***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This ladies delivery is certainly.. unique.

alonzo-mourning-gary-payton (1).gif

Nothing for affordable housing, nothing for mental health services — more policing. And the biggest issue on the trains is homelessness and mental health issues.

What stuck out to me amongst that pile of misery is banning those convicted of a “violent crime” from the use of public transport.

First of all that doesn’t even sound legal on paper. Second, we all know poverty breeds crime. I’m assuming public transport is generally less expensive than driving, correct me if I’m wrong.

Ideally, prison is meant to rehabilitate. To atone for your crimes and use your time in jail to leave as a free and better version of yourself than the one who first arrived.
Again, this is all ideally, because that’s very far from reality.

I think this public transport ban is a perfect example of that. It is basically double punishment. It could hypothetically sabotage job opportunities, incur unnecessary costs of having to drive, …

Public transport is essential for my job, because I’m banned from driving due to epilepsy. What about those people?
Dem Womens Caucus wore white for women’s rights and the republicans put a woman in her kitchen for their response. They must’ve seen that guy that said he would never vote for Haley cause women belong in the kitchen.

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