Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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That's crazy how the Cavs blew a 15 point lead with like 5 minutes. Just watched the highlights, they did everything wrong. That was like watching the Falcons blow that Super bowl.
I still don't get what part of the game is failing to contest shots in order to get the rebound.

I wonder how many boards would guys like Lebron, Harden would average if their respective bigs in their team let them get 80% of those freebie free throw rebounds?
Bet Tristan Thompson would average like 6 rebounds in that case

I think what makes it more embarrassing is that OKC has several 6'9"+ active guys more than capable of grabbing boards, and all have basically conceded them to Westbrook. He's an out of this world athlete no doubt, but come on, Steven Adams, Kanter, and Taj need to have some damn dignity :lol:

"Real Ballers"


Oh boy
Gonna be one of those days 
Why is your team down enough for you to shoot 18x to begin with?[emoji]129300[/emoji]

Let me guess, lack of talent
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It's an ego thing. Similar like Shaq left Penny then Kobe. TMac left Vince.
It's about chemistry.
Not every duo ends up like Malone and Stockton, MJ and Pippen.
ego thing yet Kd left to the most stacked team with the mvp from the past two years...
As a friend would say. "start over".
That doesn't make sense
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He wanted to move to the bay and he has no heart. 

Wasn't Russ fault Durant left.
is that why Russ went to Kd and asked him "what he can do to make him stay"
Kd has said that the okc had no" hockey assist " and it didn't utilize him the way a free flowing offense can. I think that's on Russ. He's not that type of player.
KD wanted the easy way out. Told that man we'll get em next year in the locker room while sending [emoji]128525[/emoji] eyes to Draymond. BAN.

I actually witnessed a similar story that Russell is too humble to share..

'One day Russell was walking into Barneys when he saw a little kid on the stairs crying. It was so loud and emphatic, Russ had to take notice. He asked the young boy what was wrong. The boy said, 'All of the kids make fun of me and my clothes. I think what I wear is cool, but they call me names and point and laugh.' Russ thought for a minute and observed the boys clothing. He then put his hand on the boys shoulder with an assuring smile and said, 'Don't even worry about that man. If you want to wear ripped leggings with the *** cut out, Do it. Own it. You'll be greater than all of them one day Don't do them, Dew you.' The kid had the biggest smile ever as he wiped his tears away. Russ dapped the kid up and was on his way without ever saying whom he was. The kid went on from that moment more confident and positive, never forgetting that kind man with the exposed nipples.

That boy was Barack Obama.
I feel that it's going to be more of a story if Russ doesn't get it. It'll make sense, basketball-wise if Harden gets but I think a lot of people (excluding NT) would feel like Russ was robbed and outside of maybe the wins angle, he deserved it more.
all the stars and nba players giving him props and deservedly so I guess but I want to see the next star that decides to join okc. I'm going guess that list is a lot shorter then the list of nba players praising him.

They can't just arbitrarily decide to go to OKC. Especially when they have no cap room for the next few years.
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