***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The only thing that's going to create change at Boeing is a catastrophic failure on a domestic flight, killing hundreds of (almost entirely) Americans. You do NOT want that PR hit after almost 25 years of no major airline disasters (9/11 excluded). I think American was the last major disaster, right after 9/11, and Alaska (on an old MD plane) was before it, in 2000. The pilots literally inverted the plane in an attempt to save it. They were pros, and they still went down. The cockpit audio is harrowing.

Edit: I live in Seattle. When Boeing moved their corporate office to Chicago, decades ago, everyone knew it was the end. It wasn't run by engineers anymore. It was big office guys who don't know ANYTHING about engineering or how to build a plane. It was all bottom line. They cut corners. They don't listen to engineers. This has built up for decades, and we're seeing the effects now. There WILL be a literal crash of an airliner at some point on American soil. It's going to happen.
This may sound dumb, but this is activism in action. Washington was the only state that didn't allow alcohol in strip clubs for decades. They were really dangerous and predatory, with literally no government oversight. There's been a movement over the last half decade to change that and include that oversight, and it finally happened. It took a group of 300 strippers basically begging the state legislature to do something. The first strip club to serve alcohol in Washington is a nightclub already holding a liquor license. Opens next week.

Here’s a little lighthearted but extremely ridiculous story about how I’m being paid rent in potatoes due to a loophole in Belgian farmland lease laws, and how our governmen finally changing those archaic laws have at long last given me the option to get rid of these damn potatoes.

Before I’ll add context, I’ll start by citing the terms of the current contract, which is in writing and approved by a judge.
My piece of farmland is valued at €11000.
Now here’s the contract, approved by a judge.
The farmer will “pay” me 40kg of potatoes a year to use my farmland, and the duration of the contract is set to essentially infinity. As in way more years than he could have left to live.
Dude personally delivers those potatoes with a big grin every year too.

As for I how I got in this ridiculous situation since back in 2017; it’s all due to a loophole in our farmland lease law. As I found out when my dad died in June 2017, he apparently owned a small piece of farmland near my home. Probably originally from his father.

With my dad’s death, I became the new owner of course. There was a pre-existing lease agreement with this same farmer but it was a verbal agreement. No paperwork was found.
This is where the loophole comes in.
This farmer went to court within days of my dad’s death and used the loophole to set the terms of the contract to whatever he wanted.
After all, there was no written agreement so I had no authority to dispute his ridiculous contract terms. That’s the loophole.
The judge of course knew the farmer was bull****ting and abusing that loophole, but the law forced the judge to approve it.

So I was stuck with zero options as the farmer refused to negotiate. I couldn’t sell my land, get the contract nullified, nothing. My only option was to wait until the farmer died, which would give me back control because there’s a written agreement now and that would result in nullification of the contract upon his death.

Anyway, the recent decree closed this loophole and made some other changes that are all a huge win for me.

1. Verbal contracts for farmland leases are now forbidden, so that closes the loophole.

2. The duration of a lease now has a cap, which is another win for me. Remember, the farmer set the duration of the lease to essentially infinity, claiming the duration as far more years than he’d ever manage to remain alive.

3. Here’s the big one. The lease can no longer be paid in services or non-monetary goods or commodities. Strictly money.

That new decree also applies retroactively to some extent, so I’m getting my local Saul Goodman involved to get my long awaited revenge on this farmer.
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Edit: I live in Seattle. When Boeing moved their corporate office to Chicago, decades ago, everyone knew it was the end. It wasn't run by engineers anymore. It was big office guys who don't know ANYTHING about engineering or how to build a plane. It was all bottom line. They cut corners. They don't listen to engineers. This has built up for decades, and we're seeing the effects now.

There WILL be a literal crash of an airliner at some point on American soil. It's going to happen.

We can all see it coming, especially since there currently is negative political capital in proposing the nationalization of Boeing.

As a society, the US hasn't given their government a lot of options when it comes to dealing with delinquent companies that are also crucial in maintaining the standard of living. Looking at Europe, transportation companies and utilities tend to be public/private partnerships because the economic sectors they operate in are tied to national security, and their governments have more direct oversight on their daily decisions and operations. It'll take a very strong leader and a compliant legislative branch to push for a similar setup here, and I'm not sure we will have those pieces together in the next few decades.

Thought this was a good bit.

Hope he understands this is exactly why folks were frustrated with him. You can't be aware of Trump and the right wanting to discard the constitution and be a dictatorship then run "Biden old, can't vote for lol" alongside it.
Hope he understands this is exactly why folks were frustrated with him. You can't be aware of Trump and the right wanting to discard the constitution and be a dictatorship then run "Biden old, can't vote for lol" alongside it.

ultimately he's a comedian first, and the commitment will always be to funny so im guessing he prob will never care about the frustrations.
my only hope for 2024 is the Biden gets out there, and the low bar these senile memes have set
allows him to beat Trump in the debates,

the public sees' that he's not senile, and he edges out Trump.

but it's insanely frustrating to watch the media, and bernie bro/leftist activists just repeat 2016.
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