***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I actually brought this up here years ago as a compromise that made sense since even Republicans would have a hard time arguing against it with the public. Literally I have discussed it with Republicans I know and they couldn’t come up with a logical reason to be against it because it neuters the “I paid mine” and “no free ride” arguments.

By making the loans interest free, it allows people to have a realistic path to pay them off. Also for a lot of people forgiving the interest would equal more than the initial proposed 20k and the government could institute changes to the loans they back to make them all interest free.

Republicans can’t argue That anyone isn’t paying what you owe since it’s the interest. A lot of people would be helped right now. In theory if extended going forward it would help a lot of people in the future who can look at a college tuition and know exactly what they will owe. Even the college can’t complain because it doesn’t affect their bottom line. The only people negatively affected of the people who thought buying college debt would be an investment tool, but good luck making those banks look like victims. The republicans will fight this but it’s just another nail in their coffin at this point.
But that what is owed, lol the principal + Interest, hence, you know, the only reason the person was able to secure the loan in the first place?....... Also I don't know of any traditional bank that has been in the student loan business for nearly 20 years, they don't want to touch that debt with a 10 foot pole

Why would colleges ever complain about debt forgiveness,? it essentially would be a bail out for them and doubles down on the waste that has persisted across campuses for decades, part of the reason their balance sheets have grown so much is due to all the excess cash flow created by these loans.

Another truth is debt forgiveness is not as popular as people like to think, for 1, while it is extremely popular with Genz and I'll even argue the population at large, the delta significantly decreases when you isolate for registered voters, to damn near 50/50- then you have to account for where they live (swing states ect)

Look, I am not even saying a forgiveness plan is not a good idea. I am all for a comprehensive plan that actually reforms and curbs the issues that exist in the first place. A student loan really is taking out money against yourself, ie..betting on yourself. You are essentially saying this degree/certificate/advanced degree will be worth far more to me in the long term than the money I am taking out against, it, don't think it will? Don't take it out, think it will and doesn't? Understand the consequences.

I also don't like income caps, it penalizes students who did gamble and succeeded. Make it income agnostic, if you think someone who makes 200K, but owes 200k in student loans couldn't use relief I don't know what to tell you.

A potential solution should:
1.) Remove income caps
2.) Ensure smaller loans in the future, both in size and rate, schools should be on the hook for subsidizing
3.) Incentivize certain thresholds for partial forgiveness prior to the loan being secured, similar to if you work for certain non-profits, lets say you get married, don't commit a crime, purchase a home ect.....
4.) Make it state based on where you went to college, you went to school in NY? If NY passes you are good
5.) Make some requirements on degree (I really think this is a red herring used by republicans to make voters in Arkansas think they would be paying for NYers women's studies degrees, but I do think it makes sense to put some requirements on degree attained in a very broad sense)
6.) Require schools to meet certain thresholds on job placement and salary of graduates in order to have any student receiving government loans/grants
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Your plan sounds weird from an economic standpoint

I have no idea what you are trying to achieve other than eliminate the macroeconomic upside to forgiveness

Reads like you want forgiveness to just be an upper middle class program

Which would be a horrible idea
Your plan sounds weird from an economic standpoint

I have no idea what you are trying to achieve other than eliminate the macroeconomic upside to forgiveness

Reads like you want forgiveness to just be an upper middle class program

Which would be a horrible idea
Step 1) Remove hard income cap

Steps 2 - 6) Put in soft income floor

Step 7) Reelection?
It's Trump's fault we didn't get widespread student loan forgiveness but if I want to get real nasty its RBG's fault too.
No but it’s good timing and you can say whatever you want, doesn’t mean it’s going to pass.
All I’m saying it it would be wise not to get your hopes up. We’ve seen this before with Biden and it didn’t happen.

If you wanna celebrate now go ahead.
This plan has been in the works since the Supreme Court struck down the last plan

This is not an executive order like the last plan, this one uses a different law and went through rule making. A process that takes many months to a year.

The Department of Education fast tracked it in hopes of getting through legal challenges so they can forgive the loans in case Trump wins

The timing of this has everything to do with the last plan being struck down.

Student loan forgiveness is not widely popular or an election winner.

Biden is spending political capital on something he didn't even promise doing in the first place
You know why it didn’t happen.

No it’s not but you can say whatever you want, it doesn’t mean it’s going to come true.

That’s my point.
If anything that just stresses the importance of voting not just in presidential elections but midterms as well.
I can't speak for anyone else but I would hope that no one here or anywhere else just assumes every plan or promise will come to fruition.

From what I've read, this new plan will face significantly less hurdles due to the way it is being implemented through the Department of Education.
I'm sure it'll be challenged in court either way but it won't be as vulnerable as the executive order route Biden took initially.
Texas' Attorney General is probably already working on a draft legal challenge.
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You know why it didn’t happen.

No it’s not but you can say whatever you want, it doesn’t mean it’s going to come true.

That’s my point.
Dude I don't know what your point is.

Seems you were trying to say he is only doing it because it is an election year

Which there is plenty of evidence that is not the case

And you can't address that, so you are falling back to some lazy "get you hopes up if you want" ****
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