Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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That's just me though. Same goes for the Spurs when they did it. I don't see how you can look at a title in a lockout season the same as a regular season when you're playing 15-20 games less.

Everyone plays the same amount of games, there's literally no advantage for anyone in a shortened season.

And the playoffs aren't shortened - still gotta win 16 games. Dudes really dumb themselves down when it comes to Lebron tho :lol:
People most definitely tried to discredit the Spurs for the shortened season, along with the discrediting them for not winning any back to backs. The was an NT staple a couple years ago :lol:
did Kobe not earn his adidas deal that he signed [emoji]129300[/emoji]
I'm not giving no high school prep a multimillion dollar contract so nah.
bruh we're both hov and bron fans [emoji]128563[/emoji]
I just peeped that lol
Ether playing on Spotify right meow..
and every team plays less regular season games so there's no advantage there

he just a bron hater
You can't label a person a hater if they don't glorify LBJ in the same manner that you do chief.
I'm trying to figure out if some of you are serious or not.

Athletes don't get endorsement contracts based on what they've done. It's based off what they can potentially do.

It's not exactly rocket science why Nike would give the most heralded prospect EVER $90 million. And if you wouldn't...based on irrational logic...your company wouldn't last very long. 
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I'm trying to figure out if some of you are serious or not.

Athletes don't get endorsement contracts based on what they've done. It's based off what they can potentially do.

It's not exactly rocket science why Nike would give the most heralded prospect EVER $90 million. And if you wouldn't...based on irrational logic...your company wouldn't last very long. 
Adidas BLEW IT with Lebby. But why Nike is Nike and Adidas is Adidas
People tried to discredit the 99 title all the time.

How did LeBron not earn the money? This thread sometimes.
I'm so sick bro
This **** is like a punch in the stomach. I didn't even knew he had Leukemia. The sick rumours were out there for a minute because of his weight loss...but damn man.

I feel bad for his kids. They just lost their mom 7 years ago. Couldn't FATHOM losing both parents that young.
“Absolutely Not, cause at the end of the day, Ummmm, all the people who are rooting for us to fail, ummm, at the end of the day, they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today, they got the same personal problems they had, today. You know, and I’m gonna continue to look up at those 16 championship banners and continue to do the things I wanna do with me and my family …they gotta get back to the real world at some point.”

Too cold about Charlie though...
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