Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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So how do you say this followed by "Just know, I respect/love how you fully understand NOT blaming star players for their teams losing to teams they are supposed to lose to. You don't understand how often people in this thread DON'T get that.

I salute you

No bull"

Not understanding how those two statements contradict each other.

I am Against: Blaming ONE (star) player for a TEAM losing in a series vs. another team that is CLEARLY better than them.

What I Said: Everyone NOT named CLE isn't head and shoulders above the other teams that will make the Eastern Playoffs. So much so, that EYE wouldn't be SHOCKED at anyone beating anyone else.
I mean yeah obviously but dudes in here saying "we lost to one seeds back to back years that's bad" idk fam you gotta hold ****** accountable. But that was in the past just kinda ridiculous. Imagine if a player said in a press conference "They were supposed to beat us they were a 1 seed" what kinda soft **** is that  :lol: :smh:
so if the cavs lost in the finals last year and bron put up those same exact stats, is he accountable?
I mean yeah obviously but dudes in here saying "we lost to one seeds back to back years that's bad" idk fam you gotta hold ****** accountable. But that was in the past just kinda ridiculous. Imagine if a player said in a press conference "They were supposed to beat us they were a 1 seed" what kinda soft **** is that  :lol: :smh:

CP0 defenders use this all the time.
I mean yeah obviously but dudes in here saying "we lost to one seeds back to back years that's bad" idk fam you gotta hold ****** accountable. But that was in the past just kinda ridiculous. Imagine if a player said in a press conference "They were supposed to beat us they were a 1 seed" what kinda soft **** is that  :lol: :smh:
Who is being held accountable?

You are going to hold Anthony Davis accountable for the Pelicans losing to GSW in Round 1? Why would you? His team is CLEARLY inferior.

That is MEDIA talk. "Someone HAS to take the blame." That isn't how sports actually work. That is just the TV Narrative that so many fans fall victim to
I mean yeah obviously but dudes in here saying "we lost to one seeds back to back years that's bad" idk fam you gotta hold ****** accountable. But that was in the past just kinda ridiculous. Imagine if a player said in a press conference "They were supposed to beat us they were a 1 seed" what kinda soft **** is that  
so if the cavs lost in the finals last year and bron put up those same exact stats, is he accountable?
Easily barring injuries 
I mean yeah obviously but dudes in here saying "we lost to one seeds back to back years that's bad" idk fam you gotta hold ****** accountable. But that was in the past just kinda ridiculous. Imagine if a player said in a press conference "They were supposed to beat us they were a 1 seed" what kinda soft **** is that  
Who is being held accountable?

You are going to hold Anthony Davis accountable for the Pelicans losing to GSW in Round 1? Why would you? His team is CLEARLY inferior.

That is MEDIA talk. "Someone HAS to take the blame." That isn't how sports actually work. That is just the TV Narrative that so many fans fall victim to
Not using this example. Specifically the example where Wizards lost to the #1 seeded Pacers in the semifinals in 2014 my bad I wasn't being specific.
so if the cavs lost in the finals last year and bron put up those same exact stats, is he accountable?

Of course he would get blamed. Which makes ZERO sense.

I mean people blamed TMAC for those sorry ORL teams losing to the Pistons in the playoffs, so once THAT happened, I knew everyone was fair game.

Imagine if we did this stuff while watching Animal Planet or something. Imagine if we blamed Gazelles and Zebras for not being able to whoop Lions and CHeetahs. Stupid right? I feel the same way about you, "Blame star player when his team loses to a better team" dudes
you're really making this too easy these days lmaoo. you used to actually have an argument for wall. but with these missteps, wall getting pretty numbers in L's because of no gravity.

You didn't watch the game last night. Wall can't guard CP3, JJ and Blake on every possession. We lost because of defense last night. It wasn't because of a lack of offense.
Pippen and T-Mac now also say Russ is having the best season they've ever seen. After Billups last night. [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
Should we blame GP/Kemp for the Bulls beating the Sonics in the Finals? Maybe I shouldn't use THAT example, folks will blame Coach Karl.

I got a better one, do we blame AI for the 76ers losing to the Lakers in the Finals?
Curry could lead this current wizards roster to 55 wins easily.

All kinds of food in the east

Your moving the goal post. Would he win 60 games, MVP and the NBA title?

Folks expect Wall to match Steph in those categories when the teams have been totally different.

nobody expects wall to match curry tho :lol:. He's not as good. No superstar blood. Wiz got it within 6 last night. Curry could've willed that win.
Should we blame GP/Kemp for the Bulls beating the Sonics in the Finals? Maybe I shouldn't use THAT example, folks will blame Coach Karl.

I got a better one, do we blame AI for the 76ers losing to the Lakers in the Finals?

Same dudes who want to blame Wall for his two second round loses will tell you Curry wasn't to blame for his Finals loss last season. It was Green and Bogut getting hurt fault.

This thread is forever washed I swear.
Steph will lead the league again in 3PM. He's sitting at 289, 42 above Klay.

Still crazy how he hit 400 last season :x
Should we blame GP/Kemp for the Bulls beating the Sonics in the Finals? Maybe I shouldn't use THAT example, folks will blame Coach Karl.

I got a better one, do we blame AI for the 76ers losing to the Lakers in the Finals?
Same dudes who want to blame Wall for his two second round loses will tell you Curry wasn't to blame for his Finals loss last season. It was Green and Bogut getting hurt fault.

This thread is forever washed I swear.
This absolute worst excuse Warriors fanboys have doe I must admit 
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