***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I spent my 80’s childhood wondering what would kill me first: nuclear war, AIDS, or the hole in the ozone layer. And here I am 40 years later and pandemics, war, and pollution are still all vying for top spot. Every time I think for sure it‘s gonna be one, the other two have to remind me that they’re also waiting for me after school.

Y2K was another big sky is falling discussion
I spent my 80’s childhood wondering what would kill me first: nuclear war, AIDS, or the hole in the ozone layer. And here I am 40 years later and pandemics, war, and pollution are still all vying for top spot. Every time I think for sure it‘s gonna be one, the other two have to remind me that they’re also waiting for me after school.
At least we solved acid rain, kinda
Y2K was another big sky is falling discussion
I was in my 20‘s and actually designed and implemented my firm’s Y2K solution, so that was not a concern to me. Although I did spend New Years in a remote part of Mexico…

But to be clear, I do think that without intervention, the Ozone layer, nuclear arms race, and even AIDS would have gone a lot worse than they had…

At least we solved acid rain, kinda

Whenever people talk about how the GOP have always been horrible (and they have been) I have to remind myself that there was a point where you could get something like bipartisan agreement on things like chlorofluorocarbons and sulfur dioxide emissions. I won’t pretend that the right were natural allies to these efforts, but it wasn’t fighting the pseudo religious zeal that you see today. They were evil, but they weren’t “shoot myself in the face” stupid about the issues that really will kill us all.

And now you have people like MTG, who is legitimately one of the stupidest people I’ve ever heard, leading their ideological charge. It definitely has gotten worse with them.
Whenever people talk about how the GOP have always been horrible (and they have been) I have to remind myself that there was a point where you could get something like bipartisan agreement on things like chlorofluorocarbons and sulfur dioxide emissions. I won’t pretend that the right were natural allies to these efforts, but it wasn’t fighting the pseudo religious zeal that you see today. They were evil, but they weren’t “shoot myself in the face” stupid about the issues that really will kill us all.

And now you have people like MTG, who is legitimately one of the stupidest people I’ve ever heard, leading their ideological charge. It definitely has gotten worse with them.
It's sad that this comic is only barely hyperbolic. Bipartisan governance with the modern GOP just isn't possible.
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