Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

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  • Kawhi Leonard

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  • James Harden

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  • Lebron James

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  • Kevin Durant

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And seeing that KD wanted Booker in the 2016 draft pisses me off even more. It was all right there. That Game 6 is still one of the most bizarre out of character performances I've ever seen from a superstar. I'm not saying he threw the game, but I don't think he's played like that before or since.

he threw the game. if the FBI can track down brady's SB jersey they need to investigate draymond and kd's text exchanges from that series.

they should track down igoudala's text with mark jackson after denver lost to GSW and he joined them the following off season

Maybe I'm missing something but most of Draymond's assists are him standing around the perimeter waiting for the team to get into their set and someone to get open. He doesn't even drive and kick that much from what I see. He's kind of a system playmaker

i agree that draymond certainly benefits by having steph, klay, and KD around him. defenses cannot afford to collapse on him and so he can pick and choose how to attack. definitely a perfect fit for the system. but his decision making and intelligence with the ball are definitely up there. his pocket passes, ability to lead someone to a place near the rim with the ball, and just general passing skills are some of the best compared to anyone in the "point/forward" position not named Lebron
Like fozzy said, it's mostly in transition when he does. And again it's just from what I've seen. Pretty much all his triple double highlights from last year have him getting assists how I described. And yea it does take some skill to not throw it out of bounds but he's not exactly the one creating scoring opportunities most times
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Russ makes history Tonight 

F all this GSW talk
I see what both sides are saying here. Before the season, no one thought GSW was anything special. David Lee got hurt in the preseason which gave Draymond his opportunity, and I don't think anyone could've seen it playing out like it did. They kind of accidentally stumbled into their core group that would become dominant.

As the regular season played out, it became clear that they were great though. I remember because that was the year I was arguing with Mamba MVP all season because he was calling them fool's gold and calling Curry meh all year. I tried to tell him they were legit. They were top 2 on both ends of the floor all season long which is what made the fool's gold thing so ridiculous. I caught some heat for pointing out that at the halfway point of the season they had the highest point differential since the '97 Bulls.
I'm all over place. But several other people seem to notice you not making ANY sense whatsoever right now. 

Keep fighting that good fight tho.

Then you said..

"I dare you to find me a single post on here or anywhere else on the globe that had the Warriors pegged as a legit contender going into the year.

As a matter of fact...when is the last time an NBA team even made the finals that wasn't considered a contender going into that year? Maybe the 07 Cavs and that's about as close as I can think of."

When I already told you yeah nobody saw them becoming that great BEFORE the season but by the end of the 2015 season we knew how great they were. Your example was way off.

Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius learning from the Ninjahood deflect, never concede, be illogical, refuse to read, and move goal post playbook.

Bravo man. Bravo


I moved the goal post by sticking with his example? :lol: I ain't bring up Utah.

I like to keep **** real simple that's why I said from the jump if a team has a superstar, 2 other all stars and great role players yes they are stacked.

Ya'll just wanna stick with the ol rudy, little engine that could, underdog story with Steph and the Warriors.
Bro how can draymond be a "much" better playmaker when he's barely a threat to score this year :lol:

the 'right' play isn't always to score, but to make the move to either free someone else or keep the ball moving. When you have scorers like steph and klay and kd, the right play is ALWAYS to opt to pass them the ball 1st.

if you switch out dray and put blake, he'd have to do the exact same thing. It's bullheaded for anybody to be overly aggressive when you have those guys on your team.

you switch the guys though, clippers get better, warriors get worse. One is because of offense, but another, main reason, is because a lot of times Dray is the primary ball handler. He allows steph and klay and kd to play off the ball and utilize screens. Blake can't do that. Maybe here and there, but definitely not all game.

Draymond would drastically help the clippers defense. Would allow for cp to play off the ball more, which helps as you age. would have jj looking like klay. would get even more open lobs to DJ. All while not being viewed as a scoring threat, but still having the ability to score.

And for the idea that dray can only do what he does because of the attention that steph and klay take up, I feel you, but, he does the same thing when they are on the bench and he's on the court with ian clark and livingston.
Just out of curiosity, can we get a list of the "system" players currently playing?
Stupid concept honestly.

to be fair, ever player is a system play of some sort. just depends on the way our team works. some guys are more built for the freelance/wild cat offense. But even those are systems. Some are better equipped for a strict SAS/GSW always make the right pass type offense.

and some guys you just know are good enough to fit in anywhere. swiss army knife types. Guys that have certain skill sets like shooting or defense. Those skills translate to any system. Guys that are jack of all trades but masters of none types have a harder time adjusting.
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to be fair, ever player is a system play of some sort. just depends on the way our team works. some guys are more built for the freelance/wild cat offense. But even those are systems. Some are better equipped for a strict SAS/GSW always make the right pass type offense.

and some guys you just know are good enough to fit in anywhere. swiss army knife types. Guys that have certain skill sets like shooting or defense. Those skills translate to any system. Guys that are jack of all trades but masters of none types have a harder time adjusting.
Which is why it is a stupid concept.

It is just a way for losers to diminish the impact certain players have on the game (Usually folks they don't mess with).

It is dismissive and just outright foul.

And most importantly, it is usually based on hypothetical situations.
Which is why it is a stupid concept.

It is just a way for losers to diminish the impact certain players have on the game (Usually folks they don't mess with).

It is dismissive and just outright foul.

And most importantly, it is usually based on hypothetical situations.
​I hear so many people that say  kawhi isn't that good. its just pops system that makes him look good.
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Lol at "by the end of the season we knew how great they were".

So you're telling me that AFTER they became great, then that's when it was evident?

No **** Sherlock.

The original definition was stacked.

How's does a team "become" stacked? The literal definition of being stacked is putting together a proven core of elite talent. The team no one saw coming from the jump isn't stacked...or else everyone would have seen it coming.
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Blake vs Dray is interesting. :lol:

Blake is definitely more talented but Dray is a dog, he's tough, he's a leader even though he act dumb sometimes. 3 things Blake is not. But I can't see Dray being a great second option like Blake has been and at times the first. It depends on the team I have. If I already got my 1st and 2nd options I'm taking Dray. If I just got my 1st I'm taking Blake.
I don't think being a "system player" is a bad thing, or a "stupid concept".

Lance Stephenson is a perfect example of a system player gone wrong once leaving a system and environment that works for him.

There are countless players that have left the Spurs that turned to dust once pop wasn't there.

If you can be good in a system...that's great because you are leveraging your strong points to fit within a team concept. That should be applauded and not looked down upon. Draymond benefits from this. But that should not diminish his skilsset or impact.

On the other hand....a guy like Blake Griffin can be great and excel in any type of system. That should be be applauded and there is a clear difference.

Value is all dependent on situation.
I don't think being a "system player" is a bad thing, or a "stupid concept".

Lance Stephenson is a perfect example of a system player gone wrong once leaving a system and environment that works for him.

There are countless players that have left the Spurs that turned to dust once pop wasn't there.

If you can be good in a system...that's great because you are leveraging your strong points to fit within a team concept. That should be applauded and not looked down upon. Draymond benefits from this. But that should not diminish his skilsset or impact.

On the other hand....a guy like Blake Griffin can be great and excel in any type of system. That should be be applauded and there is a clear difference.

Value is all dependent on situation.

curious what does blake griffin excel at offensively?
​I hear so many people that say  kawhi isn't that good. its just pops system that makes him look good.
It is INSULTING to the work that dude has put into his game since he came out.

Like I said, it is usually somebody in their feelings, trying to find a way to dismiss what a player has done.

I absolutely HATE it.

I am done ranting, sorry
curious what does blake griffin excel at offensively?


Excellent passer
Amazing scorer
Finishing in traffic
Ball handling ability
Bust out ability
Nose for the ball
Excellent roll man
Excellent pop man
Can initiate the offense

This is Peak Blake when healthy.

Blake just gets right and overthinks in the 4th
I don't think being a "system player" is a bad thing, or a "stupid concept". .
How is it NOT a bad thing?

You can find a different word that means the same thing but we all know it is a NEGATIVE thing.

You are essentially saying, "So and So is only AS successful as he is because of what team/system/coach he plays on/in/for."

How is that NOT "bad.?"
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