***Official Political Discussion Thread***

RNC gonna be nuts this week

Pure unhinged nonsense that will get sugarcoated because of today
Is it also incredibly dangerous to mention that his own father was part of the Nazi movement here in the US?

Did you even know that "America First" is a recycled slogan from the heyday of the KKK?


This is the man who, after antisemites marched down Charlottesville streets, said that there were fine people among them. His son in law is Jewish. His grand-children have Jewish blood. He still couldn't fully condemn them.

Have all of y'all been asleep during this past decade?

Decade? He been a clown his whole life.
Biden accepted to be the second in command to the first Black president of this country.

For 8 years. You think he's got David Duke's respect the same way Trump does?
Accepted? He was CHOSEN and what kind of idiot is going to turn that down? Especially when it’s a clear path to become president someday(his life long goal). I’m really worried about some of you.
My thoughts are as follows.

1. Violence is never the answer and I’m glad Trump wasn’t killed. Him being a martyr isn’t a good and his replacement would do the same stuff without his baggage.

2. Conspiracy theories are dangerous and stupid. Wait until the facts are known before spouting nonsense.

3. Biden taking the high road is important and Presidential which is what many swing voters expect and what we expect.

4. The RNC will be gross this week so encourage all of the people on the fence about voting to tune in to see what that party is all about.

5. The media will continue to put profits over democracy but I like how folks are pushing back and exposing how Trump has incited violence at every turn.

6. STAY SAFE. MAGA will be looking for revenge so please don’t go to campaign events for any politician for the next few weeks
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