Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Interesting, so no one sees Bron as a loving family man who gives brothers opportunities when he's off the court. [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Interesting, so no one sees Bron as a loving family man, who gives brothers opportunities when he's off the court. [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Never been in legal trouble and sends kids to college as well but folks want it to be the other way :lol:

you can't do all of that stuff and ALSO be arrogant af? You can't tell all of the little people that once the finals is over, he'll go back to yachts and parties and they'll all go back to their little lives? Or how he's the best player on the planet right after taking an L? Or saying he doesnt care about regular season games and how the commissioner can't do squat about guys resting if they want? You can't say all of that and also provide scholarships? Oh.
Yeah LeBron has always been known as a good guy. Arrogant, cocky and full of himself but a good guy. I can't recall anyone saying he's a bad guy. A ***, yes,and his roasting skills are buns, passive aggressive Yes, but never a bad guy.
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:rofl: @ Bron being a cocky sob off the court and Curry not being one because he praises God

no correlation at all. plus the God bit was in regards to russ. Bron IS a cocky sob off the court. have you not heard son in interviews??

Being confidant in ones abilities makes them a sob? :lol:

Guess every successful person is an ******* then

Doesn't erase all the good he does and the impact he has off the court
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you can't do all of that stuff and ALSO be arrogant af? You can't tell all of the little people that once the finals is over, he'll go back to yachts and parties and they'll all go back to their little lives? Or how he's the best player on the planet right after taking an L? Or saying he doesnt care about regular season games and how the commissioner can't do squat about guys resting if they want? You can't say all of that and also provide scholarships? Oh.

Realist **** Bron ever said, I wished he never apologized, people started making it not about basketball anymore so he responded accordingly.
I did. Don't play the villain but when it comes down to it you don't want to be the Villain. If he would of kept that demeanor I would have no problem with it. Don't talk ish then apologize. Thats weak
:rofl: @ Bron being a cocky sob off the court and Curry not being one because he praises God

no correlation at all. plus the God bit was in regards to russ. Bron IS a cocky sob off the court. have you not heard son in interviews??

Being confidant in ones abilities makes them a sob? :lol:

Guess every successful person is an ******* then

Doesn't erase all the good he does and the impact he has off the court

bruh...don't aint that type of party. Bron subs himself out of games. He has walked off the court while ball is in play. He noticeably disrespects teams that he feels are less than himself. Or sitting on the bench playing flip cup when the lead has been run up. That's not being confident, that's being a **** head. The narrative is always about how much he doesnt respect his eastern competition, like going to clubs the night before the game or sitting out that matchup, the day after the club visit. His stans call it playing chess. Mmm Mm. nah. It's arrogance.
i bet those neck punches hurt worse than if they were face hits :x. squared up on sons adams apple.

Dude's body almost snapped in half on that dunk
Never been in legal trouble and pays to send kids to college as well but folks want it to be the other way :lol:

Nobody takes anything away from him on that point, FACT is he's constantly in the media being cocky, the ***** has the chosen one tattoo :lol:. He is talented enough to be cocky but just know that people are gonna come at him for it. And i would also like ya'll to stop acting like Lebron is this supremely hated dude who gets no Love. There's people in the media right now who still have him as the MVP & his squad is fighting Boston for the 1 seed. He gets a lot of Hate & he gets A lot of love, when your one of the top players you gotta deal with that
I've always been of the mind that if a person's perceived "cockiness" bothers you...then there's something wrong with YOU. 

This idea that people who are great shouldn't voice that they're great never made any sense to me. 
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That's one thing you really can't knock on him though. Dude is really doing good things for the community
I thought the discussion was about off the court stuff freeze freeze ,wasn't even talking about all that other stuff :lol:

What all time great hasn't had supreme confidence in their abilities?
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