girl and wondered if it tasted weird so he decided to put skittles inside her so he can taste something sweet.
As he goes down, he's also eating the skittles when he finds one gets stuck in his throat.
He then spit it up and realized it was burst herpes cyst .....


The best putty I ever had was from a 2 week pregnant female. She was sooo wett and delicious (I ate her) mannnn. If I could get putty like that everyday I'd be in bliss.
Reading all of this reminded me of a story that this one guy told me back in high school.
He said he was going down on a girl and wondered if it tasted weird so he decided to put skittles inside her so he can taste something sweet.
As he goes down, he's also eating the skittles when he finds one gets stuck in his throat.
He then spit it up and realized it was burst herpes cyst .....

This is just disgusting bro.
Have some decency.

I heard that story as well years ago. :x :x

I eat my boogers...IDGAF what anyone says *shrugs*
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I was told that herpes cyst story in hs tol, except homie lost a starburst in her cooch lmao
Apparently on NT, it is OK to post 1000's of pics of girls butt... But if even one has cane marks across it, it gets deleted... Thanks Mef...
Apparently on NT, it is OK to post 1000's of pics of girls butt... But if even one has cane marks across it, it gets deleted... Thanks Mef...

Not to sound preachy, but...

...what you posted can be considered "graphic". Factor in the fact that it was done for pleasure, and well, you can't help but view the picture as an ad for sadism.

You don't see how "extreme" that pic is because, evidently, you're a Zen master of savagery. For you, that pic might be tame--a walk in the park--but you need to realize and understand that others might see differently.

I told you it was a lil too much, last night, and that's why I asked you to delete it.

I'm just glad Meth aint lock the thread.

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Wait, so in your opinion.. A gif of a pron star shaking her booty is less graphic than a picture of a bruised butt.. A bruised butt that was asked for and full consent?...
I mean... If it's a booty Crack thing.. I got pics of girls with a anal hook up their but... No Crack shown.. Just stainless steel...
Wait, so in your opinion.. A gif of a pron star shaking her booty is less graphic than a picture of a bruised butt.. A bruised butt that was asked for and full consent?...

A gif of a shaking butt (who it belongs to is irrelevant) is definitely less graphic than a butt with multiple whip lashes, laid bare for all to see.

Your inability to see the difference is troubling...:lol:

I mean... If it's a booty Crack thing.. I got pics of girls with a anal hook up their but... No Crack shown.. Just stainless steel...

See, that's what I am talking're on another level wit' this...:lol:

Aint no one trying to see stuff like that. It's definitely sadistic, and arguably inhumane...:x

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There is zero difference... The girl was proud of her marks... I didn't even take the pic, she sent it to me thanking me...

And believe me, I don't force this on any girl... There is 100% consent given... Both parties involved get equal pleasure out of these activities...
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