***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is such a a bull**** comment

You are free to post something to discuss

No one has to cater to your preferred topic, in your preferred manner.

Where did I lie? Dude clearly left out how the middle and lower class are taxed as well, specifically singled out “wealthy” NY Taxpayers. ALL the taxpayers contributed to that 53. Poor and rich.

And like I said, several migrants were just on surveillance cameras mollywhopping cops.

Show me one lie in my original statement….
AP story:

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal appeals panel ruled Tuesday that Donald Trump can face trial on charges that he plotted to overturn the results of the 2020 election, rejecting the former president’s claims that he is immune from prosecution.

The decision marks the second time in as many months that judges have spurned Trump’s immunity arguments and held that he can be prosecuted for actions undertaken while in the White House and in the run-up to Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol. But it also sets the stage for additional appeals from the Republican ex-president that could reach the U.S. Supreme Court. The trial was originally set for March, but it was postponed last week and the judge didn’t immediately set a new date.
Where did I lie?
Well with this comment first off.

Words have meaning in context.

You said we don't discuss certain topics after writing this...

50 right. Blacks can’t get reparations while Jews and the American Indians have received theirs…..

The context there is people in this thread don't talk about the unfairness of how certain groups get reparations and black people haven't.

Not just that he misrepresented the tax base.

Dude clearly left out how the middle and lower class are taxed as well, specifically singled out “wealthy” NY Taxpayers. ALL the taxpayers contributed to that 53. Poor and rich.

And like I said, several migrants were just on surveillance cameras mollywhopping cops.

Yes all tax payers contribute to the tax base. But

Secondly his point about the 54 million being a small percentage of the total budget, and in fact total migrant spending is true.

Third, immigration experts always say that when a place experiences a surge in migration, capacity and the quickness they can be integrated into society matters.

America is **** at capacity but does a better job than other places at integration that is why we see lower instances of crime among immigrant populations.

These people are legally waiting for a decision on their case. A back log is delaying work permit. It would be wise to subsidize people in the short run because if you don't people might turn to other means to make money. Those have more negative impacts on communities.

This whole logic seems out of whack.

First, yeah a few migrants broke the law. They should be arrest and deported. But the vast majority of migrants are law abiding. Most of the money are going to people breaking zero laws.

So what Adam shouldn't do the smart thing because poor people pay taxes? Because some rich dude like 50 cent wanna whine at taxes again? Because some tax payers don't like what tax dollars are being used for? And because of some twisted pro black zero sum thinking?

None of those arguments are convincing to me.

Show me one lie in my original statement….
See first comment

-Furthermore, Republicans are the ones sending these refugees to cites, are blocking funding from the federal government to cities, are blocking any fixes.

Spending on migrants are not the thing holding up reparations for black people.

But let us listen to 50 cent's hot take a out showing people the slightest bit of kindness
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Trump just posted: "A President of the United States must have Full Immunity in order to properly function and do what has to be done for the good of the Country. A Nation-destroying ruling like this cannot be allowed to stand. So bad, and so dangerous for our nation. Save Presidential Immunity."

Trump spokesman already said they'll appeal, obviously.

Vaughn Hillyard from NBC News with a great rebuke moments ago:

"I think it is worth noting when we're talking about the political context of this, and Presidential Immunity, you will recall that Donald Trump has, repeatedly over the past year, suggested and asserted that if he were to get back into the White House in 2025, he would direct a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Biden.

Which runs counter to the very argument that he is now claiming here, through this proceeding."

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