Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ight some of you are trying your best to turn the concept very lame...its obvious which songs follow the storyline...why do yall keep reachin with all these individual lines?

yeah some of yall are reachin beyond belief. Its gunna ruin the concept. Like people wont be happy until they convince themselves that EVERY song ties in.When Lupe has said HIMSELF on many occasions that not every song ties in (ie Superstar). The OF COURSE he puts the The Cool in the video. THE ALBUM IS CALLEDTHE COOL! duh. of course he puts that in the video its just to show the character. its like seeing Rick Ross in the Roc Boys video. With your logic arhymingapethat means Rick Ross is now apart of the Roc La Familia
I mean the reachin is makinthis kinda lame. The story isn't that good for all these reaches just enjoy the music even if it was true it doesn't make itbetter. Yall should go ask Lupe to explain

Hip Hop Has Saved My Life is just
. I'm glad he appreciates Houston rappers, and what not while some people love to hate on em. Just imagineChamillionaire and Lupe Fiasco on a track, they'd murder that damn beat with killer lyrics.
Then maybe you can grow up to be a stripper
A welfare receiving prostitute and gold digger
You can watch on TV how they should properly depict ya
The rivers shall flow with liquors
Quench your thirst on my elixers


Originally Posted by B Rad Glockman

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ight some of you are trying your best to turn the concept very lame...its obvious which songs follow the storyline...why do yall keep reachin with all these individual lines?

yeah some of yall are reachin beyond belief. Its gunna ruin the concept. Like people wont be happy until they convince themselves that EVERY song ties in. When Lupe has said HIMSELF on many occasions that not every song ties in (ie Superstar). The OF COURSE he puts the The Cool in the video. THE ALBUM IS CALLED THE COOL! duh. of course he puts that in the video its just to show the character. its like seeing Rick Ross in the Roc Boys video. With your logic arhymingape that means Rick Ross is now apart of the Roc La Familia
I agree that some songs have nothing to do with the concept but here is how I see, and how Lupe explained some of it...
The Coolest - Describing why he loves the Streets
Superstar- Starting at the Gates of Heaven, Micheal couldn't get in because he wasn't cool enough, and the Cool couldn't get in because he was tocool....
Verse1-Right after he died standing at the gates
Verse 2 - Him getting famous by being the Cool and him not wanting to leave
Verse 3- The cool tired of waiting to get into heaven and going back to earth where he is the++%@
Streets are on Fire- Describing the Streets
Gotta Eat- One of the Streets Assains that is also hella Cool
The Die- The Death of Micheal and the Birth of the Cool...when he says "I present to you the Death...of the Cool" I think he was talking aboutMyCool(That might be a stretch but it makes sense)
Put you on to game- The game recruiting Micheal..

I think the story is told backwards.
I've read every page in this thread and don't remember seeing this theory talked about before except for slightly. I think that the whole story whichhe speaks about is the death of the cool in his mind. Basically, Michael Young History (My Cool Young History) dies. Now it's clear that Lupe currentlythinks that what is considered cool is not but at one time in his youth he was a product of the streets and the game (look at Chilly). So I think the death ofthe Cool is representative of how he once lived and thought. I could be going out on a limb here but who knows.
Some people are really reaching with all of this. Take it for what it's worth and what you can particularly decipher. Dudes are going farther then readingbetween the lines.
imho. i thought this album was aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitteeee. there were a couple of good songs. didnt get what i expected from it.
I think it goes like this: MYH falls in love with the Streets and is on his path to be cool. The Game sees what he is becoming and gets him killed. Then MYHcant make into heaven and comes back to life as the Cool. If it were to go this way then the songs would be The Coolest, The Die, Superstar and The Cool.
Streets on Fire is a song talking about The Streets.
Put You On Game is the Game talking.
Gotta eat is supposed to be a Cheeseburger rapping. Perhaps its one of the Game's goons.
and maybe some of the other songs have references but dont tell the story.
I think Streets on Fire can def. be interpreted about STDs...IDK why you would laugh...stds are huge on the streets...

Put You On filthyyyyyy...
Wow, this album is NOT what I was expecting.
Intruder, intruder, intruder, alert, alert, alert...
Are you serious? Come on...
Production was OK. Not that great. Lupe was pretty good lyrically. I like the excerpt from that Gorillazs mixtape at the beginning of "LittleWeapon". The skit at the end of "The Die" was a nice touch. I can't say I don't like the album, I just don't love it...
Yo can someone post the stories behind the game and the streets...I get MYH and him the cool, but the other two are still a ??? to me
WTF its right there in your face what more do i need to say. and i interpreted the streets as an extended metaphor about std's
Originally Posted by DJ Entendre

on the dvd he even says not all the songs are referenced to the Mike Young story....
he also said that Gotta Eat was about a cheeseburger, it is but its also about the killing of myh and in put you on game the game says he speaksmany different languages and lu speaks different languages in paris, tokyo
Originally Posted by arhymingape12

Originally Posted by DJ Entendre

on the dvd he even says not all the songs are referenced to the Mike Young story....
he also said that Gotta Eat was about a cheeseburger, it is but its also about the killing of myh and in put you on game the game says he speaks many different languages and lu speaks different languages in paris, tokyo suck at music. seriously dude like how many interviews must we see lupe in EXPLAINING the damn album to you, before you understand. Like lupe hasalready said what songs tie into the story and not all songs tie in. But you continue throw shots like Dhalsim. Wow i have never seen a person reach and tryand convince himself so much. Lu said Gotta Eat is a cheeseburger and how fast food is killin the population END OF STORY. Did you ghostwrite?
never become a detective, you would never solve a crime.
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