NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Looking forward to playing the demo Tuesday.

Hopefully the PSN Store updates early Tuesday afternoon, not counting on it though.
to be fair, there are a number of players who HAVE dunked from the freethrow line (or one foot around it) in a real game.... Just off top of my head, Clyde Drexler, Vince, Lebron.... matter fact Lebrons foot was pretty much on the line....
im not saying everyone can do it.... but to say it doesnt belong in the game is unrealistic.
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

to be fair, there are a number of players who HAVE dunked from the freethrow line (or one foot around it) in a real game.... Just off top of my head, Clyde Drexler, Vince, Lebron.... matter fact Lebrons foot was pretty much on the line....
im not saying everyone can do it.... but to say it doesnt belong in the game is unrealistic.

LeBron came the closest. He was ON the line partially. The others were in front of it. Has no place in the game.
How are the overall ratings made? Is it just an average of all the attributes, or do certain attributes hold more weight
in determining the overall?
It depends on the position. Some attributes weigh more depending on the position. Offensive & Defensive Awareness matter heavily across the board

Ratings that matter most per position

PG: Speed, Quickness, Handles, Passing
Wings: Shooting (Mid + 3PT), Vertical
Bigs: Rebounding, Blocks

So it depends on the position. Which is why I get annoyed when someone asks why CP3 is rated higher than Dirk. As if they play the same position.
Per Ronnie 2k's twitter:

The repeat questions continue. Lakers vs. Celtics, Default/Pro, 5 min, no audio/stripped down presentation.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Infyrno23

to be fair, there are a number of players who HAVE dunked from the freethrow line (or one foot around it) in a real game.... Just off top of my head, Clyde Drexler, Vince, Lebron.... matter fact Lebrons foot was pretty much on the line....
im not saying everyone can do it.... but to say it doesnt belong in the game is unrealistic.

LeBron came the closest. He was ON the line partially. The others were in front of it. Has no place in the game.

Clyde jumped from the elbow, thats probably closer than Lebrons....

and it has been done.... therefore it should be in the game. Not saying everyone can do it, but im not mad if Bron, Jordan, Vince jump from the line in a real VIDEO game...... its literally concievable that they could do it.
If its available to ONLY jordan, and he can ONLY do it on an open fastbreak, then I won't have a problem with the FT line dunk
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

have a good 21st b-day dude...

Thanks homie
VEGAS NEXT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my bday is gonna be amazing. I'll be at the Hard my room........ playing Halo
jk jk
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

See if you FAIRLY rate everyone CORRECTLY then nobody would be a 99. Not even Jordan. Hell, after I re-rate Jordan, people probably would be mad at me because I rated him too low. I don't GIVE anyone an overall rating. I give them whatever the numbers spit out.

That is why I have an issue with the way 2K Insider works. He works backwards. He determines what he wants a player's overall to be, THEN he does each individual attribute. It should be the other way around. If Dirk comes out to a 79 because he is a poor defensive player and average rebounder, then don't boost his rebounding and defense just so his overall reaches an 84.

so how would you rate mj?

dunking - among the greatest of all time

jumping - among the greatest of all time

mid range shooting - among the greatest of all time

inside scoring - among the greatest of all time for a GUARD

three point shooting - above average

passing - well above average

defense - among the greatest of all time

steals - among the greatest of all time

blocking shots - among the greatest of all time for a GUARD (see his early days)

rebounding - among the greatest of all time for a GUARD

clutch factor - the greatest of all time

so taking all that into context i wouldnt mind seeing mj as a 99 or 98

the only low scores would be on rebounding and shot blocking ,because hes a guard not a big man

and maybe three point shooting because he didnt take many and revisionist history says he wasnt a great three point shooter.

but i watched him play and i know if your gameplan was to make mj take threes you will lose.

id like to see your ratings on mj dc

WOW. Man this is PROOF that 2K is putting in work on the mechanics of this game. Elite has no chance 
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by amel223

Vince Carter has done a 2 handed free throw dunk on a fast break before in real life.  So Michael Jordan can't do it in a video game?
If there was a Vintage VC dunk package and this game was 2K1, then I wouldn't have an issue with Vince doing it in a game.

But MIKE, has NEVER did it in a game, so I have an issue with it.

See my point?

Just because MJ has never done it, doesn't mean that it wasn't within his ability. 

Judging from your other posts you sound too anal about realism. 

there's a difference when doing a dunk IN-GAME vs dunk contest.

now, i'm not saying he couldn't do it in-game, but it's highly unlikely he would even attempt it unless it was the 1st play of the game. but even then, do you even know how hard it is to jump from 15 feet?
nice no more just doing one-on-one moves and pick and rolls.

these plays look solid. it's gonna be crazy when people can actually "master" the plays for their specific team.
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