***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Papa vlad would've feasted on her

He's Papa Vlad in the first place because Trump is his son.

If Hillary were prez he'd still just be Putin, not the First Papa of the Soviet States of America.

Donald Jr's name has even been changed to Vladmir III
Papa vlad
He's Papa Vlad in the first place because Trump is his son.

If Hillary were prez he'd still just be Putin, not the First Papa of the Soviet States of America.

Donald Jr's name has even been changed to Vladmir III

Papa vlad would've sonned her crookedness just like he sonned that fake news reporter
This story continues to baffle
Sonic attacks in Cuba hit more diplomats than earlier reported, officials say
A higher number of US and Canadian diplomats and their families are believed to have been attacked by a mystery sonic weapon in Havana than was initially reported, CNN has learned from two senior US government officials.

More than 10 US diplomats and family members received treatment after the months of harassing attacks, which began in mid-November 2016 and stopped this spring, said the US officials, who did not want to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the attacks and ongoing investigation.
Two US diplomats who were treated in the United States suffered long-term injuries including hearing loss as a result of the attacks and were unable to return to Cuba, three US government sources told CNN. Additional diplomats opted to leave their assignments in Cuba early, as a result of the harassment, the two US government officials told CNN.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said despite the incidents and staffing changes, the US Embassy in Havana is "fully operational."
In June, five Canadian diplomats and family members reported experiencing symptoms consistent with the attacks, the US government officials told CNN, which would mean further attacks were carried out at the same time Cuban officials were investigating the incidents.
"We are aware of unusual symptoms affecting Canadian and US diplomatic personnel and their families in Havana," Canadian spokesperson Brianne Maxwell said in a statement earlier in August when it was first revealed that Canadian diplomats had also been attacked. "The government is actively working -- including with US and Cuban authorities -- to ascertain the cause."
In some of the attacks a sophisticated sonic weapon that operated outside the range of audible sound was deployed either inside or outside the residences of US diplomats living in Havana, according to three US officials.
The weapon caused immediate physical sensations including nausea, headaches and hearing loss.
Other attacks made a deafeningly loud sound similar to the buzzing created by insects or metal scraping across a floor, but the source of the sound could not be identified, the two US officials said.
Some of the diplomats were attacked by the mystery weapon late at night in their homes while they were asleep, the officials said.

Ongoing investigation
For months the United States and Cuba secretly discussed the attacks. Even the US decision in May to expel two Cuban diplomats working in the United States to protest the attacks was kept from the public.
"We hold the Cuban authorities responsible for finding out who is carrying out these health attacks on not just our diplomats but, as you've seen now, there are other cases with other diplomats involved," Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters in August.
Foreign diplomats -- in particular those working for the US Embassy in Havana -- are kept under close watch by Cuban authorities. Diplomats working in Cuba are required to rent houses from the Cuban government, are forbidden from staying in Cubans' homes if they travel outside Havana and are supposed to contract all Cuban employees who work in embassies and diplomats' homes through the Cuban government.

US government officials told CNN that Cuban officials have taken the attacks seriously, even saying that Cuba has a greater national interest in determining who was behind the incidents.
"Cuba has never, nor would it ever, allow that the Cuban territory be used for any action against accredited diplomatic agents or their families, without exception," the Cuban government said.
This summer, Cuba took the unusual step of allowing FBI agents and members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to travel to Cuba to investigate the attacks, and Cuba has increased security around diplomats' residences.
Investigators searched diplomats' homes but did not find any devices capable of carrying out the acoustic attacks and are still puzzled by the source of the disturbances, US officials said.
The sophistication of the attack has led US officials to suspect a third country is involved, perhaps seeking payback against the United States and Canada or to drive a wedge between those countries and Cuba.
Investigators are seeking to determine whether operatives from a country with an adversarial relationship to the United States, such as Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela or Iran could have been involved but have not narrowed the possibilities down to any one suspect.
The extent of Cuba's involvement is also a mystery, US officials said, particularly considering the impact the incident has had on already fragile US-Cuban relations.
Canada, which did not break relations with the Cuban government after the 1959 revolution, has deep commercial and diplomatic ties to the island.
In July, Raul Castro said in a speech that he hoped to continue improving US-Cuban relations, even as the Trump administration has taken a tougher stance toward Cuba. Any faction of the island's state security or military working against Castro's policy of improved relations with the United States would be near unprecedented.
"I doubt that it would be an intentional effort to derail normalization between people who opposed it," said William LeoGrande, co-author of "Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations Between Washington and Havana." "It's more likely that people in the Cuban security forces might have done a favor for friendly intelligence services without having cleared it all the way up the chain of command."
I've been trying to imagine the response if this Secret Service story happened while Obama was in office.


GOP would have moved to impeach him.

Faux News would be covering it 24/7.

Some politician or political analyst would slip up and call Obama the n-word on live tv/hot mic

More laws hindering Black voters.

Gun sales would skyrocket.

Daily tea party protests outside the white house.

Maybe an assassination attempt.
GOP would have moved to impeach him.

Faux News would be covering it 24/7.

Some politician or political analyst would slip up and call Obama the n-word on live tv/hot mic

More laws hindering Black voters.

Gun sales would skyrocket.

Daily tea party protests outside the white house.

Maybe an assassination attempt.
Dog whistle would be an flashbang
better get em all out while you can, this isn't da Jesus piece b. ive already had a Cuban. :emoji_information_desk_person:

You've been saving for 2 years or more champ. It shouldn't have taken more than 2 months at best to cop a chain. "You got show dough......little to NO dough.....drive a bunch of trucks and YOU still owe dough"

Babies have been born and have started their first day of school in less time that it taken for you to finally scrape up enough money to purchase this piece of jewelry.
You've been saving for 2 years or more champ

no i haven't :lol:

i wasn't pedal to da metal with da Cuban cuz i've already had heavy chain, this isn't new to me. da sense of urgency was with da jesus piece on da count that da one I have is da rare Jacob mold.

you need to step up your bougie 9.99 game up b.
$10 an hour :lol:

Soros paid me a real wage. $25/hour plus a 6-month subscription to the NY Times. :pimp:

This is why you should ask your coworkers what they're getting paid to make sure you're not being swindled.
(((((((((((((((((((((Soros))))))))))))))))))) gave me health and dental coverage, stock options and a transit stipend :pimp:
no i haven't :lol:

i wasn't pedal to da metal with da Cuban cuz i've already had heavy chain, this isn't new to me. da sense of urgency was with da jesus piece on da count that da one I have is da rare Jacob mold.

you need to step up your bougie 9.99 game up b.

zero 'overhead' and you still can't purchase. you should invest more into your education rather than material possessions. however, the education would not change anything, you'd still vote for trump if you had to do it once more.
zero 'overhead' and you still can't purchase.

its called i still participating in da Nike purchasing rat race, and going out spending money on broads in da heights, and not to mention, paying almost 2g's to get a portable Hard drive restored because da read/write heads failed on em.

and getting my college graduation ring (da biggest joint Jostens even offers for another 2'gs)

doin all that and still being on line for my 3rd cuban is a beautiful thing b. :pimp:
What's this I'm hearing about the manbaby's travel costs bankrupting the secret service?? What a time :rofl::rofl:
Damn what was on that HD that you need to spend 2g's to get, music?
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This guy is a joke... how did he become our president?

Seriously though, there are people in high positions of power to prevent stuff like this from happening and we have the worst display of a human out ther running our country? There's something going on here...

Every day it's something new, enough is enough. Trump is disgracing our country while the world joins in laughter at the circus the US has become.

I think you are talking about the electoral college.
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