***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In an example of Ben-Gvir bucking conventional political norms, he expressed rare direct criticism of President Biden as a sitting cabinet member. Israel is heavily reliant on American defense aid.

“Instead of giving us his full backing, Biden is busy with giving humanitarian aid and fuel [to Gaza], which goes to Hamas,” said Ben-Gvir, giving voice to popular sentiment among many right-wing Israelis. “If Trump was in power, the U.S. conduct would be completely different.”

Israeli officials initially signaled they would completely cut off food, water, electricity and fuel from the strip to force Hamas to surrender. But under pressure from the U.S. and with the humanitarian situation in the strip worsening, Israel has relented and now says it is trying to get as much aid into Gaza as it can, though, the United Nations says aid flowing into the enclave still isn’t sufficient.

The sentiment on the Israeli right is that Biden is too concerned with Palestinians and humanitarian aid.

And they would prefer Trump back.

I think the two most important takeaways from this are:

-Biden should have, and should in the future, put more distance between him and Bibi.

Bibi is a murderous lowlife who doesn't care about the lives of innocents or Biden's electoral chances.

-All the people hoping "Genocide Joe" loses, are perfectly aligned with the Isareli far right. Congrats
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dwalk31 dwalk31


More like Vigo the Carpathian from ghostbusters

Trump exposed a lot. How fragile this country is

Because deep down inside, his supporters wish they had the guts and outspokenness that he has. White America/republicans have always been full of Trump-like people. Overt in their beliefs and overconfident.

He’s basically their mascot. I liken it to the Dallas Cowboys and their fanbase :lol: :lol:

The sentiment on the Israeli right is that Biden is too concerned with Palestinians and humanitarian aid.

And they would prefer Trump back.

I think the two most important takeaways from this are:

-Biden should have, and should in the future, put more distance between him and Bibi.

Bibi is a murderous lowlife who doesn't care about the lives of innocents or Biden's electoral chances.

-All the people hoping "Genocide Joe" loses, are perfectly aligned with the Isareli far right. Congrats

"The message from the kingdom to America has been: 'Stop the war first, allow humanitarian aid and commit to a just and lasting solution to give the Palestinians a state'," said Abdelaziz al-Sagher, head of the Gulf Research Center think-tank in Jeddah, who is familiar with the ongoing discussions. "Without it, Saudi Arabia can't do anything."

The problem, though, is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has spent much of his political career opposing Palestinian statehood, has rejected outright any U.S. and Arab aspirations for a Palestinian state once the Gaza war is over. "Normalisation does require really - if not legally, at least politically - a commitment from the Israelis that they are open to a two-state solution," said one of the senior regional sources familiar with Saudi thinking.
The diplomatic push by Riyadh is driven by a desire to nail down a deal while the U.S. Democrats are still in the White House and control the Senate, as well as growing concern about the military reach of Iran, which has proxies in Saudi Arabia's neighbours Iraq and Yemen, besides Lebanon, Syria and Gaza. In the past, many Democratic lawmakers have resisted such pacts and denounced Riyadh for its military intervention in Yemen, propping up oil prices, and its role in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. But with Biden keen on a deal, now might be the best opportunity to get an agreement through Congress, the sources familiar with Saudi thinking said. The Saudi officials have not spelled out exactly what an acceptable "pathway" to a Palestinian state would involve, giving them leeway to strike a deal with Israel that does not involve any binding moves, the regional sources said.

There has also been no attempt to revive the policy long advocated by Saudi Arabia that offered Israel normal ties with the entire Arab world in return for its withdrawal from territories occupied in the 1967 war. The Gulf Research Center's Sagher said, however, that Riyadh and other Arab diplomats have told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other visiting U.S. officials that without concrete and serious U.S. pressure on Israel, Palestinian statehood would not happen.
Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of full-auto?

Why am I paying an extra $5k if I can't peruse the hub on the freeway?

Because it's not 100% perfected yet. It isn't "iRobot" Audis yet.

And yes, the guy in the Cybertruck video is a first class a******! If he gets into an accident, he'll say it wasn't his fault, it's his Tesla's fault. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Hey smacked ***, feel free to drive without your seatbelt. There is instructions in the owners manuals how to disable the chime. I just hope you enjoyed having your head on your shoulders because once that airbag comes out, it may be in the backseat. Either that or you'll just have a broken neck.

EDIT: I thought about this some more. Where was his faux outrage for the seatbelt reminder chime before now? He's only doing it to score points for the MAGA crowd and anyone who hates government overreact. Strange as he could have been on this pulpit for DECADES as the chime became a thing in.... OCTOBER 1975!! That's when NHTSA made it mandatory. Some cars already had it since '72 but just now he wants to whine about it. GO AWAY!!!
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Hey smacked ***, feel free to drive without your seatbelt. There is instructions in the owners manuals how to disable the chime. I just hope you enjoyed having your head on your shoulders because once that airbag comes out, it may be in the backseat. Either that or you'll just have a broken neck.
Oh, you know he wears his seatbelt. Just like rich people who call college a waste of time send all their kids to good schools. It’s just pandering to Early Kuyleriest of self-destructive “libertarian” inanity the right has.
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