No United airlines thread ? VOL....Delta won

they overbook flights cuz they pocket the extra money in the hopes ppl will miss the flight

they only wanna put the plane in the air if its full

that ceo was full of it too, "re-accomodate" the passengers :smh:

like they doiing you a favor when you pay for a ticket

Gotta be the only industry that can do this nonsense, playing with people's lives. Imagine going to a concert then being removed saying they booked your spot.

Gym's are pretty similar.

They sell way more memberships than their building can accommodate because they know a majority of them will never show.

If everyone w/ a membership decided to show up one day, it would be chaos, :lol:

Thing is, these things are supposed to be handled before the plane has boarded.

They have the right to deny boarding if the flight is overbooked, they don't have the right to forcibly remove you once the plane has boarded.

Just noticed the 'There Will Be Blood' quote in your sig, one of my favorites. :nthat:  

Repped for being a fellow TWBB fan.
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Even if they offered 2k, who knows​ what this guy's plans are. Somethings are more important than money. This all United's fault, they overbooked the flight that the crew couldn't get on. This is totally United's fault.
Gym analogy doesn't quite work here :lol:

They overbooked the plane for their 4 employees. That would be like kicking out someone off the threadmill so the trainer could run in it :rofl:

United was being cheap, couldn't they just call up other employees that off in the destination and have them work? Couldn't they have the workers hitch a ride to another airlines and let them be late?

Technically it wasn't even really overbooked, they just wanted to squeeze in their employees in there. Plus I thought that's what stand-bys are for? They're fillers for those that do not show up?
In every overbooking situation I've been in, it's usually resolved BEFORE boarding. Not when everyone is seated/situated.
In every overbooking situation I've been in, it's usually resolved BEFORE boarding. Not when everyone is seated/situated.
And this is what every other company has been saying. Why load the plane then ask for folks to get off. Much easier to remove somebody who's running to get on the plane instead of somebody already on it
So it took a one billion dollar hit? Bet they wish they would've cut someone a check now [emoji]129300[/emoji]
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Businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. It just ends up looking bad on their part. Just because you pay for something doesn't give you end all rights to that service. A refund and then some was offered. They basically wanted 4 people kicked off the flight. Considering that it's private property, non compliance should not earn him a paycheck.
China is one of their biggest market so it'll definitely be a big nightmare for them.
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right to refuse based on what grounds?

when they take your money thats a contract that a service is expected

hell why pay anyone for anything if as soon as you pay they just gonna take your money and deny service?

looking bad is costing them a billion so they probably wont be a business if thats how they do business
I am pretty sure almost all flights are overbooked.

Point is it shouldn't happen. I understand why it happens, but it's still bs.

This isn't even the case for United. So it's still a black eye for them because of the employee thing
the airline and the police tryna throw the cops who did it under the bus 

the airline and the cops were wrong

voluntary means you get to choose to or not

he chose not to

airline being cheap not wanting to up the ante, thats what this comes down to to me

This. Not even offering cash
Businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. It just ends up looking bad on their part. Just because you pay for something doesn't give you end all rights to that service. A refund and then some was offered. They basically wanted 4 people kicked off the flight. Considering that it's private property, non compliance should not earn him a paycheck.
It's not the non compliance that's "earning" him a paycheck it's the way the process was carried out. They had the option to continue to increase the incentive but whomever was in charge made the executive decision that they had raised it high enough and rolled the dice and came to the conclusion that the 69 year old doctor needed to get off by any means necessary.

They made the wrong decision and here comes the consequences
People trying to justify this are either spineless customers that get taken advantage of or police/corporate @#$ kissers. Get out of here with that nonsense :lol: There's no way in hell I'm being unjustfiably forced off a flight that I PAID for and already boarded! I don't care how many damn vouchers you offer me for your @#$@ airline
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Businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. It just ends up looking bad on their part. Just because you pay for something doesn't give you end all rights to that service. A refund and then some was offered. They basically wanted 4 people kicked off the flight. Considering that it's private property, non compliance should not earn him a paycheck.

Civil matter correct? Customer against a corporation.

The issue comes about when the employees of this corporation decided they didn't want to compromise with the customer's refusals and therefore decided to forget everything and anything customer service and just call the goon squad (police) to take care of the issue.

There were plenty of counter actions the employees could have taken first besides calling in law enforcement.
Gym analogy doesn't quite work here :lol:

They overbooked the plane for their 4 employees. That would be like kicking out someone off the threadmill so the trainer could run in it :rofl:

I'm just comparing airlines/gyms overall.

Gym's "overbook" their building the same way airlines overbook their flights.

You ever been to a gym in January? :x

No thanks.

And you aren't getting a damn voucher if you show up to 24hr Fitness and the basketball courts look like Rucker Park, either.
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 Board as a doctor,
Leave as a patient.
oh yeah those new years resolution phase are the worst, you might as well think of the gym as closed :lol:
People trying to justify this are either spineless customers that get taken advantage of or police/corporate @#$ kissers. Get out of here with that nonsense :lol: There's no way in hell I'm being unjustfiably forced off a flight that I PAID for and already boarded! I don't care how many damn vouchers you offer me for your @#$@ airline

This is kinda where my head is at now. I find it crazy how how people are still finding ways to defend them. I mean, I get it, once the cops are in your face telling you to get moving...I'm out. But at the end of day this still falls back on the airline, because of the reason this happened in the first place.
I Remember I was boarding a flight to Vegas and a guy in front of me got approached by a Airline employee. It struck me as odd because they went to him directly and I was kinda hoping to see him get taken down if he was a criminal or something. After a few minutes of exchange, I see him promptly leave the line and when he passed my group by and saw us looking he blurted out "shhh extra money, I'll take it...". I was kinda jealous after that because we were meeting another group of people there and didn't really have a arrive on a specific time-frame. The point is, it was handled smoothly before we boarded.
Here's the DOT rules in regards to over sold flights. Good to know considering I am flying next week.

Involuntary Bumping

DOT requires each airline to give all passengers who are bumped involuntarily a written statement describing their rights and explaining how the carrier decides who gets on an oversold flight and who doesn't. Those travelers who don't get to fly are frequently entitled to denied boarding compensation in the form of a check or cash.

Don't think grandpa got a written statement.. so yeah UA will get penalized by the DOT, and grandpa walks away with a few million out of court settlement.
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