Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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does getting cooked by kyrie make you a bad defender though? Kyrie one of the best offensive players in the game. Who can guard him?
you just said bron was trash on d cause he gets cooked by superstars

trying to rememeber ever saying he was trash on d. Pretty sure I said he shouldn't be gassed for his d. pause.

and I'm not defending curry's defense. I was just saying you can't base his evaluation on the results of what happened between him and one other player.
Kyrie hung 41 on Klay Thompsons head hitting some ridiculous shots (turnaround fadaways off the glass OVER length and good defense).

I think we all agree that Klay is a good defender. Look at the shots Kyrie was hitting. Insane. No damns given type of ****. One thing I always respected about Kyrie is he's an animal in the clutch. He was pressing, and taking bad shots. But they were going in...and he got hot and they became good shots.

Steph getting "exposed" on defense is hyperbole. Y'all will ignore tapes and stats and only acknowledge him getting buckets scored on him by one of the most gifted offensive PGs in the game.

He was really good last year. This narrative of him being a "liability" on defense is oversold.

Steph is anaverage to above average defender who can have stretches and moments where he's a good defender.
At the end of day neither one e'm are good defenders but only one gets called a good defender (or was called one til he got cooked in finals).

Exactly my point. That's just not true. There's absolutely nothing that backs this narrative. Steph is absolutely not anywhere near a bad defender. Even when he had an abnormally bad series last year, he still was not bad by the numbers. It's just not true.

I don't go by #'s I go by what I see and what I see dude ain't a good defender. Good defenders don't let their team hide them on defense and get picked on by the other team.

Bean out here guarding pietrus, barbosa, Kirk Snyder, JET( who did light up Lebron)

Sprinkle in some weak side shot blocks.
Add some all star footage.
And him actually guarding one guy worth mentioning, D whistle. I'll give you myrie too.

Kyrie hung 41 on Klay Thompsons head hitting some ridiculous shots (turnaround fadaways off the glass OVER length and good defense).

I think we all agree that Klay is a good defender. Look at the shots Kyrie was hitting. Insane. No damns given type of ****. One thing I always respected about Kyrie is he's an animal in the clutch. He was pressing, and taking bad shots. But they were going in...and he got hot and they became good shots.

Steph getting "exposed" on defense is hyperbole. Y'all will ignore tapes and stats and only acknowledge him getting buckets scored on him by one of the most gifted offensive PGs in the game.

He was really good last year. This narrative of him being a "liability" on defense is oversold.

Steph is anaverage to above average defender who can have stretches and moments where he's a good defender.

when kyrie and bron wear sleeved jerseys, they're other-worldly. Fact. Check the stats.

Same with the warriors and those slate sleeved joints.

3 Stripes might've been onto something with the sleeves b...:nerd:
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Exactly my point. That's just not true. There's absolutely nothing that backs this narrative. Steph is absolutely not anywhere near a bad defender. Even when he had an abnormally bad series last year, he still was not bad by the numbers. It's just not true.


He won't respond to this with anything of substance :lol:.
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Bean out here guarding pietrus, barbosa, Kirk Snyder, JET( who did light up Lebron)

Sprinkle in some weak side shot blocks.
Add some all star footage.
And him actually guarding one guy worth mentioning, D whistle. I'll give you myrie too.


I remember Kobe having a lot of Russ like apathy on defense most of the time since at least 04-05.

Selective moments where we would try to lock up but he was mostly a wanderer on defense.

Bean out here guarding pietrus, barbosa, Kirk Snyder, JET( who did light up Lebron)

Sprinkle in some weak side shot blocks.
Add some all star footage.
And him actually guarding one guy worth mentioning, D whistle. I'll give you myrie too.


I remember Kobe having a lot of Russ like apathy on defense most of the time since at least 04-05.

Selective moments where we would try to lock up but he was mostly a wanderer on defense.

Sell me on him guarding Iverson or Bibby, not checking dudes who can't dribble more than twice
Steph isn't being hidden on D as much as say, he's playing with better defenders on his team. Just like on offense, defense is a team thing

Makes no sense to have steph guard Russ or wall or CP3 and have your best offensive weapon go through a billion PnR's when Livingston iggy klay are all on the same team

Even from the eye test steph more than holds his own 1 on 1 against these PG's defensively. He's long, wirey strong, with solid anticipation skills.

Hiding is what Boston does with Zeke. Going through gymnastics trying to find a matchup that they could live with while he's on the floor.
He was really good last year. This narrative of him being a "liability" on defense is oversold.

Steph is anaverage to above average defender who can have stretches and moments where he's a good defender.

You keep saying this but it don't happen. :lol:

How are you a good defender when you hide and when you can't hide you get picked on. I'm befuddled.

I don't go by #'s I go by what I see and what I see dude ain't a good defender. Good defenders don't let their team hide them on defense and get picked on by the other team.

Translation: I don't go by facts. Ok

I just don't care about some nerd #'s. That's never been my thing. I like watching games.

It ain't a fact that Kerr hides him and takes him out? It ain't a fact he gets picked on? We've all seen this ****. :lol:
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