Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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If it's really about winning, then we're just gonna hand the MVP award to Curry, right? Y'all comparing Houston and OKC's records like Houston ain't 12 games behind GS. :lol:
Eff if. Just give Curry the award. That Warriors team without KD is much worse that the Warriors teams of the past 2 years, yet Curry has been killing it lately.
DC, you can't be serious? You don't really understand? The only and/or main reason why people think Russ should win the MVP is because of the triple double avg. His counterpart is averaging similar numbers but with 2 fewer rebbys. As someone said before, if we give Russ the MVP award over James Harden because Harden avg 2 fewer rebbys then that's complete BS.
I already endorse that logic.

It was mentioned pages ago when SI did their piece.

I believe Harden will win.

But I can also see people downplaying what Russ has done
Don't know about y'all but triple doubles are kinda meh to me now after seeing a man have 42 in 82 games.

It's obviously a great accomplishment but I have more of a 'Oh, he got another one' than a 'Wow!' reaction (if that makes any sense :lol:)

Triple doubles in general have sky rocketed the last 3 years across the league for some reason. Remember reading Lance Stephenson lead the league in like 2012-13 with 5 of them. So yeah Russ averaging one is the cherry on top to being totally desensitized to the wow factor.
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So if dame lillard next year avgs 32/6/7 on 44/37/85 and the blazers win 42 games could he be the MVP?

Or is 10 this magic number?

WTF? Is 4 assists and 3 more rebounds a game not a significant number? This the stupidest question I've seen on NT. Thats also not the only reason people think Westbrook is MVP.. A big part is the clutch time stats and most importantly the fact that he's doing this with a very average supporting cast after the departure of KD and Ibaka.
WTF? Is 4 assists and 3 more rebounds a game not a significant number? This the stupidest question I've seen on NT. Thats also not the only reason people think Westbrook is MVP.. A big part is the clutch time stats and most importantly the fact that he's doing this with a very average supporting cast after the departure of KD and Ibaka.
Only 328 more assists and 246 more rebounds over the course of a season no biggie. 
Eff if. Just give Curry the award. That Warriors team without KD is much worse that the Warriors teams of the past 2 years, yet Curry has been killing it lately.
I mean if you want to be real about it... 
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Congrats to the OKC squad for buying in and breaking the season triple double record.

The MVP voters have a responsibility here, if they give Russ the MVP, it justifies chasing stats, stat hunting etc. Harden gets it you justify hunting fouls on every other offensive possession, Bron you say you have no problem with #Popoviching. It has to be Leonard in all seriousness.
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Russell Westbrook is 41 points away from scoring the most points in a season since Kobe Bryant's 2,832 in '05-'06.

With 41 points, he's passes KD's 2,593 set in '13-'14. Doing so would be the most in a season since Kobe Bryant's 2,832 mark.
WTF? Is 4 assists and 3 more rebounds a game not a significant number? This the stupidest question I've seen on NT. Thats also not the only reason people think Westbrook is MVP.. A big part is the clutch time stats and most importantly the fact that he's doing this with a very average supporting cast after the departure of KD and Ibaka.
Lol oh that's definitely essentially the real reason why. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to give him the MVP over Harden or even Kawhi. But carry on.

And his supporting cast isn't that bad man y'all gotta chill with that. They're better than average. This isn't Smush parker and brain cook 05-06 laker days.
I'd be fine with that. At least it's consistent with the last 40 years
 MJ in 88, Moses in 81?
Congrats to the OKC squad for buying in and breaking the season triple double record. #Popoviching could have been stopped back in 2012 if Stern would have nipped that mess in bud when he pulled it against Miami. But since Pop has 5 rings its all good.

The MVP voters have a responsibility here, if they give Russ the MVP, it justifies chasing stats, stat hunting etc. Harden gets it you justify hunting fouls on every other offensive possession, Bron you say you have no problem with #Popoviching. It has to be Leonard in all seriousness.
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