***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Joe Biden off the spice melange last night.

tbh they should just let Biden lose. Joe Biden out there is more important than whatever gaffs he might do.

Wait, lose or loose?

Let him lose the election? Or let him loose to do his thing?
The man has no shame 😂😂.

I don't even think it's for the money that he's doing it. It has to be that scammer high he misses.
I wonder if there are studies on this; the degree to which scammers seem more addicted to the high than the money.

It’s a silly example but when I was still very active in selling social media usernames, a significant portion of people in that community I had some level of association with ended up going to jail for all kinds of crimes. Money laundering, hacking crimes that caused millions in damages, extortion, wire fraud, tax fraud, …
Usually dozens of charges.

The one constant with every single one of those people is that they constantly bragged about it on social media. Think of the type of self-snitching you see from Chicago drill rappers, but 100 times more obvious and frequent. This is gonna sound ridiculous but a lot of them also spent their illegal money on buying very expensive social media usernames like Gangster, Felon, Convict, Godfather, Scarface, … for the sole purpose of looking more ‘gangster’ while self-snitching.
Which was funny because these were pasty white dudes who sometimes weren’t even 18 when they got indicted.

Based on my experience with these kind of people, I think a surprising amount of top tier scammers are motivated less by money compared to the high of scamming and the notoriety that comes with it.
:lol: People try to make covid vaccines such a democrat conspiracy and i'd hit them with saluting Trump for opening up funding to speed up the research. Don't do that anymore though, people had me fooled with the "do your own research". Had me looking up the history of mRNA vaccines and how they work only to find out none of these MFs were actually doing research, just repeating memes.
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